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Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

I am trying to make a decision.   Thanks


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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

Me too.....not sure if all the $$ are worth the try. Any thoughts?



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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

No, I used to use their creams but switched to Elemis.

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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

No, this brand may be great, but I've never been tempted.

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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

No, I don't want to spend that much for moisturizers. My skin is not that dry and I can manage finding a good moisturizer and neck cream for way less than $150.

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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

No way!!!

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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv



As a researcher, I checked the Tatcha products, their methods of manufacture, and ingredients. Was a previous user of Perricone.


For my skin, this line is incredible. Even the rice powder and camelia cleansing oil.



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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

YES, and love Tatcha!!!

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Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

I got the exfoliating duo because it has papaya in it.  Only product I have ever tried in this line.


The TSV is a lot of money. Yes, you get a lot of product, but I have so many products that promise the moon I think I am going to pass.


There is no magic cream out there. Chasing the cream dream gets tiring. I like Skinn the best and I have a boatload of it.


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Registered: ‎09-14-2011

Re: Anyone purchasing the Tatcha tsv

Heard they were sold to Unilever.