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12-31-2017 10:15 PM
Dear "hello" family,
I hope all of you are safe and warm tonight. We will "see" each other in a brand new year! Looking forward to more sharing with all of you.
Sending love and (((Hugs))) to you ....
12-31-2017 11:26 PM
The countdown is on, sweet kindred! ❤️❤️❤️
Love and Peace through Grace,
Rowan 💋
01-01-2018 03:46 PM
Hello and Happy New Year's Day dear Snappy, MsLomo, Lurky, Rowan, Marcia and All! So good to see your posts, read your news and share in your joys of this holiday season. Beautiful graphics shared, too! ❤️ It sure is one busy season ~ from Thanksgiving on. Now we can catch our breath a bit, and as MsLomo said... continue to share here soon. Though I will be returning to work on Wednesday. That was the deal with my boss for taking the extra week off to extend our Irish vacation. Well worth it!
We all had a nice time last night, though it was cloudy ~ threatening to sleet, but held off. Fireworks went on and the boats on the lake were still lit up with Christmas lights. Those were actually prettier than the fireworks up in the cloudy night sky.
Everyone's gone home now to return to their regular routines. I'm making ham and potato chowder with cheesy biscuits for dinner, and then... just ahhhh. Relax! If I don't conk out too early, I'll snuggle in with Tara Road. 😊 Will begin the deep-cleaning and taking down the Christmas decorations as I go this week. Excited to do so! I never have learned how to child-proof Christmas decor and there are just too many sparklies around tempting our little grandson. I'll be purging, too, Snappy ~ then organizing both the home and office. Going to start with that massive recipe collection and work outward ~ in all directions. If there is a "sleep dust fairy," I'm positive there is an "accumulating stuff fairy" who does her magic while we snooze. Thinking further... that one might be male. 😜 More of a gremlin!
I forgot to tell you about Becky and Josh! I'm so glad that Rowan did. He is a very quiet, yet fascinating and handsome man ~ they do seem like the perfect match! There was an instant attraction and they can talk for hours about so many subjects they share in common. I'm hoping it works out for those two. ❤️❤️
I didn't realize your DD1 had those tests scheduled, but it does sound like a good, solid plan to rule out anything more serious. TG she continues to improve. I pray DD2 hasn't ruptured a disc in her back. It's too easy to do... I'll check back soon to read of Shirley's results and progress. 🙏
It happens so fast... Your angel baby with her two new teeth eating real food and learning to travel at will!! 😍 Are you teaching her what to call you yet? Jax calls me something that sounds like "mew." 😅 I guess he's trying to say, "you." He calls my hubby "Pap." I'm kinda jealous! Pap is closer to Pa-paw than mew is to Nana, by a long shot.
Must get to dicing and slicing for my chowder now. Enjoy your evening, dear ones! 😘
01-01-2018 07:42 PM
01-01-2018 11:00 PM - edited 01-01-2018 11:03 PM
Happy New Year to you, @jubilant! ❤️ Great seeing you posting—have missed you, my friend and I continue to pray for your complete recovery. Love that T.S. Eliot quote. . . and yes, I’m waiting in great anticipation with you. Please come again soon.
@MsLomo, thanks for checking in here! Was thinking you may have had the polyp removed and was recovering. Love and hugs right back to you—and 🙏 of course. I've finished reading Tara Road—on to the next! Since it's not a series (thanks for clarifying) I don’t suppose it matters which I download next.
@LurkyLoo, thanks for your concern! So long as we keep moving, while well covered, the cold is not so unbearable. But now that we're home and relaxing. . . It's 12° - whatever the windchill is deducting out there. No one had to tell our golden retriever, Dexter that this first full super moon of the new year is called The Wolf Moon, courtesy of many Native American tribes.
Every time we let him out, he sits out on the well cover howling at it. Kinda' eerie! He's embracing his inner wolf. 🐺 It's good that my mom isn’t here. She'd love your Smoky, though. Glad you’re enjoying your new tablet and you can use it here as a back-up, too. Aye, the Epiphany—visit of the Magi (gentiles) is relevant to the season, no matter the true dates. Our tree, though, will have to go soon to the lake where the fish use it as a reef barrier to hide from prey and also later spawn. Likely take it down tomorrow evening after work. Leaving up the nativity, candles and other wintry touches. I didn’t get around to much decorating this year due to work.
