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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?



I don't follow any youtubers either.  I agree with you that the deception is despicable.  I don't follow anyone on social media platforms.  I only have one facebook.  That's enough for me.


You aren't alone on this one on this social media platform.  And btw, FB is a social media platform also.

I don't understand people's distaste for YT.  First, there are shady people selling things in/on any type of advertising platforms...magazines, newspapers, tv, FB, Instagram, Tiktok.  Today's advertising modes are different than yesteryears.  There is a LOT of helpful YT information.  Reading reviews and watching YT is how I successfully buy makeup and skincare online.  People should be able to think for themselves just as they do (or should do) when they see ads on tv or in print.  But there isn't one of us that hasn't bought what we consider a dud, be it online or in a brick and mortar.  Not everyone on YT is a liar.  I think most are honest but that doesn't mean the product is right for me.  Do your due diligence.  Pay attention and PLEASE, whatever you do, don't fall for the look of that Quarter-Pounder picture on the drive-thru sign at McDonald's!   


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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

@San Antonio Gal 


Just the mascara debacle, right?

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

@JeanLouiseFinch  When I first heard about this, I searched out the video and watched it a few times. If you haven't watched the video (and I don't know if it's still up) it's very short and if you blink, you'll miss the last few seconds which is whent the DRAMALAMADINGDONG is supposedly taking place.


She starts with one eye that has mascara on and one that does not so you can the obvious (and it is obvious) difference. She discusses how great the mascara is and then applies it while you watch. The difference IS amazing; no doubt.  I mean, VERY amazing. That isn't the Lashgate issue. It's the last seconds when she pans back and shows a full face and THEN BAM!!! the lashes look MUCH fuller at the BASE of the lashes. Now, could it have been achieved by a few more concentrated coats of mascara JUST at the base of her lashes? Yes. Or a small strip of false lashes could have applied. 


The thing is, I as someone who can achieve multiple different looks with mascara based on the brand and application AND often wears false lashes.....can't really tell which it is.  Considering ALL the BS that so many YouTubers in the cosmetic world have pulled, it's pretty hypocritical for these SAME folks to be jumping on her. I honestly don't know if she did falsies at the end or not and I'm certainly NOT going to claim she did without proof. Shame those cut-thoat's don't live by the same rule.

*Four Seasons once again*
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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

@Icegoddess wrote:

Never heard of her and I don't follow YouTubers, but I have yet to see a mascara commercial where I believe the models are only in their own lashes and the advertised mascara.  

Well, then you must be unfamiliar with Latisse and all the drugs for eye pressure that gives you such long lashes you look like you are wearing false lashes 24/7. I have hypertensive eye disease and the side effect of my med is dark, long lashes. 

My lashes touch my eyebrows and mascara just darkens them. Photographed they would look like I am wearing false lashes. My ophthalmologist  told me men on Latisse like drugs come into her office complaining  about the meds.😄

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

All beauty influences lie and misrepresent products.  

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?



 ...and the side effect of my med is dark, long lashes. 


You don't have to put up with that (g)

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?



All?  ALL? Smiley Surprised

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

@monicakm wrote:



 ...and the side effect of my med is dark, long lashes. 


You don't have to put up with that (g)

Before I was diagnosed I met for lunch with some girlfriends with gorgeous lashes. I asked them and all of them were using Latisse. No one since has had difficulty with any side effects. So I bet a lot of beauty influencers use it @monicakm .😌

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

Never heard of her and I don't follow YouTubers, but I have yet to see a mascara commercial where I believe the models are only in their own lashes and the advertised mascara.  

Well, then you must be unfamiliar with Latisse and all the drugs for eye pressure that gives you such long lashes you look like you are wearing false lashes 24/7. I have hypertensive eye disease and the side effect of my med is dark, long lashes. 

My lashes touch my eyebrows and mascara just darkens them. Photographed they would look like I am wearing false lashes. My ophthalmologist  told me men on Latisse like drugs come into her office complaining  about the meds.😄

@Trinity11 I'm well aware of Latisse.  I have used many iteradtions of lash growth serums including generic latisse, and none of them give me the lashes the models in mascara commercials have.  The best for me was RapidLash before they removed the prostaglandin in it, but it only gave me longer lashes, not more lashes.  The models in mascara commercials all have thick feathery lashes, something I rarely see in real lashes.  

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Re: Anyone Following the Latest Lashgate Scandal?

@Icegoddess wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

Never heard of her and I don't follow YouTubers, but I have yet to see a mascara commercial where I believe the models are only in their own lashes and the advertised mascara.  

Well, then you must be unfamiliar with Latisse and all the drugs for eye pressure that gives you such long lashes you look like you are wearing false lashes 24/7. I have hypertensive eye disease and the side effect of my med is dark, long lashes. 

My lashes touch my eyebrows and mascara just darkens them. Photographed they would look like I am wearing false lashes. My ophthalmologist  told me men on Latisse like drugs come into her office complaining  about the meds.😄

@Trinity11 I'm well aware of Latisse.  I have used many iteradtions of lash growth serums including generic latisse, and none of them give me the lashes the models in mascara commercials have.  The best for me was RapidLash before they removed the prostaglandin in it, but it only gave me longer lashes, not more lashes.  The models in mascara commercials all have thick feathery lashes, something I rarely see in real lashes.  

I wasn't suggesting you should try it @Icegoddess . Merely, stating that some YouTubers may be telling the truth. As I have had results with "thick feathery lashes".