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Hi DeLaney, good to hear from you. Love that picture!


Haven't heard about Dr. Jon, but have prayed that someone will find him and for comfort for those who love him. So hard to not know what happened.


Thanks for the story about your mom's sister! How much fun is that? A family inside joke. The best kind.


I saw the PA at the neurologist's office on Monday. She was friendly and nice. There's not much to do for CMT. Had a chest x-ray to more or less satisfy the cardiologist. It came back negative.

Saw her on Wednesday. She's letting me go for 3 months without seeing her unless I need to, of course.

My friend came with my tax papers to sign and they have been filed and accepted.

I'm quite sure I have a UTI. Oh dear. I can get to the doctor's office, but not out of the car and inside alone.

I do have an antibiotic, but don't want to waste it in case I just have symptoms. Am using Uribel which helps.

Glad your weather is better, more condusive to searching.


Take care,

snappy Cat Happy

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cute, I'm so very happy to see you. We've been friends a long time and I miss you. This was a busy week for me, so I didn't post much either.

I'm confused about your GS's wife having chemo. My kid's thyroid cancer was also in lymph nodes, but they were removed surgically and the treatment was radioactive iodine taken orally. Thyroid cells are unlike any other in the body and LOVE iodine, so wherever it goes in the body they gobble it up and die.

But your lovely lady may have a different type of thyroid cancer than my kids had.

In any event, she will be okay in the end and you know we care and are praying for her.

Is she able to take care of her little boy?


I think it's wonderful that your hubby can still work.

I know he would keep busy even if he were to retire since he is so handy, but this is what he likes.


Sorry to hear about Diane Gilman. I stopped to pray for her. Such an awful disease.

The last time I looked, Talk among yourselves was there, but that's been quite a few months ago. I didn't recognize the names of anyone there or know how to use their site. Hope you find your friends there.


All the best to you and your wonderful family.

snappy Heart

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Hi dear Lurky, happy almost birthday! Is it in April?

Mine is. I'll be 84. Lord willing, that is.


I knew you would be just fine leading the Bible study, so I'll thank the Lord with you that you were.

God always blesses His Word, and the weaker the earthen vessel, the more the treasure shows.


I certainly understand your hesitation to allow people to have a party for your birthday. I'm also uncomfortable with attention. As for gifts, I think it would be fine to say "no gifts, please". Maybe you could request cards instead, and people could write a little message about what you mean to them.

No need to figure out where to display things you don't need. And personal things like that are lovely to keep and re-read.


I also had trouble with the time change, and I think I have a UTI so I'm not feeling my best.

I do love hearing from you. Take care of yourself and may the Lord bless your continuing ministry there among those dear ones.



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Hello, friends -- it's snowing down here! The horizontal kind and beginning to stick a little. I could blame Marcia with her industrial super-sized snow blower, but it's not coming from her direction this time. 😉 


Lurky, are you getting it again, too? Hope not since your appointment with the new rheumatologist is today, if I'm not mistaken. Have prayed it will go well.


Plenty adults of all ages stipulate no gifts. Snappy has a sweet idea with the cards! Some suggest a donation in their name to a favorite charity, but it can say in the invitations: "Just bring yourselves as we celebrate with Ruth on her birthday." I bet your friends there in your retirement community will relate, even if those still living in larger houses don't. 


To offset being the center of attention, you could request games or other activities that everyone can participate in and enjoy as a group. Some may enjoy dancing to music if there's enough space. I like to show old home movies at such events, and dig out the old photo albums. Wish I could be there -- I know it's 4/20 but I'll only mail a card as usual with a tiny surprise in it that you can use up easily. Which is *no* surprise really. I respect your practical nature. It's your birthday, so I celebrate who you are and how blessed I am to know you! ❤️


My problems here on this site persist mainly on the shopping side. Their loss, my budget's gain. ☺️ I can't borrow Rowan's iPhone since she has that with her nearly 24/7 right now. She and her colleagues are almost constantly being contacted with info and setting up meetings with officials and psychiatric professionals. They want to begin those new iniatives in the school by the next term. Whereas that's become a sad necessity, I'm okay with just posting here very occassionally. No such technical problems elsewhere. 


Snappy, I hope you are just having the symptoms of a UTI again ... though I can't imagine why you would without actually having one. I'll pray it passes and you don't have something like a kidney stone. I passed one once and would rather give natural birth again. One more treatment for Shirley! I join you in prayer that she will remain cancer free. 


