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Registered: ‎06-25-2018

right now  i just do not know what to do.  first my eye and then i got passed over for the promotion.  i feel that i am trapped  and there is just no way out.  everywhere i turn i hit a dead end.  the dr did  not hold out much hope that i would get much vision back in my eye ,  i am so tired of everything being a downer in my life.  i miss my family so much and i wish that i could join them.  i have no hope for the future and nothing to look forward to at all. 


i am so tired hitting my head against a wall and nothing working out for me.  i feel that i was cheated by not getting  the postion  ,   i feel that  i was patted on head and then stabbed in the back.  i can't quit as much as i would like  to do so.medical bills are keeping me from doing so .


i just want this pain to end or end it all



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,120
Registered: ‎03-29-2019

You need to talk to a therapist.



The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Posts: 9,615
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I’m so sorry.  When you say you miss your family, are you saying you don’t live near them or that they’ve all passed away?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: i am at my wit's end

[ Edited ]

@shortbreadlover -

I can hear how sad and disappointing.

Please know there is some hope.

I imagine you are tired too. And that doesn't help much. I hope so much you can feel better tomorrow. 

Some jobs just aren't worth even feeling bad about. 

Do you have any family near you at all?

I wish we could all come over.

A great old friend of mine said she doesn't think about what she can't do anymore but all the things she can do. 

Each one of us are going to lose many things in life including all the things we were once able to do. So we have to keep celebrating the things we can do and still enjoy and still give-it is there, it really is. Maybe you won't feel it at this moment but maybe the next moment or after some good sleep.

She also says if she can make one person feel good each day, then she has succeeded.

I try to think of her spirit when I am feeling down.

"We are as if in winter, which never fails to turn into springSmiley Happy"

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,619
Registered: ‎01-15-2017

@shortbreadlover  Please do not despair. We have all gone through dark times in our lives, where it feels like there is not much left to live for. Please find someone to talk to. A friend, family member, your pastor or priest. Or call the Suicide Prevention Hotline. They have trained professionals who can talk to you 24/7. God Bless.

Super Contributor
Posts: 462
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Shortbreadlover, please take care of yourself.  Just know that you are unique, special and are here for a purpose.   At times life can be challenging and difficult.   Please try to get some rest.  I would suggest that you try get some counseling so that you are able to talk about your feelings.   Wishing you the best.   Tallgal

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,575
Registered: ‎06-24-2011

I think many people feel frustrated or hopeless at some point in their life. It's when there seems to be few good options or there are too many things out of control that people feel overwhelmed. But my grandmother used to say, "Everything is temporary." And everything is temporary. In a couple days or a couple weeks, events and your outlook will change for the better. Are you able to discreetly look for a different job? Are you anywhere near retirement age? Could you volunteer someplace and make new connections in your job field? Is there a different type of work you'd like to do? We're so much more than the job we do; I'm sorry about your vision, but maybe you will gain more sight in your eye yet. Can you get a 2nd opinion?

Your online friends value you, and I hope you know how valuable you are. This too shall pass. Hang in there.

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Registered: ‎05-09-2014

Hang in there. Just like good things seem to take a long time coming, so do bad times finally end. Life is full of cycles of fear and disappointment and loss and then some joys, gratifications, or just a good break coming our way.  


Please get some help with a therapist or perhaps a clergy member who can give you optimism and resilience waiting for things to turn around.  It will get better. Something will reveal better times very soon. 


Stay strong. You only need to cope long enough to realize life will turn positive. Wait for it. You can be happy again. It’s just around the corner. If possible, look upon a sleeping infant or let a nice dog lick your hand. Can be a happy first moment. Kickstart peace of mind. You can get through it. Life is worth the effort. 


Honored Contributor
Posts: 43,607
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

 I also need to suggest how beneficial a good counselor can be



Life is life and things happen.   Your doctor can suggest good counselors.   You will be amazed at what you will learn.  So many have challenges and succeed.


I will keep you in my prayers. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 43,607
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

 I also need to suggest how beneficial a good counselor can be



Life is life and things happen.   Your doctor can suggest good counselors.   You will be amazed at what you will learn.  So many have challenges and succeed.


I will keep you in my prayers.