Blessings to you and yours in the coming year, @snappyfrappy! This is definitely one those rollovers where I hope with all my heart that better health awaits your family and so many others in the next 12-months. Please keep us posted on your sister, daughters, SIL and yourself. 🙏
@WaJa61—at least you get one day of rest before returning to work. Good on ya! I'm back at it in the morning and soon Mike leaves for P.R. again. Thankful we are to have work we both love, though, so I’ll not complain. As though it would do any good any way! 😏 Send us the key lime pie recipe, please, Martha II. No fair holding out.
Love to cute, Issy, Dawn, Hilo, Rowan, Selah, Anu and Agnes, too! Take care and may God bless us each—every one.
Sweet Dreams,
—Marcia 🌝
01-02-2018 12:41 AM
@DeLaney - I am LOL at sweet, lovable Dexter embracing his inner wolf! But wow....that is one big, beautiful moon. We were out looking at it earlier and Darrell took a few pics through his telescopic lens from our deck. Glad you two had fun on the slopes and made it home safely! We had a very nice time, too, but the traffic on the return trip was intense. Glad we stayed at the Inn rather than the hotel since it was much more romantic, once you see it in person. Were a few rowdies over there, too - surprised me. If we go again, we may rent a cabin. The food is too good for someone like me who has to watch my weight so closely. I did really enjoy having champagne with strawberries for the first time ever!
Seems like Becky and Joshua are about this (-) close to becoming an exclusive couple. There is always a problem or challenge, tho, right? She will never move away from here, so I hope he likes the area as much as he seemed to over Christmas vacation. AND can find a good job. Hey, hey - we'll be gaining another terrific neighbor, if so! Plus, Rowan will rest even easier with Uncle Josh on the job where her son, Joseph is concerned. 😉 I know that she, Selah their guys and parents will miss Josh, tho.
@jubilant - how wonderful it is to see you! I hope you're feeling stronger every day. Thank you for stopping by with the best New Year's quote and sentiment ever.
I had to wait until after midnight to get our laundry from our trip going. Bad luck to do that on the 1st, you know! 😉 Now I'm off to bed, but will check back in soon.
Goodnight, hello family (love that, @MsLomo!) - with love from Agnes ❤️
01-02-2018 04:22 PM
Woah, Nelly! Here you ladies are again. I was reading along and trying to heart your posts, when suddenly ... I was tossed off into someone else's long photo thread. Did not recognize the posters names and thought, the Twilight Zone marathon that Luke watched had infiltrated my brain. 🙀 Wheeee! Welcome to 2018's Q glitches.
Happy New Year, @jubilant! 🤗 How are you feeling since the big surgery and rehab? Praying daily for you, friend ... and absolutely watching and waiting in hopeful anticipation. Everything certainly appears to be coming together. You are always welcome here, or drop us a line by email, if you prefer. Not knowing where you are in your recovery (since your Wellness thread) I have not wanted to bother you with writing. Think of you all the time, though. ❤️
Ladies, my daughter, Tanya is having a birthday soon (day after Joy's — different year, naturally) and will turn 42. Hard to believe! Anyway, I want to make it especially special since it's her first since the divorce. Going to cater it myself, with the help of Rowan. I'm finding all the music she loved as a teen to play on CDs. She knows nothing about any of this and I hope to keep it that way. One thing she asked for — gift request — is a book by David Cassidy. She loved his music that followed The Partridge Family TV series, but now that the show is in syndication, she enjoys watching those old reruns which originally aired just prior to her birth. That's why she's suddenly interested in reading Cassidy's book: “C'mon, Get Happy: Fear and Loathing on the Partridge Family Bus” ... Since he recently passed over (may he RIP) the price has gone way up. Even a used copy on eBay is going for around $125. If, while you’re shopping around for books, you happen to see a new copy for under $200, please let me know! It's silly and frivolous, I know, but it is the only thing she asked for and I want her to have it. She is going through this nostalgia phase now, trying to rediscover herself through the past, I think. Pre-marriage to that abusive man.
Also kind of grieving for what could have been — having had no children of her own. She is forming attachments with certain children on the reservation who she volunteers to teach. She doesn’t have that professional distance thing that is necessary with teachers, counselors and such. (Note that none of these children are up for adoption or even foster care, though they are — many of them — quite underprivileged.) I'm becoming concerned for her over-focusing and over-commiserating with a few of them. Spending so much time, attention and money on a few — since she can’t possibly do so on all of them — will cause trouble for those children and herself. I ask for your prayers for guidance, friends. I don’t want to recommend she quit volunteering for the ministry, but I wish they could afford a training program such as Rowan went through up in CT. Not possible yet. She was advising Little Bird who wants her head one up, but she hasn’t the time right now. @DeLaney, do you have any literature or other resources to share as you did for the other issues? It would be most appreciated and Tanya respects and values your insights so much.
