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Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

First, I want to say I love these products--all natural, reasonably priced, they moisturize well and smell great. I have the night cream, the line eraser and the serum.

I find that when I use them around my eyes (mostly the eraser, I think) my eyes burn and sting after a couple of hours. Maybe I'm just sensitive to the lavender? I would hate to stop using these, they're great, but they make my eyes sting!

Anyone else finding this, or is it just me?

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

That is what happens when using ""essential oils"".

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

It's true. Essential oils, especially lavender, can irritate.

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

I love Acure too! I use the night cream, eraser on my upper lip, and in the morning only, the eye cream. I stay away from creams around my eyes at night because they migrate into the eye and cause swelling...but...I use Kiehls Creamy Avacado Eye Cream every night. It advertises that it will not migrate and I can attest to that! No migration, no irritation and. No puffiness in the morning.
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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

I agree with the others about essential oils definitely being a culprit for irritation. If you are going to continue using a moisturizer with them in it, definitely avoid the eye area since you are experiencing the irritation. If you need an eye cream, try one without essential oils or anything too harsh.

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

Good to know, thank you. I've never used essential oils before because I'm not really dry. The line eraser balm is great around and on lips, cuticles so I will use it for that. I don't seem to have as much of a problem with the night cream, it appears that the balm has a much higher concentration of essential oil.

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

I have horrible reactions to essential oils .......... my eyes get puffy, swollen, itchy, etc. and it takes quite awhile for them to return to normal. I have to really watch for products with the all natural claims .......... they cause me more problems than any other ingredients I can think of.

I can't apply anything with essential oils anywhere on my face.

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

4doggies--do you put the eye cream all over your eye area, even on your eye lid? I used to do that but found that it did migrate into my eyes making them burn and get blurry. Unless the eye cream says you can put it all over your eye area, I would just use it under the eye. I started using Acure and haven't noticed any irritation to anything.

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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

On 1/3/2014 4doggies said:

Good to know, thank you. I've never used essential oils before because I'm not really dry. The line eraser balm is great around and on lips, cuticles so I will use it for that. I don't seem to have as much of a problem with the night cream, it appears that the balm has a much higher concentration of essential oil.

Essential oils aren't oils in the traditional sense and aren't moisturizing, so they are used in products for all skin types, not just dry skin. They are really plant extracts and are often found in natural products. If they are bothering your eyes now, don't be surprised if you develop skin irritation from them later or find that they bother your eyes even when product is not applied near them. Irritation is cumulative, so can become worse over time.
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Re: Acure--does anyone else have eye irritation?

Casssiem, that's discouraging news!

I've very rarely purchased a separate eye cream, I believe they're just moisturizers in tiny jars for more money (but that's another story). Anyhow, whatever fragrance free moisturizer I was using on my face was enough for my eyes too. At 62 virtually no undereye wrinkles, just a little sunkenness, so it's been working.

I tried skipping the line erase last night, used the night cream and didn't have a problem. The products heavy in essential oils are the balm and the serum, just so others who might order these know. So far, no facial irritation, so I'll limit their use from the upper lip down. I've never had a problem with 'non-natural' products, this was a first for me.