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06-29-2019 06:08 PM
Hello, dear @LurkyLoo! Thank you for passing our news along here. I'm heartbroken to hear that Erin's RA is progressing so rapidly. Is there no surgery that can safely help her? Seems that should have proceeded the PT, but then maybe this is prep for that. How wonderful that her parents deeded their home to her and her family. Now they have the mortgage off their backs at least. I hope her parents were able to find a nice place nearby. This has to be very hard for them, too.
I know you're excited for Gwen's upcoming wedding, and at your church! Congrats to the happy couple and your whole family.
Big helloes to dear @Issy379! Thanks for all the news. We sure thought of you while shopping! Wished you were with us. We went first to the Biltmore Village. Very quaint, charming experience with 40+ shops. Boutiques you would have loved! Artisan jewelry, kimonos and beach wraps, summer dresses, shoes, gorgeous bags. You should have seen Selah's eyes bugging out of her head! 😅 I found my mom's favorite perfume and bought that to save until her birthday. She wasn’t with us that time, so has no idea. She'll be so surprised since it's now hard to find.
Like you, I went to our mall recently to shop at Nordstrom and was disappointed to see so many other stores had closed up. Being replaced by unheard of retailers mostly catering to teens, it appears. They do still hang out there, but I never see them buying much. The prices are crazy. Online, we can easier shop for sales and I DO. Budget demands it, and even if it didn’t. . . why pay more when we needn't?
I wonder why so many hosts are leaving here and HSN? Doesn’t look good, does it?
God bless Joan and her caregivers, including you. I know you are such a comfort to her. 💛
I''m not surprised to learn that Elijah is such a stylish young man with discerning tastes in food, too! 😍 It's truly amazing how fast they grow and develop. I wrote to Hilo above about some of the cute things Tyler is doing now, and he must be in a growth spurt. He's eating a lot, in addition to his bottles and sippy cups. Most green foods come back out of his mouth, but we keep trying. He put two words together at Selah's in his attempts to catch Winona’s cat: “kee-cat!” That's a first, so far. He still hates shoes and socks, but loves his baths and tries to shampoo his own hair. I have him dressed for dinner out now, and I hope he'll stay clean until we get there. The place has a huge salt-water aquarium that covers an entire wall. He'll be mesmerized! Anything moving captivates him. I'll try to film the fish and other sea life, so he can watch them at home.
Did you decide on a new vehicle yet? Hope you find a great deal on one you love. I'm still driving my same Jeep and likely will for another year or two.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend, dear friend! See you and all here again soon. Love you lots!
—Marcia ❤️
06-30-2019 02:23 PM - edited 06-30-2019 02:40 PM
Hello dear friends:
I'm sorry I haven't been here to reply to your lovely posts and comments. Seems as though I spend the majority of my time learning about the problem we are facing. I have never been one to voice many of my concerns, realizing that you all have enough of your own. but these are those I felt compelled to share and knowing God hears all the prayers give me such peace.
The latest is that Rob's surgery has been postponed until Tuesday then we should know what is really happening. There are several thyroid cancer sites on Facebook and for many of these people this procedure wasn't that easy; a lot of after affects to deal with; some forever.
Have to mention the few things that have fallen right into place, PTLStephen is retiring in Sept.and will be available here if needed. Lauren had been planning to move out at the end of August but plans have changed so she is moving on Tuesday; available room now; my well to do Aunt sent a large check to help with expenses. I wanted to pay for Donna's flights but didn't know how to manage it financially. Also the new cancer treatment Proton will be coming to Hopkins in the next couple of months......this therapy targets the bad cells directly with 60% less radiation but not every insurance co has approved it yet.
My brother Don is in therapy and is now able to move his arms and hands. Still no action by the legs and feet though. But it is still early in the therapy so that could happen yet. He has never prayed for healing, just for God's grace. That is certainly pleasing to our we know so He will answer in His own way.
Donna tells me during trials to always remember the Lord's past mercies; so true, He has never failed.
Will contact you all when the surgery is over.....or at the earliest opportunity.
Meanwhile, as John MacArthur would say, :Grace to you".
With fond affection and gratitude,
07-01-2019 01:00 PM - edited 07-01-2019 01:04 PM
@HiLo - Lois dear.. thank you for making the time to update us on the latest news. I know it can’t be easy with so much going on. I understand, too, about the concern of sharing too much info here, but these things are very important, we care so much and want to direct our prayers correctly. This is the quickest way to get a message off to all.
