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God bless and heal you, Issy! I'm sorry you were so sick for both holidays. I've been missing you (and cute). Was hoping you were just busy enjoying yourself. There are a lot of bugs going around here, too. My Nan who is still staying with us, along with my Mom, is not feeling well today. Stomach issues. If she is no better when I get home, I'll take her to the clinic. She has a pacemaker and can't take any chances. Hope you'll feel much better real soon. ❤️Sending hugs!


Snappy, congrats on the good news!!! A second great-grandbaby and maybe to come on the same date as the first! This one might be a boy, but either way..... I'll be praying for mother and baby. Shirley will likely benefit a lot from those shots and the liver lesion is already gone - PTL! Happy New Year to your whole family. ❤️


Selah, I know my sister who owns the shop in SB has at least one autographed copy of that book, plus David's second book, too. I can't remember the title of it now. I will call you with more info after speaking with her. She met him, you know - years ago, before his health deteriated. She also knew his first wife that used to resemble Susan Dey so much. 


What do I know, but I think Tanya just may be too vulnerable right now for that particular type of volunteering..... All things considered. I would hate to see it set her back emotionally. I'm sure Marcia will be I'm touch with you, but I can vouch that the training we had to undergo when working with inner-city youth was very extensive. That professional detachment you're speaking of is not at all about personal feelings, but learning the appropriate reaction to the emotions and behaviors of others. (Almost like professional medical training.) Like Tanya, Rowan, Joy - YOU..... I am, you know, extremely sensitive to the suffering of others, so I would have been just one huge over-reactive, raw nerve out there, without the benefit of that 2-year training. You still take the pain and worry home with you, where you then try to release it privately to the Lord. Or sometimes, you have to seek further guidance with a licensed Christian counselor, such as Marcia or Rowan to help with indivuals cases. Since Rowan can't head up a training program right now, her last ministry may be able to help. Send missionaries who are already trained? 


I can speak with our pastor and he can speak with yours about resources, because outreach to other smaller ministries and missionaries is vital to him and our church. I'll call soon and you can let me know what Little Bird says. 


Happy New Year, Jubilant! It's a real treat to see you here and a blessing to all that you are feeling well enough to post again. I pray you are healing well. ❤️


Have a nice evening..... Under that pretty orange wolf moon again, friends. And more importantly, under the watchful eye of our Savior, as sweet Lurky says. 😊



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@WaJa61, I am laughing about Jax's "name" for you. I believe Snappy's great-grand is going to call her "GiGi." I have a friend whose grandchildren call her "Mimi." And it sounds as if your name is "Mew-mew," which I happen to think is cute! Ahhh, Becky and Josh ... how romantic!


@DeLaney, it sounds so beautiful where you are. I had to laugh about Dexter and the Wolf Moon! How gorgeous is that scene you posted. I once Googled a list of Maeve Binchy's books so that I could sort them by date and read "in sequence," but that plan didn't work out; I found out that it didn't matter anyway. When everyone is finished reading "Tara Road," maybe we can have a "Book Club Meeting" and discuss! Smiley Happy (No tests, though -- ha) 


I have been very busy -- so busy that I haven't had time to think about my upcoming surgery. It is at the end of this month, with "complete voice rest" afterward for a few days (not sure how many right now). Thank for the thoughts and prayers! 


@agnesann, champagne with strawberries is something I've never had. I think I should put it on my list, now that you've had that. I bet it tastes a lot better than the Pirate's Booty (Aged White Cheddar) I just ate. Reminded me of cheese-flavored sawdust! Ha.


@SelahG, Happy Birthday to Tanya soon! I understand your concern. It sounds like she is going through a lot. I know that @DeLaney will have great insight into this situation.


My reaction is that she cares intensely about others, especially children. She is still young at almost-42 and can adopt a child, even as a single woman, IF that's the way it works out ... who knows what may happen in the next few years regarding that. 