You are another April baby -- so is my brother, Josh! I know you said there are several others in your immediate family and you celebrate them all soon together. With the baby there -- wahoo!! Surely she won't cry when she sees you. She might screech, so have your earplugs handy. 😉



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Cute, I love to shop on HSN's site. I never have a problem there, but I have never even bothered to look for their discussion forums. Maybe they have moved or renamed the Talk Among Yourselves forum, like they did with Viewpoints here. Can you page or PM your friends there? Hope you find them.


God be with Diane Gilman. I had not heard of her diagnosis, but will be praying for her, along with your GS's wife. 


I actually like DST and wish "they" would leave it this way. More sunlight is better in the fall and winter, as well as the spring and summer. JMO. And no more need to re-adjust our internal clocks. 


Joy, you know our prayers go with you, and I'm so glad the most recent assistant worked out so well! Love that natural photo and thank you for sharing. 


I can't find the one that Agnes took and sent me by email of Luke and I in the balloon. It must be on one of my memory cards, but I have scanned thru several. 😟 Agnes, if you still have it, you may share it here, but you will have decrease the width. I just tried posting another and had to resize it, since it threw the whole thread outa whack! 


Have it ready to go for MsLomo now! (I pray your hubby's eyes are healing nicely!) One must first appreciate the fact that Joy's boss, who owns the fabulous resort and marina on a large lake is what can only be referred to as "a caution." A long time family friend, who was invited with his "date" (See: spy) to Joy's house for Sunday dinner -- just previous to our first ever KS Fest there in VA. During this visit, this date offered to help Joy in the kitchen and it would SEEM she scoped out Joy's sensational family meatloaf recipe. Must have shared it with Bruce (Big Boss Man), who actually bootlegged it through his cook at the marina. Joy had no idea, you see. 


Now jump ahead to KS Fest ... Bruce was good enough to give those of us who lodged at his resort a nice group rate, plus discount coupons to dining and other ammenties. We were so grateful and for his entertaining tales, as well as history of the area, etc. But it was my husband Luke (plenty of blame to go around here! 😉 ) who upon seeing the "foo-foo" fares served up by the fussy French chef for dinner, who later asked Bruce: "Where can we go locally for some good home style meals?" Of course Bruce recommended his marina diner, where he also raved on the meatloaf for those not wanting fish. You can see where this is going! 😜


The next morning, I wanted nothing more than to take the hot air balloon tour which launches from the lake and then covers a large, mainly rural area. Didn't want to wait in line, since our group had many activities planned. Luke and I went up alone (Agnes snapped our pic) with just the operator and it was truly a dream come true!!! I loved it so much, that I said, "I'm going up again with Rowan later (who is a big chicken)." I talked her and Chay into reserving the next earliest tour. That was after lunch. Therein lies my own blame! 😖


We went to the marina diner for lunch, as a group. Including Joy and her family ... Luke and I ordered the meatloaf special. Best we ever had!! Little did we know that it was Joy's own; however, she and her family recognized it immediately. So when Bruce arrived to ask us how we were enjoying our stay ... much mayhem ensued. The "shady pirate, secret family recipe bootlegging" accusations flew, and being caught in his own web, BBM tried to suggest it was: "the ultimate compliment to Joy's cooking." 😆😁😅 That did not go over well and so a commission was offered. She let it go, in the spirit of our first get-together -- and me, stuffed to the gills with meatloaf, smashed potatoes, wide green beans and fried apples went with Rowan (who eats like a bird!) and Chay for my second balloon ride, while Luke went fishing with the other guys. 


MsLomo ... no sooner than we launched, I felt the queasiness coming. I looked at Rusty (the operator) with panic in my eyes. He just knew -- "Did you have a big lunch?" And of course, the Princess Rowan blurted it out: "Joy's bootlegged meatloaf at the diner!" (It was obvious this serious infraction was no new news to Rusty. He couldn't conceal his humor at BBM being busted by Joy.) I said, "Please tell me you have a bucket or something aboard." No such luck! He offered me a Dramamine for motion sickness and I took it, but too late!  


I shudder to think who on the lake, then parking lots and pastures -- including cattle and horses -- were spattered! 


All the while, Rowan is laughing, since I teased her into going by clucking at her like a chicken. And her husband, Chayton kept insisting -- against my muffled protests -- we get group shots from his silly selfie-stick! 😡




This is the least grotesque one of the group. 


