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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

Frankly, I don't think anyone is even remotely interested in my age, background, affiliations or political leanings.  They have enough on their own plates to deal with.  I, in turn, don't pry into their lives.


If they've known me for years and still acknoweldge my existence, that's good enough for me.

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

If someone told me their age first, without me asking, I would *not* think they were fishing for my age?

Instead , I'd think that either they were maybe fishing for some sort of compliments regarding their age? or maybe they were looking for a way to start bragging about themselves in relation to their age? Either one would probably come across as a little off-putting too.

Just my take!
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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

@Solar Is My Name wrote:

Lately I am letting people know exactly who I am -- it is freeing and feels like I am telling others exactly who I am -- they know up front if I am too old for them, the wrong politics from them, the wrong religion for them etc. to want to become friends, close associates etc. with them (whatever their biases are.)




Have you found this happening to you?



-Solar Smiley Happy


@Solar Is My Name 


I found your post a little surprising ....   Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by telling people "exactly" who you are.  How much do you define yourself by your age, anyway?   Does it really matter if you tell new or casual acquaintances your age?   Honestly, I don't think it really matters and I can't imagine someone knowing my age would be "so freeing".   


Personally, very few people outside my family know my exact age .... it's always been  "need to know" when it comes to private information.  


If you've ever been the victim of identify theft, I bet you'd have a much different idea as to what people really need to know about you 

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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

I always answer that question---but I say I am 10 years older and ---that makes them pause and look stunned as I don't look my real age, anyway,  due to  good skin  genes from my parents, not wrinkled or lined or sagging skin on my face---I am,  for real, 67--and have brown hair streaked with grey which is a thing now!! gives me a chuckle--

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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

Hi there...well, are you in the market for a friend or something else?  Please don't get me wrong.


I don't usually ask someone's age BUT if I was looking for a mate personal info is important but let it come natural, maybe? 


I think if you tell your age, yes, they may very well think that you're phishing or fishing for theirs.  Yes, I agree that could be true.


I do agree with you about being honest about oneself too.  I would never tell someone that I was blue and I'm really red.  Just using an analogy.


Hope you find what you're looking for.  PLEASE be careful.  Let time go by before you get too close.  Again, if I'm incorrect, I apologize.

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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

Like totally, if I's the meet someone or a couple of you meet "some" people.  Everyone's chatting.  I mean in person, not on now the conversation is likes, dislikes, everyone's laughing, it's just human nature to talk about what goes on in one's life, long story short....


ME...OH, I don't mind cooking I just hate washing dishes.

THEM....OH, I don't mind that, I BAKE  A LOT

ME....WOW  I never tried that wish I was skilled in it

THEM....well, do you have a lot of time, do you work or are you home?

ME....ut oh,  they'll think I'm a lazy slob if I tell the truth but I do I DO earn an income.

and many questions go back and forth, everyone's laughing, having wine, eating.


We met a couple years ago in our favorite bistro and we always chat a few minutes with them and yes personal stuff just comes out.  I know that I'm NOT perfect but I am affectionate so I take you at face value.  It's just the way I was raised.  I enjoy meeting people.  Not that I'm a social light but if it comes my way, I just like it.

Just my two usual....hope I made someone smile or chuckle a bit.  Hope everyone is okay.....

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Re: You Tell People Your Age; They Think You Want Them To Reveal Theirs...

I don't get asked my age so much....I'll get asked if I am retired yet.....


Then if I say "yes", I am asked if I am on Medicare.....