I agree with you that buying things for some children and not others is a negative and should stop (if that's what she is doing), but I see all the rest as positive, including her having an outlet for her love of children. It's probably a blessing (it's "safer" right now) that none of the children is available to foster or adopt, because she can feel love for them without having to deal with that layer.


The love and caring she has for these children is a blessing, one that I bellieve the children can feel. This love enriches their lives. I think her having the children to love and concentrate on is good for her ... I cannot imagine all of that loving intensity without an outlet. She should embrace her gift of love and celebrate it. 


Of course, I defer to @DeLaney and am very curious what she thinks ... I want to learn what is appropriate and healthy in this situation. You are a loving mother, @SelahG!


Snappy!! I am so happy to hear the news about another Great-Grand!! So exciting. Only 26 weeks or so to go. So happy YOUR great-grand is thriving and is over her stomach bug or whatever it was. I am sorry about DD's back ... why won't she go to the doctor? It's frustrating! Will Ben Gay ointment help her? I hope you hear good news about Shirley. So much to deal with right now. Lots of "life" happening. I am thinking about you.


@Issy379, I cannot believe you've been sick since December 18! And here I thought you'd been on a turbo marathon shopping and wrapping spree! You poor kid. Drink lots of fluids, OK? I hope you are recovering nicely now ... yes, the weekend will be here in a hurry and you can rest.


CUTE T, did the great-grand arrive yet? You must be very busy! How are you doing?


@Q-Anu, how exciting that you might be able to find the David C book for @SelahG to give to Tanya!  It's amazing to me that all of you are so rich in knowledge and resources (and caring). It's so satisfying to read here. I always come away with what feels like a sprinkling of "pixie fairie dust"!!


Heart Heart Heart

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Issy, I'm so glad you've turned the corner to feeling better now. This flu is especially terrible, and it's always worst yet to be sick during the holidays. Don't work too hard!


MsLomo, so good to read your post, as always. Pirate Booty has to be the funniest name for a cheese that I've ever heard! 😂 Too bad it tasted like sawdust- must have been stored in the very dregs of the treasure chest. Arghh! Thank you for letting us know when your next surgery is scheduled. Will certainly be praying. Maybe we'll have a big celebration with strawberries and champagne after your throat has healed. I'm looking forward to the book club discussion! 


Selah, I couldn't believe the prices of DC's books on Amazon! 😳 over 2 and 300 dollars! I wonder what the average price was before the poor soul passed away. Seems exploitive.. and since he won't prosper from the sales, sadder yet. He had dementia toward the end, like both of his parents suffered- then liver failure. I hope Anu's sister can get an affordable copy to you in time for Tanya's birthday. Bless her heart.. it is a tender one and has been prepared for this service with the children. She will learn as she goes and I know she has that sweet teachable spirit, so a little guidance will go a long way in helping her to adjust a few things. 


Anu, I hope your Nan doesn't have the flu, too! It can be dangerous for anyone and especially those with heart conditions. I'm trying to limit my exposure, but so many come and go here daily. I heard the service man who cleans the duct work coughing up a storm yesterday, though he wears the industrial mask. Prayed for him. I guess his company doesn't allow for sick days. Many don't now. 


Snappy, what joyous news you bring! Another GGB soon and won't it be sweet that they will grow up together? If your DD's back is still bothering her, I hope she will see the doctor. Maybe she is afraid of catching the flu in the office. If it's muscular the Bengay ointment after a hot soak in a salt bath should ease it up. Praying for Shirley- very encouraged by her news! Hoping your appointment goes well and you can still enjoy your raisins. 


