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12-18-2017 03:11 PM - edited 12-18-2017 03:22 PM
A happy Monday to all, if that is not an oxymoron! 😏 Had a busy weekend at the res, which is fulfilling but also tiring. It's a slow day for me at work, so I relish a little 'still' time with my praise and Christmas music in the background. Been keeping up with the terrible train derailment in WA and offering prayers for the injured, the loved ones of the suddenly deceased ... what a tragedy this is.
I've been caught in the dreaded 'sign-in loop' due to (I guess) the Q-Card offer again. Went to Q-Talk looking for help, but found none. I hope this post goes thru. I did learn there that Dan Wheeler is retiring and his farewell show will be on 12/29 from 7:00-9:00 PM for those interested. I will miss gentle Dan. On a lighter note; I also learned that my all time favorite Q host—Lisa Mason will be debuting on JTV at the end of January. I don’t watch that channel much, but will look forward to seeing her there. I can only think she will improve the atmosphere for viewers. 👍
How are you MsLomo? Feeling well, I hope! I'm making steady progress on our book nightly. Thank you for sharing in our joy of our son's future marriage. I would adore having another grandbaby to spoil, though I doubt they will move back from Canada anytime soon. They have pretty good jobs there, so we know what that means ... I'll have to keep a few bags packed for my visits! 😉 That was truly a masterful mess down there near you at the airport yesterday. Of course it could have been worse, since there were no injuries from the fire, but I hope no one you love was delayed there for hours. Proof positive that our infacstructure is desperately in need of a major overhaul.
Welcome Home, Joy!!! 😍 We have so enjoyed the pics and vids from Ireland by email. Wouldn’t it be spectacular if we could manage to hold a reunion there? I'd be all in—with a detour to especially the highlands of Scotland! Let's pencil it in. 🤗
Agnes, all things considered ... I'm glad that you're staying home for Christmas! May not have snow, but you, Darrell and Jacob will have all the things that matter most. I'll pray you recover quickly from the cold. Double up on vitamin C and use the zinc lozenges.
I'm praying for Anu's family—and Snappy's, too. 🙏🙏 Things are bound to get better soon, but I do wish Snappy's daughter could have had the second pint of blood until the medication can heal that bleeding ulcer. Maybe her doctor can have some blood shipped over to her. So thankful that Shirley is rebounding so fast! Clearly her immune system isn’t too badly compromised yet.
Marcia, you have the two recipes here—both look excellent and I think I would combine the two. What a brunch feast that would be! You may not even want Christmas dinner then, tho. 😬 Hope things went well with the vets at the clinic. Lord knows ... they need and deserve every advantage they can get. Are you and Mike watching the Wormwood special on Netflix? We did ... 😳
I will move along now with a shoutout to Issy, cute and all helloers! Enjoy the rest of your week ladies, as we inch ever closer to the big day. 🎄May heaven and nature sing!
12-19-2017 02:01 PM
Good afternoon, ladies- hope this finds you all well. Thank you for decorating our quiet little corner here. Looks very festive! 😊
Thanks too to Selah for the Q-news. I had not heard a thing about Dan retiring or Lisa M starting with JTV, but I usually stick pretty close to AF in my brief visits here. I wish them both all the best- they are excellent hosts and seem like wonderful people.
There seems to be no cure for the Q-Card pop-up tech glitches. I wish they would make a permanent link for it somewhere, for those who are interested. It crashed my server yesterday, mid-post here and I gave up and shut down.
Snappy, I'm happy that you were able to attend church Sunday and that everything went so well for you. Know how you've missed it and I know how attending always lift my spirits. I always record Dr. Charles Stanley to watch on Sunday evenings, too. He had Ricky Skaggs there with his band playing beautiful Christmas carols. He and his son also told of some cute family traditions and stories. He sent me a lovely wall calendar in the mail with some of his professional photos of scenes across America. They really are suitable for framing- too bad they are an odd size.
Did Shirley get to go home with her daughter yet? I don't know what they'll do with all her beloved pets, but I pray it won't come to that. Having to adopt them out to strangers or something. I hope your DD1 has been able to see her dr by now and that he has been able to help her begin to recover. My prayers are with you for your eyes, too. Appreciate you checking in and updating us as you can.
Sending my love to all of you dear friends and warmest season's greetings! ❤️
12-19-2017 05:07 PM
Hi friends, it seems that all I do these days is address a general post, although I do read what each of you has to say and am blessed to know you and have you praying for us.
