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@suzyQ3 wrote:

Try loading anything you want in your cart and use the code for 50 percent off. I've tried it, and it's worked on anything so far.

I know, I threw a bunch of stuff in my cart that wasn't even on that sale page and it gave me 50% off everything when I entered the code, even items already on sale!


So, um, ahem, did  you buy anything?

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HD - I haven't purchased anything because the only item I was 100% interested in (Spackle in Bronze) is not included in the sale. I had 4 of them in my cart. I've tried multiple times to use the code at checkout, but they won't accept it. I'm so jealous of you and Suzy being able to use it on any darn thing you want! lol

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@Colonel Meow wrote:

HD - I haven't purchased anything because the only item I was 100% interested in (Spackle in Bronze) is not included in the sale. I had 4 of them in my cart. I've tried multiple times to use the code at checkout, but they won't accept it. I'm so jealous of you and Suzy being able to use it on any darn thing you want! lol

there are two other codes on 30% off and one $10 any face color product put Laura geller in google search and they will come up. You can use one of them for the bronze spackle. I know not as good as 50% off but something?

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@HappyDaze wrote:

@Colonel Meow wrote:

HD - I haven't purchased anything because the only item I was 100% interested in (Spackle in Bronze) is not included in the sale. I had 4 of them in my cart. I've tried multiple times to use the code at checkout, but they won't accept it. I'm so jealous of you and Suzy being able to use it on any darn thing you want! lol

there are two other codes on 30% off and one $10 any face color product put Laura geller in google search and they will come up. You can use one of them for the bronze spackle. I know not as good as 50% off but something?


Eh, I'll just wait for the supersize on QVC; I think it comes in November. If my memory serves, I paid $33ish for the 4 oz when it was available last time - which is a better deal than 30% (but not 50%, boo-hoo). 

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FYI: Although the 50 percent off sale  officially ended yesterday, I tested it just now and it's still working. Sometimes they don't get around to deleting the code. And I think the staff is otherwise occupied by moving to a different location, I believe.


I posted this on my thread: There is a very nice kit of seven Spackle Hues, a travel size mascara, and a cosmetic bag (retail value if bought separately is $191) that is on sale down from $40 to $28. But with the code, I bought it for $14, along with several Italian Marble Lipsticks at 50 percent off.


The code still works for the products I purchased as well as many more items.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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I've literally been cut off from everything the past couple of days.  We lost our cable and internet Tuesday afternoon.  To make a very long story short, Comcast was across the street on a service call.  In the process of helping my neighbor, the tech disconnected us.  It was going to be Friday before I could get someone here, but yesterday they said it would be today.  Two days without email or internet has really had an impact.  It's one thing to take a break, by choice, but quite another when you can't see any news or communicate easily.  Since the LG sale was supposed to conclude last night, I actually took the iPad and drove out to parking lot where I could get online and place my order...LOL 

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@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

I've literally been cut off from everything the past couple of days.  We lost our cable and internet Tuesday afternoon.  To make a very long story short, Comcast was across the street on a service call.  In the process of helping my neighbor, the tech disconnected us.  It was going to be Friday before I could get someone here, but yesterday they said it would be today.  Two days without email or internet has really had an impact.  It's one thing to take a break, by choice, but quite another when you can't see any news or communicate easily.  Since the LG sale was supposed to conclude last night, I actually took the iPad and drove out to parking lot where I could get online and place my order...LOL 

Now, that is true dedication. Smiley LOL

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Ok, so I got my order today. I ordered 4 of the Baked Elements powder foundations. Today I opened a box with the return address of a woman's name followed by Tri-Pac shipping company". I opened it up and there are 4 baked elements compacts in the box with some bubble wrap. Each compact has a white sticker with "item #xxxxxxxxxx" on it. You can't get the sticker off. And I was kind of expecting them to be individually boxed in the black/red box I'm used to from QVC. I called the number listed on the return address label and was told that they are a third party packer for Laura Geller and a drop-ship location for both Laura Geller and QVC. I feel it's kind of sketchy, and there was no pride in how the items were packaged and prepped for shipping. And who wants an ugly, unremovable white ID sticker on the top of every compact????? I'll be interested to hear how everyone else's purchases arrive and to see if all purchase direct from LG's website are handled this way.
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@Rachb I also ordered the Baked Elements Foundation too so I'll be sure to let you know.  I would except individually boxed compacts too.