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That's great that QVC customer care posted on this thread!!!

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

When I received my WWC SC and mousse a few weeks ago, the mousse had leaked inside the box. It was a rather sticky mess, but I decided the actual quantity lost was not enough to pursue any kind of restitution. However, it does seem like there may be something about the bottle design that makes it prone to leaking while shipping. I guess maybe I should've called Chaz's customer service just to let them know about it. I guess if they don't get enough calls, they may not realize it's a big enough problem to address other than on a case by case basis. On the other hand, maybe the people who post here are such a small percentage of the total purchases that it's not statistically significant. But that seems a bit unlikely. I'm betting there are a lot more people who receive mousse bottles that leaked that never say anything to anyone.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012
On 3/20/2015 aprimo said:

When I received my WWC SC and mousse a few weeks ago, the mousse had leaked inside the box. It was a rather sticky mess, but I decided the actual quantity lost was not enough to pursue any kind of restitution. However, it does seem like there may be something about the bottle design that makes it prone to leaking while shipping. I guess maybe I should've called Chaz's customer service just to let them know about it. I guess if they don't get enough calls, they may not realize it's a big enough problem to address other than on a case by case basis. On the other hand, maybe the people who post here are such a small percentage of the total purchases that it's not statistically significant. But that seems a bit unlikely. I'm betting there are a lot more people who receive mousse bottles that leaked that never say anything to anyone.

These are good points. I wouldn't have mentioned anything about the leak of mine if it were a small amount of leaking. In fact, I felt a little bad about calling them for it being about half empty but I felt they should know and honestly, it isn't cheap so I'd kind of like my full bottle (or almost full). Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎04-15-2012
On 3/20/2015 aprimo said:

When I received my WWC SC and mousse a few weeks ago, the mousse had leaked inside the box. It was a rather sticky mess, but I decided the actual quantity lost was not enough to pursue any kind of restitution. However, it does seem like there may be something about the bottle design that makes it prone to leaking while shipping. I guess maybe I should've called Chaz's customer service just to let them know about it. I guess if they don't get enough calls, they may not realize it's a big enough problem to address other than on a case by case basis. On the other hand, maybe the people who post here are such a small percentage of the total purchases that it's not statistically significant. But that seems a bit unlikely. I'm betting there are a lot more people who receive mousse bottles that leaked that never say anything to anyone.

I think you are probably the exception. I seriously doubt that anyone who did receive a leaking Mousse didn't immediately call the Q and complain - even like you said if it was a teeny bit...

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Posts: 17,491
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

My lilac arrived with a broken cap and some of the CC leaked out. Like maybe a tablespoon.

It's not just that it's annoying, it's that it really takes a little of the joy out of your new product.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Registered: ‎08-30-2014
On 3/20/2015 aprimo said:

When I received my WWC SC and mousse a few weeks ago, the mousse had leaked inside the box. It was a rather sticky mess, but I decided the actual quantity lost was not enough to pursue any kind of restitution. However, it does seem like there may be something about the bottle design that makes it prone to leaking while shipping. I guess maybe I should've called Chaz's customer service just to let them know about it. I guess if they don't get enough calls, they may not realize it's a big enough problem to address other than on a case by case basis. On the other hand, maybe the people who post here are such a small percentage of the total purchases that it's not statistically significant. But that seems a bit unlikely. I'm betting there are a lot more people who receive mousse bottles that leaked that never say anything to anyone.

This also happened to my WWC SC and mousse. The mousse was all over. I washed it off but it didn't look like anything was lost nor could I find a leak anywhere.