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Registered: ‎03-29-2018

CLINIQUE - do they ever have shows?

Does Q ever feature a Clinique beauty show?  They are on Q's website but I never see a video attached.  Would be a nice change than seeing Josie & It Cosmetics on so much.  A little goes a long way...........

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Re: CLINIQUE - do they ever have shows?

There hasn't been a Clinique show in a very, very long time.  I would be very leery of buying what is on the website here.  I'd think it's old stock.

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Re: CLINIQUE - do they ever have shows?

I don’t remember a show. I buy all my Clinique locally usually at bonus time.

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Re: CLINIQUE - do they ever have shows?

@DisneyDiva1  I remember "ONE" show but it was over 4 years ago.  

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Registered: ‎08-14-2011

Re: CLINIQUE - do they ever have shows?

And the prices were the same plus S&H. Ridiculous. I buy mine from the stores or their website.