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Are the boards going to shut down

For the holiday I think they have in years past

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

I don't think we know - time will tell. Someone said the other day that Q only shut the boards down a few years ago during the holidays because someone was vandalizing them.

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

They were up and running last year...I hope they stay open...

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

Wouldn't be a bad idea to shut it down.

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

The Q will most likely leave the boards open for customers to relieve stress and blow smoke about packages not arriving as promised. It's good therapy Smiley Happy
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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

Per the blog from q talking about their pre recorded programming, the boards will be up and running.
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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

Hi, oxoxox...

The boards have shut down every year... do you remember this? It seems that a couple of those years we who were still around were left getting wilder and funnier in our zest to stop before they shut these down! FUN!!!

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

Without the boards, where would we put our "QVC Ruined Christmas" threads?

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

The Boards were up and running last yeat!

They will be this year also!

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Re: Are the boards going to shut down

I don't know about other boards, but the QVC board has, as others have said, closed down for the day or so in the past. But, IIRC, it stayed open last year.

Other boards around internet land do their own thing and no boards I frequent ever close for holidays.