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Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

[ Edited ]
I ordered it last week - $69. I don't love the polish colors, but will use the red probably. I'd love to hear opinions on it. The price was comparable to the Red Carpet brand one sold at Ulta but comes with a cute storage box which I like. I do a pretty good manicure but I'm a little nervous about the gel set for some reason! Reviewers seem to think it takes a long time, but it can't take longer than a home manicure to paint and DRY. Opinions?
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Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

es got it for my daughter and she loves it. She said you ca use any gel polish..Shes is very impressed ,does a great job and the price was wonderful.

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Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

Love it, but i think the refills have been discontinued! I bought two because it is such a good deal.  My last manicure lasted 3 weeks and I am washing/using my hands constantly.  

Please Mally bring refills!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

There are so many products I'm worried about what I'll do when they run out. Can I substitute the base coat and primer with other brands? I see different brands of gel polish so that's good, but I'm eventually going to need to replenish the top and base coats. I'm super excited for my order to arrive!
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Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

[ Edited ]
You can used all of the Red Carpet brand items to replenish your Mally Kit. I use the gel remover pads with the aluminum foil instead of soaking my nails in the dish. Less harsh on your nails. My daughter uses cotton balls soaked in the remover and wraps aluminum foil around the cotton ball once put on the nail. Ulta has a good supply of Red Carpet polishes too. HSN too. You can also use the brand Gelish.
Posts: 21
Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

Bought two when I noticed there were no refill kits. Now I can do two hands at a time cutting the process in half.

OMG Mally's gel nail polish is so creamy and smooth! What a difference between regular nail polish that's all dried out and streaky. I'm loving how fierce this kit is. I've banged my nail numerous times cleaning the fridge. No chips and the shine is just like it was the first day!!! Smiley Happy

Also jammed my fingers when opening doors. My nails were stubbed but still perfection.

Please Mally & QVC continue to sell the refill kits! Now that I found how easy and durable Mally's gel kits are I hate to have to substitute. Sorry I was so late in joining Mally's Gell Nail amazing to have fool proof, smudge proof, long lasting nail colors!
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Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

How long it takes to paint and dry really depends on what you use and how skilled you are.


For regular polish, I use Seche Vite, a quick dry top coat. I take my time, but I can be pretty fast if I'm not distracted by TV. Dry time is quick. More importantly, polish removal time is MUCH faster for regular polish than gel polish. With regular polish, I can fix one chipped finger or do all fairly easily. I can have all 10 fingers unpolished and repolished in the time it takes me to soak off my gel polish and get a base coat on.


But gel polish lasts longer or can help hold together a nail with a small crack starting on the side. They both have their advantages and disadvantages and there's a time and place for each. I like having the option.


I use Gelish polishes with my Mally kit and get them from Sally Beauty. I like being able to see the color I'm buying, which you can't do online. Gelish also makes a nail strengthening base coat, which I like, and requires fewer steps to prep the nail. Mally's kit requires at least one extra product and step.


I use CND foil nail wraps to remove my gel polish and regular glitter polishes. I've tried the foil and cotton balls, but I've found the CND wraps to be faster and easier to use. They're much more expensive, but I'm willing to pay more for the speed and convenience when I can.




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Re: Anyone own Mally's gel nail kit?

Got the kit, did my nails, it took about an hour. I watched tv and it was fine. My nails look awesome. Really professional and shiny. I cured each step for 90 seconds because I was nervous it would all smudge off, but next time I'll try a shorter amount of time.

I'm aleady thinking about replacement products. So Chynna, if I get the Gelish nail strengthening base coat, do I just use that instead of Mallys base coat and primer? do I still need Mallys nail prep? Mallys set is the nail surface cleaner (can I just use rubbing alcohol?) then the nail prep, the primer, then the base coat. I hope that with Gelish I can just clean the nails, then apply the one base coat product....?

I am really excited...still nervous about the removal, but it is so cool that my nails are 100% dry immediately after applying everything!