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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

The thought of retirement surprises me.  All your work career you think retirement, but it's too far away for it to be real.  It's just out there in the future somewhere.  I can now visualize it really happening.  It's about 8 years away, but it's coming.

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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?



I retired in 2010 at age 60 and never looked back.


Some complain they are bored or miss work, but I NEVER felt that way.  I am always busy, but doing things I want to do.


DH still works and I think that helps Woman LOL


I spin 6 days a week and volunteer to make baby blankets for a local group.  Best part is knowing Sunday night that I don't have to work Monday morning!

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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

The shifting priorities.

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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

Let's see -- so many things to be honest.  I truthfully feel like it happened overnight. I mean, I realized, of course, I was getting older, 30s, 40s, 50s, etc.  But, when I really began to feel old was when I hit in my 50's.  My physical health started to go down hill and quickly.  I was never one to ignore my health and I always exercised and tried to take care of myself and took pride in my appearance.  Ever since this age period, I have been struggling.  I don't seem to have much energy or stamina.  I look in the mirror and am very unhappy at the changes in my face, my body, my hair.  I did not realize that every single tiny little particle of your being changes --- and not for the better.  Even your finger nails and toe nails change.  It's very disheartening.  I get depressed at times because I can no longer do so many things I used to do.  I am no longer the girl I used to be.  I know that change is inevitable and it happens to everyone.  What really gets you is when you run into someone you haven't seen in maybe 20-25 years and they say --- Oh, my God, boy have you changed!  

Don't get me wrong -- I am glad I am still on this earth, and for the most part I try to be positive but I have days where I do get down about the aging process and think --- boy, this is a lot harder than I every thought it would be!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

@chiclets wrote:

Youth is wasted on the young.



Boy, truer words were never spoken!!!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

The fact of how different we all become.  What causes us pain and which problems we have.  Knee replacements, RA, osteoarthritis, back problems, siatica pain.  Amazing, yet we all go on.


I have been fortunate.  No chronic conditions.  I only take a diuretic for HBP and it keeps it in control.  No pain!  


Thursday night, a friend sung a solo and her voice was as clear as a bell and did not 'shake' and you could understand every word she sang.  Beautiful.  She is 88.  


We also have  a gentleman who lives here who will be 94 this year and still mows lawns for extra money!  A real live wire.  You should see him on the dance floor.




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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

@Witchy Woman wrote:



I retired in 2010 at age 60 and never looked back.


Some complain they are bored or miss work, but I NEVER felt that way.  I am always busy, but doing things I want to do.


DH still works and I think that helps Woman LOL


I spin 6 days a week and volunteer to make baby blankets for a local group.  Best part is knowing Sunday night that I don't have to work Monday morning!

@Witchy Woman I'm not worried for a minute that I'd miss work or have nothing to do.  LOL.  It's the part about having enough money to live on that has me proceeding cautiously.  I have a bit to go before I worry about it.

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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

That I still have acne!!!! 


I remember watching my Mother putting on her make up and thinking one day when I get to be her age (she was in her 40's at this time) I will have "clear" skin like she does...that's what happens when you get older.  I have been waiting for it since I was 11yrs in my 50's and still breaking out.  I am beginning to believe I will be the old lady of 90 with pimples still.


Many here shared things I have also thought....but I did read the entire thread and saw nobody posted about acne so I thought I am going to share one of my dissapointments in getting older.

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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

Belly fat! Once it arrives, it refuses to leave.  Woman Surprised  Woman Frustrated

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Re: What surprised you most about getting older?

I'm not sure it came as a surprise but when I was young, my thinking was more black-and-white. As I got older, I realized life exists in many colors and shades of grey. I still have strong opinions but I am able to understand other points of view. In other words, I've beçome more tolerant.