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Registered: ‎05-29-2015

A fantastic holographic projection...there is not a drop of water in the gymnasium, let alone a whale.


The file is too big to post here, but you can go to youtube and search for "projection holographique whale" (without the quotation marks) or, if this link is acceptable here (I can't see why not), click on it and select the top choice, the one with the whale on it (thank you Captain Obvious LOL)...


~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Posts: 74,841
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Those are amazing.  I've never seen them before. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

breathtaking @MacDUFF


i could watch this forever and my husband will just love it!  he  just loves to see a whale!  thank you!


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Posts: 6,813
Registered: ‎05-29-2015



My friend's little boy is on a whale kick right now...she said he looks at it several times a's pretty cool!


~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~