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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

Maybe use one of those school glue sticks?


NOT hot glue gun.


Those school glue sticks similar to Elmer's school glue sticks to glue colored paper designs onto other colored sheets.  For children, etc.


Anyway, I use a glue stick to seal all of my envelopes.  No lick*ng. 

I used to use a piece of a moist sponge, but the glue stick is easier.


Also, I like the idea of taking the old roll of stamps to the post office.


  'See what they say'.......

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

I for sure use the postal service for mailing cards and bills. Also, for mailing smaller packages. I believe it will be around for many years. Mailed a birthday card and info to my insurance company today. Mailed a check to my painter yesterday. Mailed a gift to a sick friend last week. Prices of everything have gone up, why would they be any different?

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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

I only mail three or four things a year.  I'm still living of the Forever stamps I bought several years ago.  



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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

People send less envelopes but package delivery is up!

I thought it was interesting that when the stamps went up, companies and gov who use metered mail which is discounted, did not have their price increase.
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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

Glad I pay most of my household bills online. The rates keep rising and I 

never know the current price cause I don't use that many stamps thankfully.

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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

If so many of us do not use stamps very often why do charities continue to send out return address labels to toss? The Holiday ones are coming, two mailings this week of return address labels.

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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

The less people use mailing, the higher it will go.  I admit that I do still mail a lof of things.  I have gotten several rolls of forever stamps.  I do know though that for Christmas cards, I have already begun mentally to shrink my card list eliminating some people who have not sent me cards for years.  Also, I used to send a lot of cards for every occasion such as Halloween, etc.  I don't do that very much any more.  I get it that  it's getting to be the way of the world to just text, etc. instead.  As long as I can do it and afford it, I will still send things using mail.  Thanks - that's my 2 cents for what it's worth and that's not much. LOL!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

I pay every bill online with the exception of the water bill.  The fee to pay online is 3.50 so it's much cheaper to mail the bill.

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Re: You Might Want to Stock Up on Forever Stamps.

I still mail lots of cards for various occasions 🎈🎂🍼🕊🐣🦃 during the year, including about 60 Christmas cards🎄🎁!

I will be stocking up for sure! 😁

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