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Last week, I was "organizing" the linen closet shelves where I keep my stash of backup hair/soap//makeup,etc., etc. products.  All sorts of stuff had been buried in there - and it was a mess.


Behind some other tall items,  found two cans of hair spray that I bought from Amazon in February 2017.  Thicker Fuller Hair Weightless Volumizing Hair Spray.  I don't even remember buying it - when I checked my Amazon account .... there it was.  At the time, it was $7.84 a can and I bought two cans.


I used the hair spray this morning and loved the what it did for my hair - and thought I'd buy a couple more cans .... and went to Amazon.


Apparently, it's been discontinued, there is some for sale at $80 a can (and there are only 5 more in stock).   I checked eBay - and it's even more expensive.  One person is selling it for $114.


I'm so sorry I didn't try this sooner and had stocked up!  I'll be very sparing using what I have!  


It really is a great hair spray!  My hair is still holding the way it was this morning - and I was outside quite a while today in the heat/humidity.



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Oh my gosh I just checked my account, I bought a can for $7.88 in January of 2018!

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I've seen things like that on Amazon and eBay.  I can't believe someone would have the nerve to price, say a $15 e/s that's been discontinued, for $110 (just an example).  Crazy!

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@monicakm wrote:

I've seen things like that on Amazon and eBay.  I can't believe someone would have the nerve to price, say a $15 e/s that's been discontinued, for $110 (just an example).  Crazy!

Maybe because some people will actually buy it at that price. Why not cash in and make profits if one is willing to spend money? You could say the person selling it is taking advantage, but no one has to buy it, either.

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I don't that is a surprise, given that it is discontinued.

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Amazon does this a lot with hard to find products.
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I'd never heard of this product and learned it is a Schwarzkopf product.  I'm surprised it ever sold for under $8.  Reading the reviews, one poster has used it for 30+ years and another for 15. Apparently it makes thin hair "thicker" and holds all day.

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People price their items however they want but I can tell you I am not buying especially an $80 can of hair spray.  If I did you can take me to the funny farm because I will need my head examined.

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Trust me, I wouldn't spend $80 on a can of hairspray especially knowing what it originally sold for. That being said, maybe if I was getting married and knew that the hairspray held my hair in place all day in the past,  I might pay that price ONCE and only for something important like a wedding day.

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People do that with DISC beauty products like lipsticks or nail polishes too.