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BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I have never tried any of BBW's perfumes or fragrance body mists. The only scented item I've ever had from them is hand cream.

I always notice their fragrance area of the store is teeming with people, I thought there must be something to that.

Have you ever tried their fragrances? What is your favorite? Are they long lasting?


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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I mostly use their hand and body creams but I do like ""Forever Midnight"" perfume.

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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

When they have their sales, I will buy the fragrance mist to use in the bathroom.

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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I find many of their perfumes to be very strong --

However, I do like some of their fragrance mists for summertime. I have always enjoyed Cucumber Melon (so refreshing!) and Twisted Peppermint. Other than that, I don't do well with their fragrances because they give me a headache.

I like their room mists too...

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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

If you get them on sale I say yay. Why not? They are so cheap and there are some fun seasonal type scents. A lot of them are very very sweet and not for me. Their semi annual sale is on now and they are selling some fragrances for $3.50 so I'd definitely check it out and see of there are any you like. They don't have great staying power. I use them like a body spray. I may even spritz a few times a day but they are cheap so I don't care. I must have about 10 fragrances and I haven't finished one yet. They aren't my full time perfume though.
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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I've never loved any of the BBW fragrances. Occasionally, I do buy some of their lotions and body creams, like VBN, for instance. I do buy candles and the plug-ins occasionally, but find that I never really LOVE any of their scents. I find them to be a tad cloying. But sometimes the body creams are nice on their own, IMO. Oh, and I find that the lotions and creams do have long-lasting scents.
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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I was in the store recently to purchase some soap (got the Winter White Woods recommended on these boards, very, very nice) and to get to $30.00 for my coupon I purchased Wild Madagascar Vanilla Sheer Perfume Mist.

It is a spritz and softer than Warm Vanilla Sugar. Maybe a little musk or powder or something to tone it down. Wrist to wrist it is a bit like philosophy Sweet Vanilla Fig spritz. I think I like it better than the philosophy. It smells 'cleaner' to me than Sweet Vanilla Fig. I often mix either of those with Pure Grace Spritz.

My favorite their is Moonlight Path...worth a sniff. It has been around a long time. Very calming.

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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I used to wear their Moonlight Path all the time. Then, for some reason, I just couldn't stand it anymore.

I do love their liquid soaps. I have the Cucumber Melon in one bathroom and the Lemon Foaming Soap in my kitchen.

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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

No BBW stores here but I went in Michigan. Liked the lotions but the candles never had a strong throw to me. Maybe the room was too big.

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Re: BBW fragrances...yay? or nay?

I used BBW for many years, but the last few years either my sense of smell became more sensitive, or every one of their fragrances became super strong. I used to love BBW, and I still go in the store occasionally to check out scents. But usually even if I find one I like and buy it, after I have it and use it, it's just too strong for me. I try to only buy the travel sizes now so I'm not stuck with a huge bottle that I never use. I really wish they made a line of light fragrances!