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I've had good luck with Burt's though I didn't know they do animal testing, I'll have to research that.........bummer.   They also make the best cuticle cream.   I thought I remember seeing a special on this company and that they use only organic ingredients and their beeswax is from their very own bees?????   

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I use Aquaphor and buy in the small tube to use for my lips.  It's the best I've found. 

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Blistex medicated lip ointment (the white stuff in the white tube).  I always have one with me and several throughout the house.  Been using it for nearly 40 years.  Will never be without it.

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I use Nivea in the Milk and Honey flavor. It has a very smooth, almost creamy-like texture.

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Carmex is my favorite.

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Re: Chapped lips

[ Edited ]

I used to use Burts Bees. My lips got really dry so I bought a tube of Lypsyl & a tube of Aquaphor. My lips are no longer chapped.

I had never heard of the Lypsyl or seen it before.


Image result for lypsyl honey



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I never have a problem with chapped lips because I always have something on my lips:


Revlon Lustrous lipstick even around the house because it's so creamy. 


Avon Lip Conditioner (when it's on sale, I buy several tubes!)


Blistex "Renewal" stick - just got this last week and I'm really liking it so far.  


Someone told me years ago to not use Chapstick because it actually dries your lips.  I don't know if that's true or not, but I quit using it ASAP.  To me, the trick is to have something moisturizing on your lips at all times - don't allow them to be naked for very long. 

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Neosporin  Lip Health overnight renewal therapy .  I also use in the daytime occasionally.

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Vanicream for those of us with sensitivity to a mix of chemicals and ingredients.  Love the stuff.  Nothing else worked.

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I use Burt's Bees. The tube plainly states no animal testing.