My sister went home to her daughters house yesterday afternoon. She said she would email me, but so far she hasn't. Today she was to have her PET scan, but I don't know what time. Thursday she sees the doctor, who I am sure will have the results of the scan and the MRI and lab work. I pray for wisdom as to whether or not she should have future chemo. I'm pretty sure she will want to forge ahead in the hopes of going into remission and staying there for years.
Her other daugther who lives around the corner from her is taking care of the animals and keeping up the house.I know my sis will want to return to her own place ASAP.
My DD told me today that she slept well last night and that she as no headache today and her BP is inching up which means good things. She had an appetite and ate well this morning. It's hard for her to figure out just how to eat for the ulcer to heal, while also meeting the nutritional needs she has from another surgery she had years ago.
DD#2 suggested consulting a dietician, and I passed that on, but it's up to DD as to what to do.
I hope each of you is ready for Christmas. I have 2 things to "bag" and of course we have pies to make on Saturday. We are going to my son's place on Christmas Eve day, so DD and I will have Christmas day here to just "be". Ah. Hubby always, always got cinnamon rolls for breakfast that day. Maybe we will do that also.
I miss cute......I love each of you dear ones and hope to be here often, but we don't know what a day will bring. BTW,I looked up Tara Road and see that it's a series of books. Is that right?
12-20-2017 01:42 PM - edited 12-20-2017 02:08 PM
Good afternoon, dear ones and happy Hump Day! I'm home early today to await the delivery and installation of a new hot water heater. Does it ever fail that appliances or other large ticket items krap out on us around the holidays? Just a fact of life that we now even try to budget for.
Thanks for the warm welcome back, Selah and I am considering our Irish and Scotland trip penciled in. Sounds great to me! Know you'll enjoy the Irish people (that I've met so far) they are so friendly and full of fun! I especially get so tickled at those with a dry wit. There's still so many sights there I want to visit and the more emails and calls I get from the distant kin I've met... I realize it will take months to see everything that interests DH and I. Good! Plenty to look forward to for a good long time.
What is JTV? I feel stupid asking, but I don't really watch shopping channels. Prefer to shop online, but I'd like to see Lisa Mason again. I hope Direct TV offers the channel. Is Wormwood a biblical documentary? I don't have Netflix either and haven't heard of this, but it sounds interesting.
My gosh! Twice my browser crashed and then redirected me to that Q-Card page. So frustrating trying to post here. I wonder if cute can even stay signed in. Apparently, judging by the complaints most are having this issue.
Dear Snappy, I found the Tara Road book on Amazon ~ it's availble for the Kindle, too:
The author has other books, but I don't believe it's a series. MsLomo will know more. Could be that some of Binchy's novels share some of the same characters. I can't say. I'm planning to read this one after the holidays, but no one need wait on me before discussing it. I don't mind spoilers and my friend Sarah has often said what a creative and gracious writer this is. I'm looking forward to it.
The one general post to all is just fine! I'm impressed that you feel up to that with so much going on, but I suppose it's good to stick to a normal routine as much as possible. Thank you for letting me know when your next app't is and I'm praying Shirley hears encouraging news at hers tomorrow. No, we never know what any day will bring and we all have to prioritize our time wisely, in the best interest of our families, health, work, etc. I'm online less now than ever in my adult life. Doesn't mean I'm not thinking of and praying for those cyber-friends I've met along the way. It just seems unfair ~ maybe even rude ~ to duck in and out quickly after so much time has passed between visits. Intruding on the ongoing discussions. Prefer emailing individuals. We do the best we can.
Will your angel baby be there at your son's for Christmas Eve? Hope so! Thank you for sharing with me about their horses. We have raised mostly quarter horses, but I do have a painted now and our DIL's thoroughbred is here, too. She still rides when she is feeling up to it ~ gently. Our son gives him a good workout as necessary. She was advised to get the flu shot, though that's always risky for her. As usual she is having a bad reaction to it, so I'm keeping a close watch on her this week. You have me hungry for cinnamon buns now! Nowhere to order those here, so I'll have to whip up a batch myself. Maybe for Christmas Eve instead of just the usual cookies. Enjoy your time with family, and then your quiet Christmas at home with DD. Sounds wonderful.
Love and Blessings to All,
~Joy ❤️
12-20-2017 02:48 PM - edited 12-20-2017 02:52 PM
Hello to all!
I have to catch up on reading your posts, but I did "skim."
