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removed on aug 27,i can't wait.  this has been a long time.

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@shortbreadlover wrote:

removed on aug 27,i can't wait.  this has been a long time.

@shortbreadlover  ..... sorry but, what the heck are you talking about?

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Re: get the oil in my eye

[ Edited ]

@January121 wrote:

@shortbreadlover wrote:

removed on aug 27,i can't wait.  this has been a long time.

@shortbreadlover  ..... sorry but, what the heck are you talking about?

They put silicone oil in your eye during some retinal surgery. 

I remember reading awhile ago about @shortbreadlover 's retinal problems. I believe it was her. 

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@ILTH wrote:

@January121 wrote:

@shortbreadlover wrote:

removed on aug 27,i can't wait.  this has been a long time.

@shortbreadlover  ..... sorry but, what the heck are you talking about?

They put silicone oil in your eye during some retinal surgery. 

I remember reading awhile ago about @shortbreadlover 's retinal problems. I believe it was her. 

@ILTH    .... Thanks 😆

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@shortbreadlover  ~ Prayers everything will be well with your eye.

You have been through so much.  Hang in there girl, better days are coming! 🌈☀️

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it didn't ake my post so i am rewriting it..


i get it taken out on tuesday and a gasbubble will beput in and that will dissolve in 8 weeks.  then i will getback what visionthat i will have.  i am praying for 100 % but i don't know.  i will beso glad to getitout.  i am so tired of this oil and stumbling around.  with the oil in my eye , i have to fight  for everry step i take because it affects your balance.



the new dr said that he may have to put the oil back in dependin g on the scar tissiue and hoiw it looks but he feels he won't have to do so.  i am praying that i will get the gas bubble this time.  i am just waiting until tuesday



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Prayers everything goes just the way you are hoping for!
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Registered: ‎06-25-2018

thank you.  i am excited and worried at the same time.

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I hope all goes well for you.



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I also have silicone oil placed in my left eye 5 1/2 years ago. It is a challenge to live with every day. My vision is like looking through a layer of motor oil. Very little useful vision. I don't know if I will ever have it removed because fluid has started to leak under the retina.

I wish you the best for your surgery and hope you regain as much vision as possible!