Like totally, if I's the meet someone or a couple of you meet "some" people. Everyone's chatting. I mean in person, not on now the conversation is likes, dislikes, everyone's laughing, it's just human nature to talk about what goes on in one's life, long story short....
ME...OH, I don't mind cooking I just hate washing dishes.
THEM....OH, I don't mind that, I BAKE A LOT
ME....WOW I never tried that wish I was skilled in it
THEM....well, do you have a lot of time, do you work or are you home?
ME....ut oh, they'll think I'm a lazy slob if I tell the truth but I do I DO earn an income.
and many questions go back and forth, everyone's laughing, having wine, eating.
We met a couple years ago in our favorite bistro and we always chat a few minutes with them and yes personal stuff just comes out. I know that I'm NOT perfect but I am affectionate so I take you at face value. It's just the way I was raised. I enjoy meeting people. Not that I'm a social light but if it comes my way, I just like it.
Just my two usual....hope I made someone smile or chuckle a bit. Hope everyone is okay.....