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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

@LTT1 , love all those...especially, 3, 11, 12 and 18!!😂

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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Thank you for the new thread.

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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

hello all

LTT enjoyed the thoughts for today,


ROOROO so nice to have come and visit with us today.


not much here today,

did normal chores,did morn walk

was in bed by 1030pm last night slept in till 630am


been raining since last night but very very warm


not much else,later guys

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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

spatchcock chicken with new potatoes & sliced carrots, black eyed peas, cabbage and cornbread for our New Years day supper tonight, in progress.

I've never done a spatchcock chicken before, so hopefully all will go as it should.

we have a tornado watch until 7pm. the atmosphere feels heavy.

blessings to all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

the spatchcock chicken and all the fixins' turned out really good. I don't get the chance to use my gigantic Lodge cast iron skillet very often, but it was perfect for the job tonight.

of course, I cooked too much. it's hard to pare that kind of meal down for two people. we'll have leftovers for days.



here's a Lauderdale county railroad sunset.



we're getting ready to watch the Sugar Bowl, Ole Miss vs Baylor.

sending prayers and hopes that this new year will bring health and blessings to everyone here.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

[ Edited ]

@MariotaMurielle , never heard of it, but that chicken looks delicious! We had left over roast from yesterday and made sandwiches today. We just finished watching the Rose Bowl. What.A.Game! My best friend from 7th grade is from Utah and went to it with her husband. Exciting to the end. Our son stopped by for a while and watched a little with us. All in all, we had a nice, relaxing day. 

Sending blessings to All and wishes for a safe, healthy, and happy new year ahead..❤️

Good Night!



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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good night. It rained on & off for a good part of today. Last night I did a spatchcocked duck. I made an orange ginger sauce to go with it & served wild rice with a salad. I hadn't made duck in ages. I decided to cut out the backbone so it would cook faster. I did manage to crisp up the skin a little but it wasn't like it would be done in a restaurant. It was a lot of work, because every half hour I had to remove the pan & tilt it to get rid of the fat. The duck was placed on a rack. I used 5 spice powder, ginger, minced garlic as the rub inside & out of the duck. I quartered an orange to cook inside it too. 

Today I did laundry & ran the DW. Exciting stuff! 

@MariotaMurielle  The spatchcocked chicken looks good. I had thought about getting a cast iron skillet but thought about how often I would use it. Next time I make orange sauce, I'll do a chicken instead. When I do Cornish game hens, I cut the breast bone in half & cut out the backbone. Maybe I'll buy some hens & use up the remainder of the sauce thst way. 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

hello all

MM that is an unusual dish name. we have had chicken/pototo combo never called it that.


we just got word that we are under a weather watch/warm for snow storm tonight. something about the sytem is traveling further south, so we wait


not much else. lazy day for us, dh went out for his coffee, that was it.


ok guys later.

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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

[ Edited ]

@viva923, spatchcock is just a term for the technique of removing the backbone, splitting the chicken in half and flattening it to roast or grill. the word spatchcock is said to have come from the Irish, meaning "to dispatch the c0ck (chicken)" . kind of a ridiculous word, but from an old term.

@JustJazzmom, the cast iron skillet I used for this is huge and not a practical size for everyday use for sure. but it's great for the rare occasion that I cook something like this. I have my mother's cast iron skillet, which is just a regular size (10", I think) and use it several times a week for everything.

it was 82 yesterday and today it's 47 and dropping. I was looking in our closet last night, trying to locate a particular blanket to put on our bed (since it's supposed to be getting down into the 20s and 30s for the next few nights) and found several king size bed linen items we used for the king bed we used to have. my brother will take some of it and the rest will go to our local charity. it's always a bonus when you're looking for something and find things you can get rid of Smiley Happy

we are busy trying to clear out the dining area and kitchen in preparation for the painters coming in the next couple of days.

little by little, getting things done.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: “2022”~Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good evening! Had a relatively quiet day. Supermarket was busy but there is no bad weather moving in. We may get some rain this evening. 
I was looking for lean ground beef -- store was out of it, even no Cornish hens in stock either. We finished the duck tonight & I want to get hens so we can use the rest of the orange sauce.


I spatchcock them and cut the breastbone lengthwise. 

Need to fold the laundry now. 

Got another vintage McCormick jar from e bay today. USPS was delivering today some packages. 

Have a great evening!

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