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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: What QVC programs do you make sure to watch/record?

@deedledeedeedle I have started to have In the Kitchen with David in the background, and find I am enjoying that program too. I like Corkey's BBQ Ribs, tried the Sugar Belles (waiting to sometime try the Honey Belles), get the tiramasu any chance I can, and have liked the various coffee cakes. 


I really wanted to get the Prindable apples, but just had some dental work and knew that the apples are only good for X amount of days, long before my doctor will let me have crunchy stuff. Am hoping those apples are presented another time and not just at Christmas.

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Posts: 12,241
Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: What QVC programs do you make sure to watch/record?

@SilleeMee Oh, thanks for mentioning her. I have found her voice to be so soothing. I have no problem listening to her for a long time. She is my type of sales gal. She presents the items, gives enough information for me to know whether or not it is something I will purchase, and she is very calm about it. "Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts!" to quote Joe Friday on Dragnet.


Yes, Katie McGee is a keeper!  Heart