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* 45 Phyllo Cups
* 1 c chicken, cooked and shredded
* 6 strips bacon, cooked and chopped (set aside 3 for topping)
* 7 oz. quartered artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
* 1/2 c fresh spinach chopped
* 1/4 c mayo
* 2 oz. cream cheese, softened
* 1 c smoked Gouda, shredded
* 1/2 c Havarti, shredded
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
* pinch cayenne pepper
* salt & pepper to taste

1. Preheat to 350F
2. Boil chicken until cooked through.
3. Shred chicken in mixer with bread hook.
4. Add softened cream cheese to chicken and mix thoroughly.
5. Add all remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly
6. Fill each phyllo cup with the chicken mixture (about 2 teaspoons).
7. Bake for 5-8 minutes.

8. Tip: If you are making this the day before do not stuff the phyllo cups ahead of time. Cover the chicken mixture and place it in the refrigerator until needed. If you want to make all of it in advance you can stuff the phyllo cups and freeze them with the mixture in them. When you are ready to serve bake them for slightly longer (10-15 minutes).

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Hello, Issy, so nice to see you.

Glad you finished your Christmas shopping. The day is drawing near really fast.

I got 3 more things "bagged" yesterday. Have some more, but every little bit helps.

On Wednesday, I knew the UTI was back. DD took my specimen to the doctor's office. No word about it as yet. The IDD prescribed 7 days of an antibiotic so I started that this morning. And pyridium which is starting to help me feel better.

The authorization to have the bladder ultra sound came through, so I need to make an appointment when I see who can take me.

Out new dryer came a little while ago. It's working drying my sheets. Earning it's keep.

Take care,

snappy Smiley Happy

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Dear DeLaney, I knew you were seriously into the adoption process, but had no idea there's a baby boy! How very exciting! Waiting is hard, but so worth it. Glad you also get to care for the baby girl. She will always be part of your heart.

My sister has 5 children. She sees 3 of them constantly, but the other two seldom. It's been at least 20 years since she's seen her son and she doesn't know his kids, or grands. Of great grands at all. I think she has 14 grands and an equal number of GGs. The oldest of them is in college, the youngest about 10 months old. So getting everyone together would take a miracle. Of course, I've never met those kids either. It's okay with me. My sis seems to focus on the ones who are in her life.


Star's mother is young. They always think there will be "another time", and usually there is. We did want a picture of the whole family while I am still here. Maybe we will yet. GS#1 and his wife will be in NYC for Christmas.


The UTI is back. I'm waiting for the results of the urinalysis to make sure the antibiotic I'm on is the right one. I hope so since I'm allergic to so many. Got authorization to have the bladder ultra sound. Have to find out who can take me. It's at least an hour's drive away.

My blood work came back just fine. Apparently the Tylenol was doing something bad to my liver, but that's okay now that I'm not taking it.

We all love you and pray you stay well and have a blessed Christmas.

snappy Heart



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Hi, WaJa, so glad you have the stamina to entertain the way you do. What a wonderful hostess you must be. Such great food and fun and the feeling of being welcomed.

I have some more things to "bag", but then I'm finished. I did order yesterday's Clark's slippers for DD#2. An afterthought, but hopefully she will like them. If not, back they go.

My UTI is back. Waiting to see what the analysis is in case the antibiotic I'm on now isn't right. But, there is precious little I can take, so I hope it is. Am extra tired. Woke at 3 and thought ah....I think I know what's coming, and by 5, full on symptoms. Our new dryer was delivered this morning, so there was no trouble with me being awake for the that.

I shouldn't take the time, but since you were entertained by my dream about Star, I'll tell you a new one. In it, I had just found out that I was pregnant! Now, that caused me some concern for several reasons. I was 65 in the dream and hubby was either 84 or 104...either way, and the fact that he is in Heaven hardly matters.

There were people living with us. I asked the man, whoever he was, where the baby would sleep and he made some suggestion that I don't recall.

I told DD#1 and asked how she'd like another sibling, or if she would like to raise the baby if I didn't live long enough. HAHAHA.

I don't think the young couples even think about how much I'd like to see the babies, though I tell them all the time. They are busy and live a ways from me

Well, Christmas is coming and perhaps I'll be well enough to be there and hold both the babies. I'd wanted a picture of them together for Christmas cards, but that didn't happen. It's okay.


Your take care of yourself and enjoy every bit of the snow and festivities and all the get togethers you have planned, and the things you don't yet know will happen.

Much love,

snappy Heart

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Registered: ‎09-10-2012

😩 Snappy, if that wretched UTI had a neck, I would wring it!!! I pray they have caught it in time ~ with the correct RX to have you feeling much better soon. 


What a dream that was! 😂 I wonder who the strange man was in your house! Your heart is so pining to hold those precious GGDs, that your mind conjured up a baby of your own. Ahhh... I'm so hoping they come soon and you get the family photo, minus the two who may already be in NYC. That sounds like fun! DD and several classmates went there for NY's Eve during her senior year of college. They had a blast, other than being shocked to find no public restrooms. 😳 


Other than the events planning I help with here at the resort, the little dinner party (very informal) this weekend, helping to serve Christmas dinner at the church... and then our small dinner at home; I'm not doing anything near so large as Thanksgiving was. The kids have to divide their time with their in-laws, you see. It's only fair, since they don’t get to see them and the grands as often as we do. I'll have a few treats ready for Christmas Eve when they'll come and open gifts with us, but Christmas day and night will just be Will and I after church. I'm looking forward to it! Like you and your DD. Some much needed rest and blessed peace. 


