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Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!


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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Happy New Year!!

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

That’s lovely thank you.
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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Happy New Year to all here on the Q forums. My best wishes to all in 2023.

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Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good Early Morning,


We had a quiet, but fun, evening last night. Our son wanted to stay with DH to watch football, so he spent the night. We stayed up late. Everyone's still sleeping, so it's just me and Max downstairs. Welcome to the new posters and thank you for the New Year wishes. I hope to hear from our regular posters soon.



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Happy New Year!  We had a nice time with our friends yesterday, played 9 holes of golf in the afternoon, then got a bite to eat at the local restaurant, then off to the comedy show.  They had a total of four comedians and they were all very good.  We were home by 9 as it was a full day, for me at least.  Got up early, as usual, made breakfast and we're heading out to our friends house for a New Years Day dinner!  They're our very old, dear friends that we've known since 1979, they moved down our way a little over a year ago.  The bad part is they are about an hour away so we don't see them as much as we'd like to, neither play golf and our world seems to revolve around golf now.  I have a cake in the oven right now, it's just a box cake but I added some other ingredients to hopefully make it a little better.  I was too tired to try to make something from scratch.  I hope that everyone has a great day!

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Happy New Year to all!  Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, year ahead.

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Posts: 4,446
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

SISD--Thank you so much for starting the thread, glad you had a nice dinner with DS!


JJM--We haven't heard from you in a while, hope everything is OK!



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Registered: ‎03-07-2013

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Hi Everyone


Happy New Year!  We spent a quiet evening at  home.  DH watched football and I watched the Nashville celebration event which was very good.  I also watched some Twilight Zone episodes.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,619
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: “2023”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

hello all

spent last night cleaning a mess up i made

i fogot i had a water glass filling on the counter top i let the glass overflow all over the counter tops,under the sink,floor. spent a good couple hours cleaning up the mess,of course nothing went back in the cupboards correctly had pieces left over, so had a huge load of towels to clean up stayed up till midnight washing and drying,folding,last load of clothes went into dryer about midnight i went to bed.

beautiful day here. not much else. later guys