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@NC Bandwagon Thanks for your help.I have used some of the products you mentioned but my hair is a tough case I guess.

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@AngelPuppy1 I don't know if it is all age as I see a lot of older women with really nice hair.I am always looking at people's hair and there are some amazing heads of it...wish  there was a magic potion.

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@dex wrote:

@AngelPuppy1 I don't know if it is all age as I see a lot of older women with really nice hair.I am always looking at people's hair and there are some amazing heads of it...wish  there was a magic potion.



Yes, that's true.  Maybe in my case its stress and medication also!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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You can used all the shampoo, conditioner, treatments, oils and anything else you like, but if your nutrition bites you won't get anywhere.  Get you some pre-natial vitamins and some hair, skin, nail vitamins.  Take these for 6-12 months daily before you will see the results growing out.  You may see the results before that time, but you need to give it time.  The pre-natial vitamins will be your daily multivitamin which has everything a regular multi has in it, but much more that will help your hair, skin, nails and has so much good stuff, so don't save it for being pregnant.  The hair, skin, nails vitamin boosts your collegen and biotin levels.  Get one that has more than just biotin in it.  I like the gummy pre-natials and have found several good H,S,N vitamins at WalMart/Drug Stores that have all kinds of goodies in it.  I get several different ones on sale at different times, but they all have the same stuff in them.


Now for your need to be eating well, lots of veg that hasn't been cooked to death, fruits and lean proteins.  Processed foods and sugars (real or artificial) will drag you down.  Cut back on those as much as possible then cut back more.  You will have withdrawals if you comsume a typical American's daily intake of sugar.  Sugar is a drug and once was used like c0c@ine as a stimulate.  It was carried around in silver snuff jars and snorted.  People that consume this much sugar will see a quick weight loss, but if you don't consume that much sugar, then you won't.  First place to cut back is the soda.  Switch it with lemon/lime water or just plain water.  This will help flush out your toxins and clean up your hair, skin, nails.  Drink half your body weight in water each day....water is also in fruit, veg, coffee (limit cup of decaf has 1/4 the caffine as a regular cup), tea, milk, any other liquid you consume, but it is best just to count the drinks as it is a more accurate measure.

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Paul Mitchel Body Shampoo/Conditioner rinse  is th ebest. Every time I use it people compliment my hair. Makes it smooth, shiny  and healthy looking.  On the cheap , cheap side Garnier whole blends has a coca nut oil shea butter smoothing line that wooks good  adn a leave in conditioner/oil to match. I love paul mitchel. his products are so very gentle.

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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

I was born with almost black wavy/curly hair. Against my porcelain skin & green eyes, I received many compliments until in my 20's when I started going grey!!! I began dying it at home w/ "box color"....all OK until by my 30's, like the rest of my family, my roots were ALL sparkly white and quite visible after 2 wks. of coloring. I began the journey of going for professional coloring every 3 wks. At first they matched my very dark hair, but as I got older it became too harsh against my light skin. All this time, I was also pulling my hair straight w/ a brush, straightening products, flat irons, etc. Finally at 60, a new stylist sat me down for a HEART TO HEART. By the end of hearing her advice (& warnings), she now uses semi-permanent color, highlighted my hair w/ golden blonde and although she retouches my roots every 4 wks., as the dye wears off the grey hair, it blends w/ the blonde. I'm also embracing my natural hair's texture to elimate the damage of forcing it to be straight. It took a few months for the waves & curls to bounce back. Yes, I'd like a straighter style, but I also want to KEEP my hair. As my stylist explained: THE LESS YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR, THE LESS DAMAGE THERE WILL BE. My goal is to become slowly grey and stop coloring my hair. On her advice, I deep condition it weekly and only wash my hair twice a week & rinse it w/ conditioner only in the shower on the other days. Only use sulfate free, silicone free products & let my hair air dry as much as possible. The biggest leap of faith was cutting all the damaged hair off to a short layered bob at my 1st appt. w/ her. It gave my hair a fresh start. Hope this helps.