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Is it just me or have the clothing prices on QVC skyrocketed? I realize everything everywhere has gone up in price but, seriously, it seems items have almost doubled in price on the Q. $40 for a t-shirt? I can shop at Macy's and Kohls and buy quality items for so much less. I know, I have the option not to purchase, and I haven't been, not on QVC. Anyone agree or disagree? 

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I prefer the quality of the items and convenience of shopping at QVC.  Prices on everything everywhere are soaring but nowhere have I seen them doubled.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Fifweg  I agree with you that the prices have become higher.  I still enjoy watching.  On Saturday night I saw some Belle by Kim Gravel tops that I liked. With tax and shipping everything seemed to be close to 50 dollars or a little over.

I will be looking at T.J. Maxx and Marshals now for clothes or order from the ebay seller that sells Qvc clothes.






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While I still purchase certain items from the Q, I agree about the prices being high.  When I see how much a tee shirt costs I cringe.  Fortunately I do not need  much in the clothes dept. and I rather shop and support  the stores in my area.  I am happy I have shopping choices.

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It depends, I have found many places to shop online and I have the time to do comparisons. I will not overpay for clothing I don't need. Sometimes the Q has just what I want, recently I found a gray leather bag ( A376678 ). that was just what I was looking for. It was on clearance and free shipping. However, 

I shop all over from Nordstrom's to Old Navy, you can get good deals , just check your emails.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@Fifweg   I don't really care for Macy's brands (all mine have been donated so I no longer have any and don't want more) and do not shop at Kohl's or Old Navy (quality of fabrics).  I like my four favorite brands at QVC and will stick with that.  Yes, prices are rising but the reasons for that are not the fault of QVC.  I will just be more selective of what I buy and buy a little less.  But I need to buy less anyway as I have too much.  


I no longer need to buy office appropriate clothes or "dress up" clothes and I don't consider $40 for a quality tee shirt ecessive.


I enjoy watching presentations of my favorite brands and since I have plenty no need for me to look around everywhere and price compare, as I'm just buying what I truly want and will let the rest go.

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Yes, prices are up everywhere and on almost everything. I'm only purchasing what I absolutely need and check around for the best prices.


Q is usually not included in that search.

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I almost bought a Kim Gravel top recently.  It was cute but after thinking about the price, I backed out.  It was a little high for what it was and I didn't desperately need it.


I'm glad I didn't buy it.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

I prefer the quality of the items and convenience of shopping at QVC.  Prices on everything everywhere are soaring but nowhere have I seen them doubled.

Well, stick around.  I don't doubt that they will and check out the gasoline prices.  Anyway, that idea of getting rid of credit card junk mail that you posted worked nicely.  Thank you.  I have no idea why I did not think of it myself.  LOL!