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Hi Selah, I've been off line for several days. Yesterday I did order a teak bench for my shower. Spent a lot of time on A looking for the right size and style.

Settled on one that is 18"wide, no handles, but not flat. Rather like a saddle. There's a grab bar just above where it will be. I use it to get out of the shower now. Hope this works, or I'll soon not be able to shower. There are other ways of keeping clean, but I don't want to go there unless and until I must.

If you were to cut your hair that short, and not like it, it would grow. We've probably all had haircuts we regretted and been grateful for new growth.

You did take a journey back in time on this thread. Big changes since then. I also miss Cute. She was always here if only to wish us a wonderful day and I miss her.

The ants have gone! DD still finds an "antibody" as she calls the deceased....but even that has stopped. The man will come each month to spray outside so hopefully we won't be overrun, or get sick from the

It's been very hot out here for a long time and was hoter at my son's on Sunday, but we all got together to visit the new baby, Sunny and also Star..oh and the adults..

Sunny is very tiny. Just over 6 lbs and 18" smallest baby we've ever had. She has colic which I don't really understand. Did a lot of crying no matter who held her. Felt sorry for her and her parents who are stressed. The doctor has told them how much milk to give her and how many hours apart so she doesn't have as much pain. I could tell she was hungry. I got to hold her and have a bunch of pictures of her and Star who has more red hair now and walks all over the place. She's interested in the baby, perhaps even sympathetic toward her when she cries, but less than thrilled when her mommy holds her.

Have a bunch of darling pix of her and of me holding both of them. And 4 generation pix.

It was exhausting, especially with the heat, but a good day.

DD#1 has had her testing done except for a CT scan of the abdomen.

Waiting for test results.  The margins around where they removed the cancer on her leg are clear, praise the Lord!

My good eye is getting more blurry again since I've had to stop the steroid drops. I see the eye doc on the 30th and imagine he will order the stem cell patch.

My sis has lots of discomfort from neuopathy of her hands and feet. The doc put her on a med that might help. Not so far.

She's also experiencing a worsening of her macular degeneration in her right eye. It's the dry kind.

Balance issues also. They plan on repeating her scans every 6 months unless something tells them it should be sooner. We pray for each other.

Take care,

snappy Smiley Happy

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Hi WaJa, had a long note that just vanished. Hope i can recall at least some of it. It's getting late here now. This note also vanished, but I found it.

We had a great time on Sunday despite the heat. It about wore me out and I slept a long time that night.

Star doesn't seem to know what to think of Sunny except she doesn't care to see her mommy holding her. She loves her mommy and daddy and will tolerate me if I have something that interests her, like a stuffed bunny.

She walks all over the place and wants to be doing that. Was playing on the floor with her uncle who has no kids. Legos. He and his wife have all the fun of the babies, and none of the responsibility. His wife said "works for me"....

i know you were a blessing to your neighbor. Sorry she has all that pain and recovering to do. God bless her.

DD#1 got good news from her dermatatologist regarding the surgery on her leg. The margins were clear. It's healing well.

Had a bunch of tests yesterday.

I still have the eye problem. See the doc on the 30th. Hope he can do the stem cell patch on the good one, but only if the Lord knows that's the best thing.


DD#2 will take my car to the dealer tomorrow to be serviced and have possible brake work. She says they sound like they are grinding. It could be expensive, but not as much as another car. I haven't driven for months, but do have my license. If my vision improves enough, I will be able to give it a whirl.


I am able to wear the splint on my upper teeth. Wouldn't say it's completely comfortable, but I can sleep with it. Ordered a dentifrice brush from A today. Have to clean it with a mild toothpast. DD has one and was told to use dish washing soap. There you go. ???


No word yet from the AC guy, but ours is still working perfectly.

I think we must have a different set up. It's a Trane...furnace inside the house, AC unit outside.

Next week I see the cardiologist and dermatologist. Summer vacation is flying by. I am weaker in the morning. It's much harder to shower and get dressed. By the time I come out for my oatmeal, I am shaking and breathing hard, but then I sit and study the Word and gradually get more steady. I know it will scare DD to return to work and that 3 years is a long time. That's how long she needs to work to get her full benefits. The Lord knows all about that, and we trust Him.

Hope I answered your questions. Hope you girls have a great time together...there's no doubt, really.

Say hello to all those who aren't able to post. HiLo if you hear from her, and Lurky. I hope cute returns. We need her smiling face and flying pony tail here!

I know she's on Facebook which we are not.

I think I forgot to mention that my GS#! without the kids and his wife were rear ended about a week ago on the freeway. He saw it coming and warned his wife. They are both sort of sore, but okay. The people in the other car were much more seriously injured. Taken away by ambulance, but will live. that driver was changing lanes and just didn't see them for some reason, plowed into them at full speed. Their dog was in the car and got tossed about. He is too big to sit in his car seat.

