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Re: Any WEN users with hypothyroidism?

On 8/16/2014 tigriss said:

Gee thanks ma! I'll also make sure I wash my hands every time I visit the loo!

good girl!

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Re: Any WEN users with hypothyroidism?

On 8/16/2014 tigriss said:

It is good to know that gluten free can help drastically. That is what I'm trying to do now. It is hard when you live in a rural area, though more and more gluten free products are being carried by my grocery store and WalMart.

Don't I know it! I also live in a rural area and it is VERY hard to get what I want. The only grocery store we have is Walmart. I'd have to travel 1/2 an hour to get to the nearest town. We have a very small health food store, though.

Originally joined board 12-14-2004
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Registered: ‎03-30-2010

Re: Any WEN users with hypothyroidism?

I have hypothyroidism, but not a WEN user. However, dry hair was never a problem.