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Re: Anyone buying the new Dr. Dnenese MD 33 Night cream?

@Valstybaby wrote:
They're saying it's new because it's being offered in the supersize for the first time. The actual product is the same though - the MD 33 Clinical Reserve Cream is supposed to be used at night so that's why they're calling it a night cream. I'd try it if I didn't have such a stockpile of other stuff.

I have the larger 3.4 oz that came in the TSV.

I heard Amy say, too, that it's the first time it's being offered in that size as a single item so that probably has something to do with it too.  They'll play any kind of word games it seems to enhance their description of something and make the shoppers think they're in the "in crowd" by inspiring them to buy that way.

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Re: Anyone buying the new Dr. Dnenese MD 33 Night cream?

Get this product in the same size on ebay for a fraction of the Q cost, always plenty of them listed with cooling wand.

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Re: Anyone buying the new Dr. Dnenese MD 33 Night cream?

@Shelbelle wrote:

Get this product in the same size on ebay for a fraction of the Q cost, always plenty of them listed with cooling wand.

I cancelled my last AD that had the supersize Dream Cream, MD 33 and Hydroshield. I bought the supersize MD 33 on ebay for $28 and bought the supersize Dream Cream duo here for $47. I don't mind not having the Hydroshield as I prefer Paula's Choice or Skinactives antiox serum. I'm saving a bunch this way.

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Re: Anyone buying the new Dr. Dnenese MD 33 Night cream?

@Shelbelle wrote:

Get this product in the same size on ebay for a fraction of the Q cost, always plenty of them listed with cooling wand.

I ended up doing this last night - lots of listing for half price or better, and shipping included.  I'm almost out of my Skinn Take the Weekends Off Cream so I'll replace it with this and see how I like it.  

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Posts: 262
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Anyone buying the new Dr. Denese MD 33 Night cream?

I bought it in the recent TSV, but I have just stated using it one week ago. As much as I love her Hydroshield, I am disappointed in her night cream. This is because it doen't soak into my skin, instead it sits on my skin. When I wake up each morning, I can rub my face and it's still there. And I hate washing it off. It should be absorbed my skin to be effective.


I will continue with my AD simply to get the Hydroshield at a good price, and may try to sell the other two super sized items on eBay.