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Re: 7 days and all my SKINN is still “In Process”

@Maloyo wrote:

I dug this thread out because I just got my Skinn TTV order today, November 7,2018.  Evine did send me an email a few days ago telling me that it had shipped and promising some sort of coupon for the inconvenience.  IIRC I ordered this on 10/5/18.  This will be my first time using Skinn, hope it is worth the wait.  I am not a big Evine shopper but have never had this sort of issue with them.  

Oh my that is just ridiculous! There is no excuse for such poor service. Thank goodness you did receive it. Hope that you like the products. The only thing that I order from Evine is Skinn.

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Registered: ‎12-11-2014

Re: 7 days and all my SKINN is still “In Process”

I have always gotten mine quickly!