Thankful they are okay.

Bless all of you dear ones.


Hi to Issy, MsLomo, bath, cute, and all of dear ones.


snappy Smiley Happy



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Dear, dear cute....YIPPPEE! What a treat to see you today.

Thank you for the update on the babies and your other family. The little ones change so quickly. Just lost this post, but it was saved. Yeah.

Glad you can spend time with the little ones there. I know your GS's place is an amusement park for all of them when in town. Perfect set up.

Glad you are enjoying your weather and getting the lawn mowed.

Ours are mostly brown. I don't think anything will get done out there this year. DD has been so busy taking me to one doc after another, and doing her own things. She was able to order jeans, shoes and socks from A yesterday on sale. Not a big saving but we take everything we get.

I ordered a teak shower bench which i hope will enable me to keep on showering for longer. Right now I'm almost at the place where I don't have enough strength in my legs to do it. Also ordered a small fan for my bedroom. I get hot when I go to bed.

I've lost this also, so I'm going to send it now and shut down for the day. Almost time to think about getting some dinner.

Hope to see you again soon. Remember, we love you and so enjoy hearing from you. Hope your DD is okay and the TX family.


snappy Heart

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Hi Snappy.  Glad that you could make it here today.  I did post about my SIL's birthday party of the previous page.  Hope that you can read it.  Take care.  I shall return.

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Lurky, taking a chance this won't get lost. Been losing posts right and left. Anyway, always wondereful to see you. I think you were smart to order that wig. It can be returned if you can't abide it, but you might love it.

My hair is longer now, and I have to pull it all up off my neck or I'm way too hot to sleep. I should use a rubber band or scrunchy. Anyway, it's sort of curly in the morning. It's a blessing that we don't have the humidity out here. Just heat.

The ants haven't been around for days now. Good riddance.

I'm still tired from Sunday, but did get to see the babies and love on them. Poor Sunny cried so much from colic which I don't understand at all. I could tell she was hungry, but they monitor every ounce she drinks and how frequently. Doctor's orders.

I won't see her for months, unless something unexpected happens, so the change in her will be big. I did tell my GD how much I've enjoyed the AV clips of Star this past year and hope she will do the same with Sunny. They are all big Facebook users.

I'm going to send this before it's gone again. Love you...hello to HiLo if you hear from her.



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tIssy, I started this and it vanished, so here's hoping!

I did read your wonderful account of the party. You wore such a lovely outfit...there was never a doubt....and your SIL also was amazing. What an elaborate party! Delicious food and lots of ambience. You have such an interesting family, very elegant. We are almost always paper plates, jeans or shorts people.

We had a good time with the babies. My heart goes out to Sunny with the colic and her parents who must be exhausted and want so much to help her and not know just how. Glad the doc is working with them. I'm glad both sets of parents get along and help each other.

My GD thinks Star was such a good baby,and Sunny isn't. Well, she didn't live with Star 24/7. Both of the parents are off on paid leave. My GSIL wants my GD to stay home but she wants to go back to work. Not until October, so anything can happen.

Wonderful so see you and cute!


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Awww, poor Sunny! I think colic is an undeveloped digestive system. She will grow out of that condition in three to four months, but it is misery for her and for her parents. I had it, and my parents told me they thought they were losing their minds (from the constant crying). I, too, was put on some sort of "diet," but a specialist said, "This baby is starving. Feed her as much as she wants. She'll let you know when she's had enough. Stop measuring." My parents said I changed in a couple of days to a smiling, laughing, and happy baby. But this was MANY DECADES ago. I am not sure what they can do today. I just feel very bad for the baby! (I hope the parents don't think she is a "badly behaved" child because of this condition.)


Snappy, I am very happy to hear that the exterminator got rid of the ants! Yessss! You have suffered a long time with them! 


Loving the pictures of fashions, the recipes, and news. You all are the best. 

Cute t, good to hear from you!


Issy, the cruise-theme affair -- and your outfit -- just wow. Thanks for the great report. They are such an inspiration when it comes to decor, menu, activities, etc. So creative!


Got to run. Big HI to everyone. Sending Heart

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Registered: ‎01-01-2014

Hi, friends! Happy Friday eve! 😁


I've been taking a little posting break, but have been reading and hearting yours, so I don’t fall too far behind. My Dad left last Sunday, and I was sad to see him go, but my Mom will HAVE to get her back surgery soon. No two ways about it at this point. She will need him there after rehab, etc. I offered to fly out there and help before Jacob returns to school, but she said she would rather I wait until she is feeling better. I understand, and how she is about these things. 