There you have it, MsLomo ... my hot air balloon, recycled bootlegged meatloaf saga. 😜


Enjoy your week, ladies! 😘



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@SelahG - thanks for taking the time to recount that hilarious (sorry!) saga!! Just what I needed this evening. 😂 Belly laffs!! You are such a good sport. 


How much snow did you get? 


@cute t - great hearing from you and thanks for letting us know about Diane Gilman being in need of prayer. Bless her soul. I can’t tell you how many pairs of her jeans I own. I'm sorry I have no clue of the forums there either. Your GDIL and her family are in my daily prayers. I so agree.....what a welcome a prevention to all cancer would be!


@snappyfrappy - I hope your symptoms are lessening and you won’t need another antibiotic. Though I'm sure one of your children or grandchildren will get you to the doctor, if need be. 


A very happy upcoming birthday to you, @LurkyLoo and all the other April birthday ladies here! Both of my parents' birthdays are in April, too. Mom's first - she's an Aries and Dad's later - he's a Taurus. Not that we take the zodiac signs seriously.


Lurky, if you want no gifts, just say so! In fact, if you want no party, just tell Elsie you'd prefer to celebrate quietly. Maybe just a small dinner with them at their house, or at a favorite restaurant. I don’t find either to be rude in the least. I'll be 41 in Aug and I only want something very low-key, too. I don’t think it’s an age thing, so much as a personality and/or personal taste thing. Take my Nan for instance......the older she gets, the bigger deal she expects to made of her birthday. 😃 To each their own!


@WaJa61 - I'm praying for your groups' safe travels and anxiously awaiting the photos! My last trip to the Holy Land was way back before business college. Wow! Speaking of feeling old.... it seems like a light age ago. I know that Suz' wishes she could go and I hope it's possible next time. 


@DeLaney - hello up there to you and sweet Mike! You look like you’re on top of the woooorld! Prayers for the rescue efforts and your dad. My FIL has located two properties up there to see. One already has a modern cabin and the other is prepped for one to be built. They are planning a trip up there in May. From the photos I saw online through the realtor, I doubt that cabin will still be available. They can’t get away sooner, though. 


@agnesann - 😅 Speaking of upper body strength, remember me trying mine with archery? I never did get the bow pulled back to lock it in place! Pretty embarrassing that my son had to do that for me. Hugs to you, Darrell, Jacob and Jeffers II! 


@MsLomo - still tapping and baking? You have outpaced me, I'm afraid. I've hung up my tap shoes for fuzzy slippers, herbal tea and  PBS on TV. Logan switched it over from all the news coverage of the deadly packages delivered in Austin today. 😟 “A Concert For George.” Tom Hanks, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. 


Special hellos to @Issy379 and @Rowan72! Don’t work too hard while enjoying the rest of this week. 


Goodnight and sweet dreams to all!🌛



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Thank you, sweet Anu! 😘


Our snow is already gone. The temp is climbing toward 50° and it's sunny with a few wind gusts. Sometimes it seems that we get all 4-seasons in a week here. 


Heard all about those deadly package bombs that killed 2 and seriously injured another. The authorities have linked them to an earlier one, and are investigating these as hate crimes. I'm praying they can safely apprehend whomever it is quickly! With all the online shopping there are millions of packages arriving on doorsteps daily. 


I should have checked back in here last night. Wouldn't have missed that concert on PBS, if it ran here. I especially love Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (God rest his soul). 


You don't get to feel old officially until you're at least 45! I'm sure that's a "many moon rule." 😜 I will turn 61 in Dec ... A Sagittarius. I remember in the '80s when everyone was asking, "What's your sign?" I wonder if it grew so popular because of Nancy Reagan. 


Thank you for being part of my journey, too! 


Wishing all here a day of brightest blessings. ❤️



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hi Selah, thank you for the interesting post. I slept very well last night. Think the Bactrim is helping. It's a sulfa drug and takes longer to work than other kinds of meds, but it's okay.


My birthday is April 24th. Hubby's was the 13th as was my grandpas. The baby's mommy's is the 2nd. And the daddy's is the 30th. DD#1 is March 27, DS and his daughter, the expectant mother's are the 4th and 8th of May. Lots of spring births.


Sorry you have trouble ordering from the Q. It's way too easy for me.

I got the cutest white bunny with a pink tummy for the baby for Easter. Her name is embroidered on one of the long floppy ears. Ordered one for the baby on the way.

Such a darling bunny. Nothing to do with Easter, but cute.


Thank you for the information about Lurky. I do hope she got some good help from the new doctor. Such a lovely lady.