Woot ~ a new dryer! 🤗 Santa came early. I hope it works out well for y'all and you'll get more shut-eye tonight. There have been some cute Hallmark Christmas movies. I always think of you when I watch them. 😍 Hopefully you won’t have to return your DD's slippers. My DD sent me a pair of my favorites, but I hated to have to tell her... I have to wear the Vionics or some other brand with good arch support now. She told me to give them to Suz, who wears the same size. Suz' deserves a bonus gift, so it's all good. 


Love you dearly and will check back soon! 

~Joy 💜


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Sorry, ladies ... I am finding it impossible to enlarge my font with this particular phone, but I wanted to let you know that Selah and I were able to get Mom's vintage Corningware pieces and they look great! If they were indeed used; it was more gently than seems possible. 


Selah's knee is feeling a bit better. Her step-daughter, step-granddaughter and the guy they want us to meet is coming tomorrow. Mom and I will prepare a standing rib roast dinner. I'm definitely going to make the Chicken Artichoke appetizers, too. Thanks for posting the recipes, Joy and all! 


Marcia, I'm elated at this wonderful news for you and Mike! A baby son - God is so good! 


We are now praying for Anu to recover ... and, of course Snappy. 🙏🙏 (I can't even bold your names.) 


I'll return later, friends, on my iPhone. Sending love and season's greetings to each of you! ❤️



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Hi, friends! Hope your Saturday is a nice one. Raining and cool here. It's melting what is left of our recent snowfall. I was so glad to see first hand that my little Nissan Rogue 4WD got me to work and back safely with no trouble. I'm doing laundry today, watching old Christmas movies and otherwise taking a breather. Jacob has branched out and is bird-sitting. A cockatoo, named “Birdo” who speaks when he wants to, but never when you ask him to. When you give up and turn to walk away, he'll say: “Hey you!” 😅 Funny and beautiful.....and seems to know it. A lot of meticulous instructions came with him, but it’s only for the weekend, and Jacob is following them to the letter. Here's one way his OCD is actually beneficial. Mixed blessings and all that.


Snappy, gosh I'm sorry that dang UTI is back again! It has to be so very frustrating at this point, and rather scary, too. It's so limited to the few antibiotics they can treat you with. Did you hear anymore from your cousin from Paradise? I haven’t heard one thing more on our local news, as to when those former residents can safely return and check on their properties. I'm happy to hear that apparently both Star and Sunny will be visiting with you over the Christmas season. I hope they will both be in the mood for photos together. I bet your DD got a chuckle from your dream! I too wonder who the mystery answer man was. 🤔 We have our prayer group at church praying for you and Shirley. Take it easy, and thank you for praying for my mom! 


Anu, feel better soon! 🙏 Mia was so cute paging Joy on the General Discussion thread for that soup recipe. I was relieved to learn she can make it in the Vitamix, but then, I suppose it is time for her to be learning to cook. They do grow up so fast! 


Rowan, I hope your rib roast dinner turns out well and that the Naval Officer is well received by your family and vice versa. It's usually kind of awkward for all when meeting for the first time. I expect he'll be nervous around Luke! Though it was the opposite for Darrell. He was most nervous about meeting my mom. Glad Winona’s bakeware arrived in good order! I have ordered things from eBay sellers labeled EUC (excellent used condition) and sure enough it always has been. She'll be so happy with her Made in the USA bowls with handles. 😊 Glad Selah's knee is improving and I hope that means just PT and no surgery. 


Marcia mentioned meat balls, and it reminded me that Darrell still wants Luke's recipe for the bourbon ones he served us on tooth picks. I will make a note to ask after their company leaves. Ours doesn’t arrive until the 22nd. We'd like to serve those for one of our appetizers. Fact is, I'd like to have a few right now! 😋 


Lurky, did your shawl arrive yet? I hope so, since you'll be needing it. I can’t complain about the mail service this year in our area at all. Everything arrived super fast, and thankfully nothing has been damaged - or stolen. 


Hi to Joy, Issy, MsLomo, cute, bathina and Gloria! I wish you and all our friends here a very merry Christmas and a healthy, happy new year! ⭐️




❤️ from Agnes 


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Registered: ‎01-01-2014

Marcia, appetizers are easier than desserts for me. I think you lucked out! They can be almost anything..... and for the holidays, to make it more festive, the presentation is key. Especially for the children! Here's a few simple, quick ideas. 






Have fun at the party! I hope it goes well and the weather up there cooperates for your commute. ❤️


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Snappy: Finally managed to get a message through to you on the Widows site.  Life has been pretty busy lately so will try to check in with our other friends here in the near future.


Blessings from HiLo

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Registered: ‎08-01-2013

Hello, @HiLo! Wonderful to see you posting again. Snappy will be happy to hear from you. She asks about you so often here. Like most on this thread, she checks in about weekly, if that now. It's good you notified her of your post on Widows. So easy to overlook or miss one on these ongoing chat threads. 




To you and yours! ❤️


With Love,

Ruth Ann