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What do/don't you think you can influence

Some people don't seem to think they have any control over anything and others seem to think they control everything.


I think I have control over my money to a great extent but little  control over my health.


How about you?

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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

I think when it really all comes down to it, we don't have much control over anything but ourselves (our behavior our attitudes and our actions), and even then, there is a power bigger than we are that will ultimately have the final say in all that happens. 


I think sometimes we can say or do something that makes an impact on others in either a positive way or a negative way, but just how much influence we really have in a situation like that is really dependant on the other person, as again they are in control of their behavior, attitudes and actions. 


That said, I do believe we should try to do kind and positive and helpful things, maybe not so much to influence things, but to simply put out some good into the universe, as enough of the good things will overcome some of the bad.

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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

When you have an auto-immune disease you had no control of getting it.  I have control of my money, my cat (her care) and control of my life (supporting myself for many years after divorce).  I have never had control of anyone's life nor would I want to.  Cat Very HappyHeart

kindness is strength
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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

I am somewhere in the middle.  Can control and do; can control and don't.  Can't control and don't; can't control, but will try.

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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

I can try to influence family members but cannot control what they decide to do or say. I do have control over how I, myself, deal with what I do or say in response to their behavior or words.

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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

[ Edited ]

While we can't control the worldly things ,We Do Have control over the way we react to them..Health problems ,how we deal with them is huge, We have the power to change many things ,how we react shows  who we are,our faith.We are not powerless,everything has a chance to be made different, we are made or broken by things.We are changed and moved.Our actions inspire others to really live.I have been changed by pain,made strong, compassionate.So what do we have influence and control over?Anything and everything..Hugs,MaryAnne 

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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

[ Edited ]

I think I can influence less now days than I could in my youth. When I was younger I thought that if I studied I knew I could control acing tests and getting great grades. I felt that if I worked hard I could accomplish all my daily goals from career goals to keeping up my home and fulfilling any responsibilities I had. I was confident that I had the power to influence much of my life. I didn’t believe this was true for every thing because I knew that talents and abilities played a big part in which careers I was suited for and then in how much I could earn relative to career choice. I also didn’t think I could influence the feelings or beliefs others had. I rarely felt fate played a part in what happened. Now, I have changed somewhat. I feel one can only influence one’s health to a degree. We don’t have complete control over this. I also feel that people can not have control over other adults. When it comes to government, I feel I have very little to zero, control over what happens with our government. I feel my votes are meaningless, especially with the influence that jerrymandering  and the electoral college have on the outcome of elections. I also realize that one vote, my vote, is such a minuscule part of the electorate that it can’t have much influence. I don’t feel that I can influence companies to make better products because I don’t feel companies care about my individual feelings about their products and the quality of products, especially for me being over sixty. 

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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

@excpa wrote:



I think I have control over my money to a great extent but little  control over my health.


How about you?







How about me? I have total control over my money, other than the part that is my governmental obligation.


I also feel I have a great deal of control of my health and fitness. If not me, who?





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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

@Mindy D wrote:

I think I can influence less now days than I could in my youth. When I was younger I thought that if I studied I knew I could control acing tests and getting great grades. 


I felt that if I worked hard I could accomplish all my daily goals from career goals to keeping up my home and fulfilling any responsibilities I had. I was confident that I had the power to influence much of my life.


I didn’t believe this was true for every thing because I knew that talents and abilities played a big part in which careers I was suited for and then in how much I could earn relative to career choice. I also didn’t think I could influence the feelings or beliefs others had. 


I arely felt fate played a part in what happened. Now, I have changed somewhat. I feel one can only influence one’s health to a degree. We don’t have complete control over this.


I also feel that people can not have control over other adults. When it comes to government.


I feel I have very little to zero, control over what happens with our government. I feel my votes are meaningless, especially with the influence that jerrymandering  and the electoral college have on the outcome of elections.


I also realize that one vote, my vote, is such a minuscule part of the electorate that it can’t have much influence. I don’t feel that I can influence companies to make better products because I don’t feel companies care about my individual feelings about their products and the quality of products, especially for me being over sixty. 


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Re: What do/don't you think you can influence

I think you can only influence things in your own circle or microcosm and that's because people care about you. Health, wealth and the world can change and you have very little control over it. How many people found themselves out of a job and homeless, not that many years ago.