I was watching a TV program from a town in CA named Reedley. There's a large Mennonite population there and it showed many ladies working on traditional quilts which they sell at auction, the proceeds going to the charities they fund. I thought about Lurky and knew she would have recognized the patterns.


We are supposed to have rain starting later today and going for several days. Oh how we need it.


snappy Smiley Happy

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Anu, you also have lots of April dates. It's my favorite month. Having a big hoopla made over me makes me squirm, so combining many twice a year works well.

When I turned 80, DD#2 put together a video of my life and played that at my Gs's house. I have it stored on my computer. She does a good job of that sort of thing.


I did decide to take the Bactrim beginning Sunday night.

On the day after Easter, I'm scheduled to see my PC doc. I can talk with him about this, but I'm getting some relief, so it must be another infection.


We are expecting RAIN...the real thing. I'm going to take a look at the apricot tree to see if it's started to flower. If so, it means fruit! Just read John 15 today about the branch's need to abide in the Vine in order to be fruitful.

Love that Gospel.


LOVE the account of Selah's hot air balloon ride.


snappy Smiley LOL

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OH MY GOODNESS, the Hot Air Balloon Ride!  LOL!! Thanks for telling us! I am sure it wasn't funny at the time -- actually, rather mortifying -- but it's very entertaining. And you know if you survived that experience emotionally, there's not too much anyone can do to you. lol


Now I really DO believe in the KS Model Agency Thing because I have looked at the pics of (in addition to -- swoon -- Marcia and Mike) Jacob (what a precious child), Agnesann, Joy, Rowan, Selah, and I know there are others. "Wow" is all I've got!


DH's right eye is still getting the drops after the cataract surgery. He can actually read now and see things post-op; and then he'll have skin cancer surgery for a small spot on his nose -- and then it will be time for the second eye. Just feeling glad that he doesn't have a third eye (or, eek, more).


Cute t, yes, HSN still has Talk Among Yourselves in its Community. At the top of the home page, click on "Connect," and then click on "Community." The forum categories are listed. I think the last one is "Talk Among Yourselves." I rarely go there. I don't think there are moderators  except in the "Customer Service" category.


Marcia, HSN no longer has private-messaging, so there isn't a way to send personal messages, boo. I went to Dephi, and it's huge. There are lots of categories, and I do not know which one to choose to find you.


The shortbread recipe you posted, Marcia, is very close to the "sandy" one I tried. So far, Martha Stewart's recipe tastes the best (to the tastebuds in this house). It's the Martha Stewart one for "shortbread cookies," not her "classic shortbread recipe."  Here's the link that I hope is OK to post.



If the URL doesn't make it when I hit "Submit," you can Google "Martha Stewart Shortbread Cookies." The ingredients include butter that you beat for up to 5 minutes. It's easy to make.


I use a tall glass to cut circle shapes. The "star" shape that is pictured is not good because it creates thin pieces and edges that cook faster than the rest of the cookie. I "undercook" by about 3 minutes, then let them cool -- but not for too long -- and when they are still just slightly warm, I put them in an airtight container in layers separated by parchment paper. Then I put the container (a round, glass Lock and Lock) in the freezer. 


It's the Hershey's Unsweetened Cocoa chocolate-cake recipe on the back of the can that takes concentration; it's hard for me to whip up that one -- I make the cupcakes, not full-size cake -- when watching TV or talking to someone at the same time. I make the buttercream chocolate icing, too (also on the back of the box). I cool the cupcakes, ice, and wrap individually in clear wrap, then insert in a Ziplock bag, and then into the freezer. 



These two are House Favorites. I have both in the freezer now.


Snappy, I am excited for you to see Your Baby soon at the next family get-together! I am crossing my fingers for Shirley. I also hope the antibiotic kicks in to give you relief. I hope all is well with you and your family. It's hard to believe another school year is almost over. After Easter, it will go quickly, and then DD#2 has two or three more school years left until retirement?


Issy, I'm with you on the Academy Awards. I did not take even one look (again) this year. It's too political for me. I try to avoid watching and listening to "news" as it is. I suppose I could put the TV on mute and look at the fashions, but I have no enthusiasm. I did see a picture of Nicole Kidman wearing a stunning blue dress in a geometric shape. Whenever I have fantasized that I'm on Project Runway and can make any dress I want, I picture making a dress like that one -- but now someone has gone and made MY DRESS, so I'll have to think up a new one! Haha


Take good care. Heart HeartHeart