Other than busy with work, gardening, etc....I have started taking the horseback riding lessons! I ❤️ it! 




I won't say it's not still intimidating, but going slow and learning a lot about horse sense helps. We have to gain one another’s trust, so I visit and groom him, too. 


Did those of you who ordered Martha's embroidered jeans like them? I have her regular ones and they're just about perfect in every way. I say this as someone who has struggled to find a good fitting, comfortable pair of jeans my whole life. 


@Issy379, I so enjoyed reading the details of the cruise party!  I think I would have been more relaxed there than on an actual cruise. Plus everyone already knew each other, so no awkward introductions. I would have had trouble deciding which buffet to choose, but I think I may have gone Hawaiian! Love it that they “crowned” your SIL and her hubby sang the song from their wedding! So romantic!! 💗 You're right......they really did outdo themselves this time and I'm glad you all had such a nice time. I bet the photos are gorgeous! 


@LurkyLoo, I adore that cat gif! How in the world do they get the animals to make these hilarious expressions? I hope you'll love your new wig. It should make life a bit easier. I had to get a trim, but otherwise my new style is holding up okay. The craft ideas are so cute! The soap pouch would also be great for camping or traveling. Very convenient. Looking so forward to giving you a real life hug on Sat!! The rain showers are expected here, too, thru next week. I’ve been reading about activities the younger kids will enjoy along the way. Keeping them occupied is half the battle to pleasant travels. Especially where Jacob is concerned. See you soon! 


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Well, that was interesting....I was just whisked away to the Home page and had to sign in again. I did learn that Martha will be showcasing her brand of flameless candles on Friday. I'll definitely check those out. 


@snappyfrappy, I'm sorry that Sunny is colicky! Poor little thing, and yes it is so stressful for parents - especially first time parents. I've known of a few and in fact, I used to babysit with one infant back in OR who suffered so with it. Cramping and spasms in the intestines/colon and like @MsLomo implied.....It's hard for the baby to get a full tummy of milk against all that. It most likely is an undeveloped digestion system at birth. Sometimes it can take up to 6 months to calm down, but not always. To my knowledge it leaves no lasting effects and doesn’t typically stunt growth. I hope it passes soon. 🙏


The teak bench sounds nice and a much safer set up for you in the shower. It hasn’t been so humid here in the last few weeks - TG. Temps in the 80s. Just right for swimming after gardening. I haven’t been to the beach yet this summer. Looking forward to that when we reach NC! Are you and DD going to your favorite little seaside village before she returns to work? Now that the ants are gone, a relaxing trip might be nice! 




Joy has asked me to invite my late friend's husband and children to the pool party BBQ we will have at her place during KS-Fest. I hope it doesn’t rain that day. Wish we could ship some of it to your state where the wildfires are. We have a member here reporting on those who has had to evacuate twice so far. So scary and sad! She is asking for prayers here in AF.


I'm glad your GS and his wife are okay following that accident! No whiplash or anything. I saw a delivery truck flipped over in the median on the interstate yesterday. Saw no other vehicle involved. It appears he lost control - maybe had a tire blow out. Nothing on the news about it, or his condition, but I saw blood on the windshield. Not a good sign. 😔


God bless you, too! Wish you and the other helloers could all join us over the next two weeks. Lurky will still be able to check in here with you as usual. She is not traveling with us - we will just visit with her briefly. She is more comfortable at home. I'll “see” you again soon and will be praying for you and your family as always. 


❤️ to all from Agnes




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Hello, MsLomo....happy to see you. Honestly, I thought that Sunny was HUNGRY. At one point she was trying to stuff her fist into her mouth. I remember my kids doing that. But, they are following the doctor's orders, at least for now. Glad your parents followed their instincts.

Did you order anything on Prime Day? DD just got a Dand B satchel. It's black nylon which is light weight enough for her to carry comfortably. Since she had that hand injury, that whole arm hurts. I ordered a Fossil bag in shades of blue. Am eager to see it.

We too are grateful to be rid of the ants.

It's in the upper 90s again. So far no word from the AC man, so I think the contractor forgot about it. He's also supposed to put a new cover on the patio the end of this month or early August, but no word from him about when or how much, etc.

It will get done.

The summer is flying by and I know DD will find it hard to leave me alone when she returns to work. Can't say I blame her.

DD#1 found out that the bone spur in her hip is growing again which is why there's pain. She needs to take NSAIDS for several weeks, to quiet the inflammation, but then the ulcer will kick up again. The option is radiation, which she doesn't want to have. Praying for wisdom for the doctor's. Her other hip has a tear in something, but no bone spur.

I'm so sorry she has so many physical issues.

Well, enough of that. Good to see you, as always.

snappy Smiley Happy