I'm going to work in the gift shop for a few hours now. You ladies enjoy your day. Love and God bless! ❤️


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Hello Snappy and So Happy to read Your Post and CONGRATULATONS on another Baby on the way and sounds like your Sis is doing Good and sending Prayers to you as you get your eyes Checked and Good Luck on Drivers TEST.. Prayers..

o.k. YES YES 2017 good to us WE got a Great Grandaughter in may of 2017.. Also A Great Grandson DEC. 29 th. Named Sawyer Michael.. Yes i cried and Cried of Pure Joy what a Sweet baby as HE was born here at our Hospital..All of Us were their, in the waiting room.. he is Bright Eyed so Adorable he has a Big Brother and Sister ages 17 and 16.. to SPOIL Him Rotten.. Yes I could Hold him Alday and just look at him alday.. what A Doll Baby.. Yes we thought he was going to be a Christmas baby as he missed his Due Day DEC. 22 and She Fixed LUNCH for all of Us as She Felt Great.. but by the 29 they said it was time, but she was still going by 7 A.M. on Friday it was time.. SO Thankful it went well, her Sister is a DR. so she she helped with Delivery.. WE count our Blessings, SO Proud..

well i shall sign off I'm still on CLOUD NINE.. what a year 2017 and 2018 will be so special also..

We had Snow on the ground for Christmas and it soon melted.. This Evening we had Snow Flurries again.. New Years Eve my Hubby and I sat in frnt of Fire/place with our feet on foot stools.. kicking back. in bed by 10 P.M. the new year came in with us sound Asleep..GOOD NIGHT to all of YOU and " HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018..

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Hello Issy and sending Prayers.. hoping you our over that flu bug.. So many have here also.. every place we go out to eat people our coughhing abnd sneezing.. so i'm cooking here at home..

well we have 2 babies born in 2017.. 2 Great Grandbabies.. A Great granddaughter and A Great Grandson !! all is good..

well i shall get off of here and get to bed !! " Happy new year to All 2018.. " !! May all things Be Good for all of US.. PEACE to all..happiness , health , good Night..

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Hello MsLoMo, my thoughts our with you and may You get Better.. all is Good Here and Texas Family doing Good.. and WE our Great Grandparents 2 times in 2017.. all is Good. One Great Grandaughter and One Great Grandson.. !! counting Blessings.. Good Night and Happy 2018..

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It's a boy!!! For cute: CONGRATULATIONS!




And to the whole cute family! 


Blessings on little Sawyer as he is so welcomed to the world! 💙


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Busy, cold workday here ~ with a little snow whipping around. Fell last night, but doesn't want to stick to the ground. Keeps going airborne and the roads were slick with ice this morning. Should be better for the return trip home. Schools were closed here today. 


Waving to dear @jubilant! Will reply to your sweet email soon. Happy New Year to you and yours with continued blessings for your recovery! ❤️


@SelahG ~ how cool will it be if Tanya gets an autographed copy of the book?! I recall having such a huge crush on David Cassidy as a girl. I must have been between 10-14 when The Partridge Family aired. He sure was a cutie and could actually sing, too. I believe he and his step-mom, Shirley Jones were the only two of the group who did. The others lip-synced on the show. I'm wishing Tanya the best birthday of this next chapter of her life! I know she will find her way and I'm asking for her safe guidance in full faith. Those children are blessed to have her love and concern and they are a blessing to her, too. As @MsLomo said, and as it concerns you... There can be no favoritism expressed between the children without troubles developing. Kids talk ~ a LOT ~ then it will get back to the parents. Tanya will make a wonderful foster parent or adoptive mom one day, if she so chooses. Noticed immediately how attentive and patient she is with children at our get togethers. She reminds me so much of you ~ and her aunt Rowan, too. I know you'll get lots of literature and resources for the ministry. If you need more, just give a shout. When my DIL first started working with the moms and babies to be adopted... She wanted to bring them all home, too. Then reality set in when she learned more about all the technicalities involved in adoption. But then, she also has health problems, so certain limitations that Tanya doesn't. It will be okay, and I think it's perfectly normal for one her age and beyond to be feeling nostalgic ~ divorce or no divorce. I get that way myself all the time. 👣 Revisiting the footprints of my memories and all that surrounded them. 


