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A gift card to Lowes, or Home Depot or Bed, Bath Beyond w/ a houseplant.

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I like to give a gift, not a gift card. Choose something neutral like wine glasses, flameless candle, coasters, etc. It can be one of these or a collection depending on your budget, but no personal or scented items. Plants require maintenance, and people with allergies cannot have the mold and spores that live in the soil. Flowers are nice but the allergy thing rears its ugly head again. A Lampe Berge with neutral fuel is great for removing odors. Good luck renewing your friendship

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All these ideas are so wonderful. Thank you! We are meeting tomorrow so I wont have time to order anything but may have to pick up from the store. Flowers are such a nice gesture. Most all women appreciate flowers. Gift cards are also always useful and thoughful. Candles to me symbolize giving light to another. All such good ideas. Smiley Happy

~No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted~ Aesop
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How about a nice bottle of wine and since it's almost fall, a hearty mum plant that could  be planted outdoors when she's through enjoying it indoors. Something to remember you by.

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Orchids bloom way longer than fresh flowers .  Contrary to popular belief they aren't that finicky.  There are some cute petite Orchids available now. Some come in a glass cylinder. 


 i would bring an Orchid in a pretty pot and a bottle of chilled Prosecco

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If I'd moved the last thing i would want is stuff.  If you know she likes wine, bring a nice bottle, if not, just go and invite her to lunch.  Don't bring her stuff to deal with.


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This gift issue was also discussed in the Community Chat thread. Why oh why do people suggest gifts that they'd personally like to receive!? If your friend invited you over for a glass of wine - then take her some nice wine - that's what she likes! Forget the kitchen towels, flameless candles, books, chocolates, etc unless you know that's what she likes. Honestly, the last time a relative gave me some "cute" kitchen towels I was stunned (and not in a good way!) LOL! And please - no flameless candles! I don't need more "stuff"!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Whats a nice gift

[ Edited ]

Gift baskets are a fortune.  Take a bottle of wine, she obviously likes it.


Edit:  Not everyone hates "stuff."  Some people look at a move as a way to start accumulating again.  Now I'm ducking.