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Re: What the world needs now

@SeaMaiden   I don't know what's cuter....the men or puppies.  Heart

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Re: What the world needs now

@roxxy1 wrote:

@SeaMaiden   I don't know what's cuter....the men or puppies.  Heart

@roxxy1   Both pretty darn cute!😄

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Re: What the world needs now

Well, now that my eyes can see again...I'll take the center guy and all the puppies 😍


Years ago our office windows looked over the city park where firemen jogged, shirtless!, hubba hubba.  

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Re: What the world needs now

  Thanks, I think you are right !

~love hard~~play hard~~be kind~~~life is short~
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Re: What the world needs now

@SeaMaiden  Good one!!!!!!

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Re: What the world needs now

download (12).jpg

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Re: What the world needs now

@SeaMaiden    Shouldn't this be under "Pet Lovers"?  It would be most appropriate for the dogs too. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What the world needs now

Cute guys cute puppies. But what's up with that weird body indentation thing right above their pants?  All 3 have that rope looking thing followed by the indentation pointing to their nether regions.Woman LOL

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Re: What the world needs now

Not attractive to me at all!!!