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02-15-2024 05:29 PM
No, I'm not buying it. Thought someone here might be interested. It's pretty tho.
02-15-2024 05:35 PM
Thats just plain hideous
02-15-2024 05:37 PM
Tell us what you REALLY think (g)
02-15-2024 06:31 PM
Those are pretty colors. Im not that skilled with eyeshadow so it would not work for me. I know some women that rock that look! Thanks for sharing!!
02-15-2024 07:43 PM
I like the top left pan but it looks different on the eye and that's the look I like but I have something just like it in an ABH palette.
02-15-2024 08:49 PM
I love purple but could never pull those off.
02-15-2024 08:54 PM
It's pretty @monicakm .
02-15-2024 08:58 PM
I couldn't either if I didn't wear long fluffy eyelashes. I never heard anyone talk about the fact that eyelash length makes a difference in how you can wear your shadow till I heard Tati mention it a few months ago. I felt vindicated (g)
02-15-2024 10:01 PM
@monicakm I did see that posted over on Trendmood,
seeing a lot of purples and blues in shadows and mascara
this spring. I can't wear them, but they will be pretty on those
who can!
02-16-2024 07:47 AM
Not for me...but those colors sure are pretty!