WaJa/Joy, you were right when you said, "The author has other books, but I don't believe it's a series. ... Could be that some of Binchy's novels share some of the same characters."
Yes! It all started for me when we took a trip to the beach; we rented a house. In the master bedroom drawer was a paperback titled "September" by Rosamunde Pilcher. I read it while we were there and bought my own copy when we returned home. I went to the library and read every book by Rosamunde Pilcher. She is a lovely writer -- beautiful descriptions of Scotland.
When I finished the last Pilcher book, I asked the librarian to recommend authors like RP, and she suggested Jan Karon's "The Mitford Series" and Maeve Binchy. Snappy has said she liked those Mitford books, too -- and I bought the Mitford cookbook for myself and made some of the recipes (delish) that the characters make and talk about.
Then I started reading Maeve Binchy. I Googled and found all of her books. As with Pilcher, I bought some of the books, and others I purchased to download on my Nook. Very restful reading. Some of the same characters will pop up in different books, and it's like "reconnecting" with old friends or acquaintances. I think both Pilcher and Binchy do that with their characters.
My favorite of all of these books is "Under Gemini" by Rosamunde Pilcher. Because of that book, I want to go to Scotland. Because of Maeve Binchy, I want to go to Ireland.
Speaking of good reading, I will now read the latest posts here on our sweet thread. Thank you to everyone who posts here. You are generous and kind, and I am inspired by you.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2018!
Edited to add: Joy, JTV is "Jewelry Television," and I believe DirecTV does have that channel.
12-20-2017 07:37 PM
Hello Snappy so Happy to see your Post !! Sending prayers to your Sis, and Your Daughter and Son in Law.. Hoping they our ALL Better..
I had Eye surgery on Monday and it was and Out Patient.. and i'm doing good.. We have came a long way.. i had my Left Eye done a Year ago and now got my right eye done.. so all is good..
Sending Prayers to you also Snappy.. Our Weather here is great, as in the 50's and sunny today.. and we have Flies and Other bugs flying around and it's DECEMBER.. hard to believe.
Well i shall sign off and get ready for bed.. Hoping all is good with you..
GOOD NIGHT and thanks for the Chat Snappy..
12-20-2017 07:41 PM
Hello to all of You Ladies and hoping all of YOU our doing Good.. Well it's almost Christmas !! WE our waiting the Arrival of our 5th. Great Grandchild..
May all of YOU have a " Wonderful CHRISTMAS " !! love reading all of the posts..
12-21-2017 02:26 PM
MsLomo, how I always enjoy your thought-provoking posts! Thank you so much for all the info! You're right ~ JTV is channel 313 on DirecTV and since it's jewelry... I might be in trouble. 😍 Third big temptation of the day. I started my channel search from QVC down. There was Selah's favorite guy ~ Nick Chavez ~ demonstrating some magical mists that add tons of volume to dry hair. The phone found its way into my hand and somehow dialed the order line. What could I do but place mine since I’ve recently cut my hair and now have to actually style it every day? (That man ~ Nick ~ never changes. He still looks fantastic! Hadn’t seen him for years.) Earlier I picked up Gracie's big boxes of goodies that people ordered for the school's fundraiser to be distributed this evening. In there are the bags of lightly salted chocolate covered pecans I ordered for stocking stuffers. I naturally ordered myself one, too. Now if I can only limit my nibbling to my own bag, I won’t mind it missing in my stocking. I get started on these things and it's game over! 😋
I'm taking notes on the authors names you've shared here. I can tell that we share very similar tastes in reading material. It truly is a gift when a writer can completely spirit us away through words alone. (Are you seeing this, @SelahG? SCOTLAND!) Then if there are especially old family regional recipes included, that is a huge bonus for me! I still have my old index card recipe box chocked full of family and friends' family recipes handed down over the years. One day, I plan to type them all up into one neat binder. I think that will be one of my New Year's resolutions since so much around here needs organizing. May as well start there.
My DIL, who we call Suz' for short, will love these books and recipes, too. She still uses her Nook and wouldn’t trade it for a Kindle. This is Gracie's mom who has lupus... bless her soul. She has a fever and joint pain today from that flu shot. I'll share the authors with her when I take Gracie's boxes over. My daughter and her husband will be arriving from SC tomorrow evening. She'll be a big help with the appetizers and desserts. When she's not spoiling Jax!
Have yourself a very merry Christmas, too! ❤️🎄❤️
Cute, thanks for dropping by with the news on your eye surgery and your holiday greetings! It's always good to see you here. I can only imagine your family's excitement as the 5th GGB arrives any day now! Praying for an easy delivery for both baby and mommy.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!
