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We've got snow too, more to come this week.

If we only have it in Jan and Feb, this winter will seem like a breeze.  It so makes me enjoy our springs!!

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

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@qualitygal   Thankfully, we only got rain.  But, we're scheduled for for precipitation Tuesday, when I have a 3 hour trip to the dr of course lol.  It's supposed to just be rain, but it still makes driving really hard.  


Spring is my favorite season too and boy do I always look forward to it. 

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

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Very light dusting in SW Michigan, and as usual, the much touted mid week system that was supposed to hit us is now going to be just a couple of inches of snow and then rain. 


It's winter. It snows. We actually NEED a good blanket of snow to protect the grass from dying. 

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

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I'm along the CT shoreline. We got a little snow, starting about 5 pm, yesterday, lasting through the night, but didn't add up to a lot. By morning our condo lot was all clear & plowed, and hardly much accumulation.

It's raining now. That is accurate to what was predicted in my area. I don't know if it's slippery out or how the roads are. But it's a crappy, dreary day! Getting a lot done indoors for now..


These "piddly" storms are a cake walk, compared to what we used to get (and still could get), not complaining.

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

Here near Seattle, toward the end of this week , we are supposed to be hit with sub freezing temps both day and night and a possiblitiy of snow . Had and are, getting feet of snow in our mountains, which is sorely needed. Not a fan of snow here--people freak out and drive stupid. 

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

@qualitygal   Here in our corner of NE PA we got about 6 inches.  Our road is a state road and almost clear of snow.


My son said yesterday that he would come plow, I called him an hour ago and said not to waste his time and gas  for amount of snow out there.  DD will clean off the HRV and have no issue getting down the friveway.

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

So far we have not received too much. Just a bit but from what the forecasters have said we should receive more on Tuesday and then later on this week.

I love the four seasons (especially Fall and Winter) and feel cheated if we do not get snow.


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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.


For the storm that is heading east.....  We received 12" of snow overnight and it's supposed to continue snowing all day today. 

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Re: We've got snow too, more to come this week.

According to the local weather girl, this area of southern WV could see our first measurable snowfall this coming week.