It's so good to know that Don is making nice progress with his PT. I pray it'll help with his legs and feet, too- as I'll also pray as he himself does. Such a mature man of faith. Our sermon yesterday was on the importance of blessing and praising God- especially through painful trials.
How nice of your aunt to help with a generous donation for the family's financial needs during Rob's illness! Since plans changed and Lauren must move tomorrow- the same day of his surgery.. I hope she'll yet be near enough to still lend a hand to you. I'll be praying all day that the surgery goes well. No complications and they can safely remove the tumors from his thyroid. Or will they take out his thyroid? I'm sure many are left with life-long symptoms from this. Each person and each cancer type is so varied. Hopefully your son won’t be among them. The new treatments sound promising and I hope his insurance will cover it.
Congratulations to Stephen! He certainly deserves to retire after so many years of very hard work. I think of him every time I see the UPS truck pull up here. Boy, do those drivers hustle. I don't know how they do it- in all types of weather. Maybe with him having more free time and energy, it will also help Ryan.
Just write when you can and feel like it, dear friend. We certainly understand. Holding you close in prayer, too- for grace to sustain you and to keep giving you strength.
With Love,
Ruth Ann
07-01-2019 01:55 PM
Hello, dear @DeLaney - Marcia, and thank you for all the news! Sounds like you all had such a nice time, including Tyler. I LOL at him nearly pulling his dad's trunks down when he fell in sand. Of course he had to taste it- experience the grit! Ewww.. I bet he couldn’t wait to spit that mouthful out. Did he sleep through the flight home?
I wondered if you girls had time to visit my friend's quilt shop in Moravian Falls? I had told her you would try, but couldn’t promise this time due to the 3-day retreat. I visited the Cove website and looked at all the wonderful photos- Ruth Graham's 13-acre prayer gardens was my favorite. Would love to visit some day. The trails look manageable from a wheelchair. Are they? What about big hills and raised bridges? So happy you all had this experience!
Saturday Gert and I went to Sephora (for her skincare and makeup). I saw there a sale on your Clinique line. I bought something for myself called Moisture Surge 72-Hour Replenishing Hydrater. I hope it helps with my dry skin- will test it out before the wedding. Don't want to look like a prune in the photos! Then we went to Walmart- I hadn’t been in such a long time. They have my usual Oil of Olay for both face and body at the best prices. I really like the Total Effects with a bit of tint and sunscreen for my face. I don't need any foundation then. One step does it all! We had an early dinner at Red Lobster before returning home. I was in bed and fast asleep by 9:00. Wore me out, but I managed to get to church services yesterday. Then we had a nice brunch. I brought home my fruit salad for dinner and hit the hay early again. Feeling better today. I'm taking in a lot of sewing- mending, for mainly single or widowed men here. They know nothing about this and have been throwing away perfectly good garments that only need a few stitches.
Yes, we're all so excited about Gwen and Steve's upcoming wedding. She and her mother have all the plans down. Can't wait to show you ladies her beautiful gown. It's traditional with lace sleeves that come down to above her elbows. She will make one gorgeous bride! I'm shopping for their gift now. Erin said she'll be there, even if on a walker. I told her and sent a link to the Euro one so highly recommended here. Should make it easier on her than the old-fashioned kind like I used.
Yes, there is talk of surgery for her. The usual multiple replacements. I understand her dread, as I had them. Some helped for a long time. Others failed to heal properly or give much relief at all. I don't want to dispatch a lot of doubt and fear- she has enough already! I know there has been many improvements in the procedures since I had them, too. They are trying to strengthen her and help her posture with the PT, before things grow worse. Damage other joints, etc. Her neck is really bothering her with pain and cracking. I've never developed that problem yet, and I hope she won't need the upper disk replacement. Dangerous messing around in there.
Her parents always did intend to leave the family home to her upon their deaths. Seeing that she and her family needed it now, they decided to do this. They found a nice place between here and Erin's. Not a retirement community exactly, but a 55+. They are both in good shape for their ages, but won't miss the lawn care, etc. Erin's husband will have no problem taking care of that. I hope they can find someone to help with the housework, until hopefully she improves. Thank you (and all) so much for the prayers. As Hilo said, it helps so much to know people of faith who truly care. Not selective caring, but all-inclusive as Christ taught. Even for our enemies, if we know of any. I appreciate you each so much. ❤️
How sweet that you bought Cora her favorite perfume! Let me know in time to wish her a happy birthday, please. Is she a July baby like our Anu?