As as for me and my upcoming 57th birthday... I have no idea if anything is being planned. I'm kinda partied out (like most years) at this point, so I hope for nothing more than a quiet dinner followed by CAKE. Even if just hubby and me. Thank you for the Happy wishes, and nothing could please me more than if Daniel and Harper decide to marry here! I'll be restored to my usual wedding planning glee by Spring, I'm sure! Oh, what a beautiful couple they make and it would be an honor to help them make their plans. ❤️❤️


Don't tempt Bruce! He's been especially mischievous since the holidays anyway. He'd enjoy posting the photo reminders all over Delphi and beyond of that ill-fated balloon ride. ☺️ Plus, he can't wait until you all come back anyway. He has countless tall tales to share and a new trick golf club for Marcia. (Fair warning, girly!) 


@MsLomo ~ Pirate Booty!! 😂 I love aged cheddar and will henceforth call it that. I'd prefer Mimi, Ma-Maw or Nana, but can live with Mew-Mew... as long as the little stinker isn't calling me Pee-ew! 😜 We'll be with you during your next surgery and throughout your recovery at the end of the month. 🙏


GiGi is adorable for our @snappyfrappy!! And now soon ~ x2!! Over the moon for ya, snappy love! 😍 Another June baby for your precious family ~ another blanket of love to put to good use! Your heart knew you weren't making them for nothing. Hope you got more good news yesterday at your app't. Shirley's couldn't be better and at this early stage. Your DD2 must get a longer winter break than the teachers here, but then we have snow days to make up for. Hope her back pain is resolving itself ~ or she decided to be seen by the doctor. 


@DeLaney ~ I will email the key lime pie recipe to you this evening from home. Don't have it here, but it's very easy. Our dogs didn't howl at the Wolf Moon, but they were more hyper than usual. Even old Jeffers. The horses get frisky when it snows. Ms Sophie, Gracie's persnickety cat, on the other hand, saw no reason at all for the disruption in her nap time. Moons, New Years, balls dropping, blizzards ~ even fireworks ~ don't faze her. There's fresh food and water in her bowls and no trace of anything related to dogs in her cozy, toy-filled beds ~ all is well in her self-absorbed little world. 😅 She doesn't know this yet... but her next vet visit is on the horizon. 😁 Think of me, won't you? As I armor up on the 17th. 


@Issy379 ~ feel better soon! Yes, short work weeks are to be praised. You and Mr. 6'2" will have to make up for celebrating a bit later. That can be even better during the off-season anyway, if you are going to travel. ❤️❤️


@Q-Anu ~ how is your Nan feeling now? Hope it was just a 24-hr bug and she's back to enjoying her visit. Please send her and your lovely mother my love. Hugs to you, too ~ and sweet Frank! ❤️


Chat more soon, dear ones. Have a safe, peaceful and cozy evening! 


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Joy, Lurky and all..... unfortunately Nan has a stomach flu and not the 24-hour kind. Please pray for her. Even with the meds, she can’t keep anything down yet other than Pedialyte. Thank you for always caring! 


Congratulations to cute and family on the healthy birth of her new GGS!!! 😇


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Your poor Nan, Anu.. First the smoke and soot in CA had her asthma flaring up, now she's in TX with the stomach flu. Be assured, I'm praying for her, dear. I hope the whole family doesn't catch this. You're just over that serious dental infection yourself. 


Joy, I did the same thing that you did recently- after I had to sign back in to post. I hit that red Reply button and landed on the first page of this thread. Glad I did! What fun, and from there I went all the way to our old Kindred Spirits thread, Deep Thoughts and Light Hearts graphics and quote thread- even WAY back to 70s. They are still archived in case you're still wondering. When I run out of books to read, I may revisit them all again. Lot of history and love shared in those many pages. Good of the tech team to not just dump them all during the upgrade. Happy upcoming birthday to you! I hope you enjoy it just as you please. 


It's 15° here, ladies- feels like 1°. Will be colder yet tomorrow and more snow predicted for Sat. I really should have ordered those Cuddl Duds while they were on sale! It's mostly my shoulders and feet that get cold (indoors). I'm going to look for some warmer pull on slipper boots here. Have so much trouble getting socks on now. 


Congratulations to cute t! I love the baby's name. 


My love and prayers are with each of you. ❤️