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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Boy did Ups ever goof up.

Alright alright are good
Valued Contributor
Posts: 702
Registered: ‎08-28-2013

Re: Boy did Ups ever goof up.

Very frustrating isn't it!I order my specialty bread from a gal in San Fransisco which is 40 miles from me anyway this time i did not get it the next day so i tracked it USPS and it showed it was on its way to Texas!..Finally got to me in 3 days by way of Texas!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 702
Registered: ‎08-28-2013

Re: Boy did Ups ever goof up.

On 3/5/2015 brewhaha said:

You must be quite UPSet about. Everyone has their UPS and downs.