Hope you have a little reprieve between your trip and jumping right back into work. I read your interesting links you posted to Hilo. Learned a lot! Especially regarding your field. God bless you and yours. I know BG is excited to have you back again. Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
With Love,
Ruth Ann
07-01-2019 03:11 PM
Hello, @Issy379 and thank you for the update on your dear SIL. Bless her, she is proactively doing all she can to help herself with the grief. No, nothing will ever be quite the same.. after sharing many years of happiness with your dear brother. Such a good man will always be missed. Glad the cemetery is close by for you and your family. I get peace from visiting, too. Best wishes to your SIL with the sewing classes. One must pay very close attention and that has to preoccupy her for a time. Bet she'll soon be creating some lovely things! Glad to hear that Joan is still with you and receiving such loving care.
Enjoy the new shops and give Elijah a big hug from me!
With Love,
Ruth Ann
07-01-2019 03:37 PM - edited 07-01-2019 03:47 PM
Hello today, @snappyfrappy! By now you know- boy or girl? I'm all a' twitter for you! 🤗 Can't wait to hear Star's reaction to the news.
I thought of you Sat, while in Walmart shopping for my vitamins and such. Saw a product on the shelf made by Azo which claims to “naturally” help with preventing and treating the yeast infections. A lady was stocking up on it, so I asked her if she had used it before. She said she had been using it for several months. It works so well that she only needs to take one tablet a day to keep the yeast away. Just thought you may want to look into it, if you have to go back on the antibiotics. Hopefully you won't!
Oh, joy- the plumbing work is done! I know it's hard having the workman around, blessings that they are. Just disrupts the whole day. Now you and DD can sleep in a bit. Dry wall goes up fast. Hope you can match your LR paint up well.
I received my Martha Steward tee-shirt and like it so much (even after washing/drying) that I ordered another in the v-neck. The cotton is so soft and these will layer well with no bulk. I don’t need any bulk! I looked at her recent TSV, but passed on it. Too tent-like for me. The only one modeling it on TV who looked nice in it was Jennifer. Even Martha looked to be expecting a baby soon. No offense meant; I'm sure it's made well, but it would exaggerate my pear shape. Now I have to shop for something to wear to Gwen's wedding. Her grandmother, Tom's wife will take me next weekend to find something appropriate.
Have you heard anymore about the eye doctor situation? I have forgotten when your next appointment is. Is the stem cell treatment still working? Wish you could have had it done on the other eye before the insurance company stomped their foot down.
Prayed for Shirley's infusion to go well today and bring her some relief from any or all of those side-effect symptoms.
God's best to you too, dear. I'll check back in on you soon. For some reason, I have to keep signing back in here today, after stepping away for a bit. Some new glitch in the system's software I suppose. Good I have this one thread floated to the top, so I can easily find it again. Take care!
With Love,
Ruth Ann
07-01-2019 03:58 PM
Hello, Issy,
You are amassing quite a wardrobe of kimonos! I know it makes you happy, so I'm glad for you.
I buy all my clothing on line now, undies, shoes the whole lot. Mostly from the Q. I ordered a LOGO top this morning which I didn't need, but thought was darling and was on sale. Yeah, yeah...
It's good for your SIL to be taking steps to help her in her grief. It never ends, but does get easier with time. At least it's that way for me. I dream about hubby frequently, and he's not at all like he was in real life here. Don't understand that, but it's just dreams.
My sister hasn't been in touch very much. She was to have her infusion today so I texted her. Her daughter wrote back that because of her balance problems, they didn't do it and are going to do another MRI to see if the cancer in the brain is worse. I'm so sad for her and so scared that she will be gone soon. I need to get out to see her.
The dry wall men were here this morning and made short work of mending the 5 openings in the walls and took measurements for a new patio cover. They will email that to DD. I'm sure we will go ahead with it. The raccoon did a number on what's there now.
The reveal party was yesterday. To almost everyone's surprise, we are going to have another little baby girl!
My GS hoped for a son which won't happen now since they are only having the 2 children. I'm not sad it's a little girl, just sad it isn't a boy.
