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@monicakm I started out using it right after I washed on a still-damp face because the gel is a little gritty and that helps with it.  On those nights I didn't moisturize.  More recently, I read that you could mix it with a moistruizer to help with irritation so I started mixing it with my serum and then right before bed I add my moisturizer.  I only use it twice a week and use the PTR Retinol fusion along with the rest of my skincare on the other nights.  I'm no expert on the subject though.  

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The Micro Gel is not gritty.

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” -Mark Twain
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The micro gel I use IS gritty. It's 0.1% and after I'm finished with my last tube of it, I'm done. I'll be going back to .05% cream.


"Micro"  just means encapsulated and since tret is oil-based it has to be encapsulated with a lipid capsule and then formulated within a water-based gel. The micro capsules tend to clump together and become gritty in some of the formulations, especially ones with higher percentages of tret. One advantage to using micro is that it can be applied to freshly cleansed skin where dampness is no issue as you might experience with regular tret cream.



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One interesting thing I found out about tret is that it has an unusual way of traveling sideways under the skin. For example, some users were getting dry lips after applying tret around and not on the lips. Another example is dry eyes after applying around the eye areas. There's no established rhyme or reason for the migration. It's something that's has been reported in some of the articles I've read over the years. That's one reason spot treating with tret is not recommended because it migrates.

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Re: Calling @Silleemee

[ Edited ]

@monicakm you might try asking your PCP if they'll write you a prescription for Tretinoin.  MANY years ago, a dermatologist wrote me a prescription after some minor facial surgery, to prevent scarring.  Because of my age, the prescription was not covered on my insurance plan and would have been a bundle. Fortunately, I found a GoodRx coupon that helped some.  I used it for awhile and eventually fell off the wagon.  It seemed too expensive to me, to have to get a Dr. appointment and factor that cost into staying on the treatment.  When I decided to get back on, I started with Tara skincare and was a content customer until she ripped me off - kept my $$ and never sent the product.  I bought through ADC once.  They take forever and a day to ship, but I accepted that.  While I was talking with my NP one day, I asked her if she could write me a script for .1%Tretinoin cream. She said she could. I told her I wouldn't fill it until if it was going to cost an arm and a leg.  A couple hours later, I got a call from Walgreens saying my prescription was ready and my OOP was $10!  The NP gave me five refills.  SCORE!  BTW, between my first experience and last, DH changed companies and has a different insurance plan.  Had I known the tretinoin was covered, I would have gone this route a long time ago.  🤦‍♀️

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@SilleeMee wrote:

The micro gel I use IS gritty. It's 0.1% and after I'm finished with my last tube of it, I'm done. I'll be going back to .05% cream.


"Micro"  just means encapsulated and since tret is oil-based it has to be encapsulated with a lipid capsule and then formulated within a water-based gel. The micro capsules tend to clump together and become gritty in some of the formulations, especially ones with higher percentages of tret. One advantage to using micro is that it can be applied to freshly cleansed skin where dampness is no issue as you might experience with regular tret cream.



I should have said that mine is not gritty

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@monicakmHave you seen a derm for those bumps?  I would if I had them for a while and they are still around., especially with all you do for your skin.

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I have not.  They are so tiny and not always there.  I can't imagine what makes them come and go.  Right now?  Not there.  But, I've been thinking about it.  I'm sure the tret would get rid of them.  But also it would be nice to have a derm tell me what in the world they are and why they come and go.

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Thank you.  I'll go add that to my Watch Later list right now.

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@monicakm  - You can get your own customized Retin A script by those online doctor companies like Agency.  They'll add different ingredients like niacinimide, azelic acid, etc depending on your needs.  25.00 per month.  Check it out.