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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Att: HAPPY DAZE: check my last post on Skin79 for item #

I posted all the info for you there so you could check it out!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,570
Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Att: HAPPY DAZE: check my last post on Skin79 for item #

I saw that and responded- thank you so much! Nice little trial sizes!

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,919
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Att: HAPPY DAZE: check my last post on Skin79 for item #

Yes they are very nice sizes plus we get to compare the various BB formulas. I am so glad you saw it as I wanted to let you know some were still available. Now I am debating whether to pick up another one as finding sample sizes like that doesn't appear to be so easy.

We can compare our thoughts on all 4 of them.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,570
Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Att: HAPPY DAZE: check my last post on Skin79 for item #

On 7/15/2014 wackers said:

Yes they are very nice sizes plus we get to compare the various BB formulas. I am so glad you saw it as I wanted to let you know some were still available. Now I am debating whether to pick up another one as finding sample sizes like that doesn't appear to be so easy.

We can compare our thoughts on all 4 of them. Wink

I know, I love the little sample sizes! I wish more companies would do that. That seller has really good prices on their things-I am so glad you found her (him?)! I wish I would have known about this seller earlier as I ordered more Missha because I finally ran out (eeked every last drop out of that tube, lol) and I ordered it from Beauty Best LLC, the one I ordered from in the past a few times and it has taken her 6 days to finally ship it out and she didn't respond to my email asking why it didn't ship out within 2 business days like her listing stated it would. Oh well, I will know for next time! Smiley Happy

I definitely would like to compare our thoughts on all 4 of them, great idea! I wish kind1too would respond about her samples and chime in.