Have never known anyone with her name, but it's pretty, and they are using my middle name and my DIL's middle name joined together for the baby's middle name. I feel honored. I'll have to think of another name to call this one when posting here.
It's hot here, so I'm pretty sure it is where you are also.
Take care, dear friend,
07-01-2019 04:23 PM
Hello, DeLaney,
How nice to hear something about your get away at the Cove. Glad you could share about my singing with the Graham Crusade here in 1963. We were both counselors also. So grateful for Billy's faithful life and only Heaven will reveal how many came to faith through his ministry. It would never be allowed to happen in our day.
Your little boy is at such a darling age. One does have to be on guard. If it gets too quiet, go find out what's wrong.
Don't they just love to use those teeth to bite people!!
The dry wall men were here this morning. All 5 of the holes are fixed. Once they are all dry, DD can paint the areas and then that will be done. They are probably also going to put up a new patio cover soon.
Yes, we now know that the baby is a girl! I think it shocked almost everyone there including my grandson who so wanted a boy. But they smiled and will love this little one who will be Star's little sister. She had talked about baby boy so much that she really looked sort of puzzled and even unhappy about it. I confess to being sad. Not for the little girl, but that it's not a boy. Still, the Lord never makes mistakes and I can hardly wait to hold this little girl. Her name is very pretty, but I've never known of anyone so named.
There was sort of a letdown feeling, but everyone was very tired. I didn't go, but they sent me the live video which was fine with me.
Because they live with mommy's parents, it will be easier for the two girls to share a bedroom and then there are the hand me downs from Star and Sunny. Those 3 little girls so close in age will have fun for years to come and make family gatherings much happier. It's possible/probable that Sunny's parents will have another one. No announcement as yet. Her birthday party is Saturday. We are going to make every effort to be there although it's a fairly long drive for us.
Happy Independence Day to all of you,
07-01-2019 04:28 PM
Hi, Snappy. So happy to see you today. Yes, it is warm in my neck of the woods. I do have quite a collection of kimonos. I like them because they are pretty and comfortable. I just pile on the jewlery. Simone has started wearing them, too. Speaking of Simone......she just bought a brand new black Mercedes. She drove it off the showroom floor yesterday. I can just imagine her riding down the street in her Gucci sunglasses or maybe her Chanel sunglasses.
Wow, another baby girl. How, exciting. Yes, you will have to think of another name. It seems like it is raining babies around here.
I am very sorry to hear about this latest development with your dear sister, Shirley. Hope that you can find a way to go out to see her soon.
Hi, Delaney. I am happy that all of you ladies had a wonderful time together. That little Tyler is a hoot, but of course, he is a little genius to boot!!! It is so amazing how life evolves. Never a dull moment. My friend, Kristen's grandson, when he was learning to walk, would hold onto the couch and walk from one end to the other. When he wanted to walk back the other way, he would drop down and crawl back to his starting point and then stand up and walk back down the couch. He finally realized that he could turn around and walk back the other way, while holding onto the couch. So funny how their little minds work.
Hi Lurky; so nice to see you, too. Have you had a chance to see your kitty?
Hi Selah, Hilo, QAnu, Agnes, Rowan, Bathina, MsLomo, NAES, and Cute--we miss you.
Will return tomorrow.
07-01-2019 04:48 PM
Dear HiLo,
Glad I checked in here today and found that your son's surgery is tomorrow. I don't know how it differs from that which my son had, but for sure they will take out the entire thyroid and possibly some para thyroids if necessary. My kids are doing fine after their initial surgery and treatments. There are different types. They both had papilary (sp) which is the most common. If your son has good insurance, he will be followed up for the rest of his life. Blood work will always be important and sometimes ultra sounds on the neck and they will make sure the heart is okay. Maybe ultra sound, sometimes stress test. Now as the years go by, and no complications arise, they back off of all that agressive stuff and the patient falls into a more or less routine that's much easier to just do.
Glad your brother is receiving help and has his heart in the right place.
We are tired here after getting up quite early, for us, to receive the dry wall man. Grateful that is over.
Am very concened for my sister.
Expecting another little GGdaughter around Thanksgiving. Those 3 little girls will have a great time together. Have to think of a name for her that I can use here. Nothing comes to mind yet. Maybe I'll have to see her first. Wonder if she will be as stunningly beautiful as Star. Oh I hope so for her sake!
Take care and know people are praying about tomorrow's surgery.
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