@snappyfrappy — did I read correctly upthread that the spot on Shirley’s liver was gone after just one chemo treatment? If so, I would say that is every reason to realistically hope she will be cured, or at the very least, enjoy a long remission! I am adding your DDIL to my prayer list now for her successful knee replacement surgery. My 62-y/o cousin had one hip and then both knees done. The knees were harder on her — longer rehab. She's doing much better now, though for some reason ... she still can’t completely straighten one knee after 3 months time. No more pain and she can walk now. I'm giving thanks to our Lord that your daughter's ulcer is healing!
@agnesann, if Joshua has to move to VA to have happiness with Becky, we will miss him ... but I try not to love selfishly. I learned that hard lesson early in life. I want whatever is best for the both of them. Besides, that area of VA is within easy driving distance for us and, considering who all lives there that I love — including you — it feels like a second home anyway. ❤️ PS: your weight is just fine! I, OTOH, have gained 12 lbs over the holidays! 😔
@WaJa61, tell the Big Boss Man (Bruce) that I said to cut you some slack over the next few days. He would hate for me to have to come down there again, so soon after that balloon ride fiasco! Wedding season will be coming and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Daniel and Harper will want to plan their's right there. They both still wish — more than ever now — that they had taken your hubby and Bruce’s advice about skipping the foo-foo culinary institute and went right to work in the resort's kitchen. Live and learn! They have to experience the real world for themselves ... just like we did. Anything planned for your upcoming birthday? 😘 Happy, Happy in advance!!
Love to all as I get back to work on — gah! — counting automotive inventory.
-Selah 👩🏻💻
01-02-2018 05:24 PM
Hi everyone, DD and I had a quiet day yesterday watching the Rose Parade which is a huge deal out here, and the Rose Bowl game which was high scoring and fun.
Gorgeous weather.
My sister is doing well today. She has a shot each day trying to cause her bone marrow to produce more white cells. On Friday she will have a blood test to see if they are working. Yes, the spot on her liver which was small, is gone.
She has lost some weight, but has an appetite now, which is both good and bad.
She is at home, where I'm sure she is happy to have her animals.
I hope DD#2 hasn't done damage to her back. She won't go to the doctor, so what's a mother to do? She's gone now to work in her classroom to be ready for the start of school next week. Tomorrow she takes me to the cardiologist. I need to speak with her about my potassium levels and also about her take on whether or not I renew my driver's license, or try. My vision is changing rapidly. Not sure I could pass that test. I see the eye doc next week.
I've been sitting on some news as requested, but am now free to tell you that on Christmas Eve, my granddaughter and her hubby announced that they are expecting a baby. Her due date is June 28, which is one day before our little girl's first birthday.
Would be such fun if they had the same BDay, but for sure they will be just a year apart and hopefully enjoy growing up together. I wish I could be here to watch that happen. They don't know the gender as yet. She's 14 weeks and I think it's at 20 when they can make that determination. I do know the names. Yikes. Their last name has 12 letters, and the first name for the girl would have 8. the middle name 8, so that poor girl would have to learn her spelling well. The boy's first name has 7 letters, and the middle only 4. The daddy's last name is French Canadian in origin. Hard to spell.
So another one of the blankets I knitted years ago will find a home.
Boy, everyone looked at GS#1 and his wife (who doesn't want any) and said things like..."you're next"...with the predictible responses. She did smile at the baby, so that's progress. It's hard not to smile at that darling little face when it's smiling at you.
So, we are all waiting for things. Praying for MsLomo and hoping to hear soon from cute and Issy. Hope cute has another GG baby already or very soon.
Do enjoy this new year and thank you for being here and for praying and caring.
So glad for Becky, and praying for Mike as he returns to PR to help the people there.
WaJa, hope your DDIL is getting better. You deserve this day off.
Hi Rowan, good to see you.
01-02-2018 05:27 PM
Hi SelahG......good to see you here. I will look out for that book, but I am shocked at the price of it.
Ladies, I have been trying to catch up on the posts because I have been really sick since December 18th. I caught a "bug" and was miserable for two weeks. I had a terrible head cold, sore throat, sneezing and just generally tired. I missed Christmas and New Years, and I am back to work today for the first time. Glad that it is a short week!
01-02-2018 05:33 PM
Hi Snappy.......OMG, another baby. That is wonderful news. So happy for your family. I feel much better today, and am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday.
Will be back later. Love you.
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