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All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

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Effects from all the buffing and your skin gets clogged even though it’s touted as non clogging? I feel like I break out more when I use bareminerals. I keep my brushes acceptably clean. What’s everyone’s experience? I love bareminerals and have tons of foundation but I’m so frustrated with my skin! 

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I used BM for about five years and never had that problem.  I have always used  Maderma alpha hydroxy.


I still use BM blush because it's SO natural in Rose Radience.


Mederma Alpha Hydroxy Facial Cleanser 6oz ****

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

You might be sensitive to the bismuth in BM orginial, bismuth can cause a rash, redness & breakouts. I have to avoid bismuth & all ingredients that end with cone, it's in lots of makeup...if you like BM try the matte, it doesn't have bismuth. Good Luck @cactusjack .

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I bought the Bare Minerals TSV, tried it twice, and it went right back.  I used it many years ago so I knew the "swirl, tap, buff" method.  I didn't like the foundation one bit.  For my age, I'd say my complexion is in pretty good shape, though not perfect.  This foundation made me look horrible and it was very drying at the same time.  No thanks.

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I guess I'm lucky, no allergies to Bare Minerals.  I buff moderately, sometimes I get the feeling I'm rubbing it off.  But the true test is looking in the car mirror.  The sun spots are gone.  I've tried a few other powder foundations, I'm not even tempted anymore.  The original is still the best for me, the matte I don't care for.

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I started using Bare Minerals before it came to QVC.  I have never had any problems with it.  What I like so much about it is that it is so natural.  


If I have any problems with my skin, it is always from trying a product in new line of skin care.  I have sensitive skin, and do need to be careful what I use.  Bare Minerals has been my one constant.  

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I never was able to use it. I would itch immediately. I could use everything else they sold but the original foundation.
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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

No problems here on this old face. But I don't carried away with buffing and it does a good job of concealing a couple of brown spots and some reddish areas where I have broken capillaries. Sometimes I also dab a little of the powdered concealer on those spots too.

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I'm 65 and have been using the original formula for more than 20 years.  I don't use much product and don't buff, buff, and buff.  Just tap and buff a little.  It always looks great and no problems.  I have had it on for 24 hours with no touch ups in an emergency situation where I sat with my DH in ICU overnight.  Even his nurse asked what I used because she said how great I still looked the next am.  

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Re: All the buffing with bare minerals, does any have the opposite...

I have used Bare Minerals for over 20 years and I would never use anything else. I am slow walking 70 and I feel like my skin is in better shape because of Bare Minerals.  I just use the ORIGINAL need to mess with perfection.