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Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

I am in the mood to smell like roses .I Like to scent myself with deodorant instead of cologne. thanks

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

Weleda Wild Rose deodorant.

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

HappyDaze, I just googled it and it looks nice. Thank You

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

oh and I forgot, Herban Cowboy Blossom is rose scented. I like this one the best, at least in terms of performance. Good luck in finding one you love! Smiley Happy

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

Cool, I never heard of it.. Will check it out. Thanks again

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

I love roses, love the scent of them. A person wearing a rose scent can be overpowering and cloyingly sweet. The odor is much more attractive on the plant. If you wear it, use a very light hand.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

Armpits that smell like roses. As if.

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

Wow! I want some rose deo! Thanks for the Weleda rec. I too like roses, so I appreciate the heads up and I ordered some. I only use natural brands of deodorant due to allergies, so this was quite helpful Yes, my pits smell like roses. Worship me!

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

Tom's of Maine

I don't think any deodorant will take the place of cologne. A deodorant should quietly work and not be mistaken for a scent!

Remember the day's when people could obviously smell when someone used spray Right Guard? lol.

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Re: Any rec's for a rose scented underarm deodorant?

On 7/10/2014 Campion said:

Wow! I want some rose deo! Thanks for the Weleda rec. I too like roses, so I appreciate the heads up and I ordered some. I only use natural brands of deodorant due to allergies, so this was quite helpful Yes, my pits smell like roses. Worship me!
