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Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

wash your hands? Since we've become so ingrained into washing our hands more frequently, I was cognizant the other day that I had frequently put on either makeup or skin care products without washing my hands prior. Yuck! Am being very aware of this now, to the extent of putting a sticky note on my vanity mirror to ask if my hands are clean. Just wondered if I am the only one who used to not be so aware of clean hands before touching my face.

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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

I've always washed my hands before applying makeup (and after), so the pandemic didn't change the way I do things.



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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

@joannecha   years before the pandemic, I heard a dermatologist say not washing hands before washing your face is perhaps the biggest skincare error besides skipping sun protection.   I've been careful ever since.

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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

@joannecha   great question. I've been washing my hands before touching my face since I was a child. My mother was into skincare much more than makeup and that's something she ingrained in me.



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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

My routine has always been, wash hands, put in contacts, wash hands put on make-up. It just makes sense.

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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

I do wash my hands before skin care, then before make-up, and after make-up. I use caution about putting fingers into products. I keep a supply of those little paddles (spatulas?) so fingers don't come into contact with skin care or make-up. This is not just to be sanitary but also to preserve the integrity of the product.

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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .


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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

[ Edited ]

Well, I may be the oddball here, but I have never thought to do a specific hand washing prior to skincare or makeup.  I count on my hands getting clean during my facial cleansing or showering.  My skincare routines immediately follow face washing so why would I need to wash my hands again?  And if I wanted to get technical and picky, the first thing you touch after the washing (faucet, towel, cabinet knob, jars, bottles, spatulas, tweezer, makeup brushes,etc.) dirties/contaminates your hands again, right? Is anyone that obsessed that they rewash in between each item or product they touch?  If they aren't, then what's the difference between that and not washing at all? 🤷‍♀️ I believe our bodies were created to withstand, and even need, a certain amount of dirt and germs.  I do wash my hands during and/or after makeup application to remove bb cream, foundation, eye shadow colors or other items I've swatched,   

ETA - my dog licks my face sometimes too. 😲🐶❤️🤷‍♀️

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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

Yes, my hands are clean when i use cosmetics. Lately I have started even washing new products , except for powder ones.

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Re: Before putting on makeup/skin care products do you ALWAYS . . .

I put my face on after getting out of the shower, so technically my answer would be no.