I'll check back soon for any updates from dear Snappy on Shirley and her DD1. 🙏🙏
Love to All,
~Joy ❤️
12-21-2017 03:23 PM - edited 12-21-2017 03:25 PM
Just a little note to my sweet friends here,wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas...I tried to skim back a few pages but please forgive that I did not feel good enough to reply to the posts.
I have been on computer very little but Ms Lomo,I will also reply to your sweet post at the other board.I always smile when you post to me there..Hope you are well.
Prayers for each of you in need.I thought I read where Snappy's sis was able to go home and I hope she and your daughter get better each day.You too,of course.
Plus that cutet gets that new little angel soon.
A big HI and HO HO HO to everyone.:womanvery-happy:
Your friend,Bassetbabe/Dawn.
12-21-2017 04:16 PM
Happy Thursday to each of you. We finally have some cool weather here so I can enjoy wearing my fleece leggings and sweaters. When I went to bed around 1 this morning, it was 47 outside. Now that's winter here.
WaJa, I'm just so happy that you were able to make contact with kin and see your ancestral home. I do hope you can return often, and maybe even have your reunion there one day. Thank you for your information on Tara Road. I looked it up, but thought it was a series and I didn't want to buy a new one when I haven't read the ones I already downloaded. I've read several of Maeve Binchy's books (that's quite a name, BTW, but Rosamunde Pilcher is a close second). I'm sure i'd like Tara Road and maybe Under Gemini.
So sorry your DIL had isn't feel her best right now, but know you are caring for her as usual. Glad you DD and her hubby are coming tomorrow. What fun to have the gang there. Of course the baby will be at the family gathering on Sunday. She is just so darling I can hardly stand it.
My sister began losing her hair a couple of days ago, so last night she had what was left shaved off. She sent me a picture. Her head is perfectly round, but it almost made me sick to see her that way. She is laughing about it, so I responded in kind telling her maybe the baby, who is also bald, would let her wear some of her headbands and bows. She has a lot of chemo caps, beanines, and pretty scarves and will get a wig.
She will be seeing her doctor tomorrow. Her girls are going to clean her house also.
As far as I know, they put the 2 dogs in a kennel for a while and took one of the cats to the pound for adoption. A strange kitty. Stays in the closet all the time, only coming out when my sis is in her bedroom. So the litter box has been 4 feet from her bed, which is awful. Thank you for caring and praying.
MsLomo, I think lots of us do read the same sort of books and that's nice. I'm having trouble focusing on much of anything, so it's easier to just play games on my Kindle.
It bothers my eyes at night, so I should read. We do have lots of good friends here and I'm thrilled to see what everyone has to say. I just can't always respond personally, but I want to. Thank you for the information about Rosamunde Pilcher. I've never heard of her before now.
cute, we are holding our collective breath until that little baby comes. My vote is that it's a boy, what do you think? I believe this is the couple who doesn't want to know in advance. Grateful you had your eye surgery and all is well. Sorry there are bugs around, guess it's seasonal there.
Dawn, I'm glad to see you, but sorry you aren't feeling your best as yet. Certainly hope and pray you will be right as rain soon. Thank you for your Christmas wishes. They are coming right back at you, dear friend.
My DD told me that her BP is coming up little by little and that she feels better today.
I'm looking forward to seeing her on Sunday so I can tell how I think she is doing.
Wish she would call the doc, but she is usually very proactive about her health, and I don't understand why she isn't this time. There's more than I know, I'm sure of that.
My sis sees the doctor tomorrow. She already knows there is no cancer in her brain, and that the spot on her kidney is small, but the one on the liver is a centimeter. I am metric ignorant, so I don't know what that means. Her next round is set to be the 27th, but if her blood count isn't high enough, they might postpone. I'm so glad 2 of her girls are right there and are caring for her. Her son with Downs is thrilled to have her home again and I'm glad for him.
I finished the course of antibiotics in my eye. Am glad. It was a thick substance that made my vision more blurry than usual. Hope it did it's job. I see the eye doc in early January.
I don't know how much I can be here in the next few days. DD's vacation begins tomorrow and lasts 2 weeks which is wonderful, but we have baking to do and other things to be ready for Sunday's family get together. I do wish each of you a most blessed and joyous Christmas and hope it finds you all well and with those you love.
Thank God for sending us His Son...I love You, Jesus.
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