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Re: Update story from one year ago

I think she was concerned his side of the family would ban her & since we had always been close she felt she needed to be upfront with me...I came home and talked with my husband and based on what had happened before I decided not to call him,etc and get involved...obviously, they were having problems and he understood it was bad but he was caught off guard when she woke up one day and said this is it..i'm outta here today...I don't believe he really thought she would ever up and leave so he would never had brought it up to us.  I hope that answers your question...there was SO much drama attached to the entire thing I left that lunch almost shaking...I wasn't sure what I should do.

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Re: Update story from one year ago

thank you so much...actually, I have told him a few times that very quote....I keep reassuring him that he'll find the right love probably when he least expects it.

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Re: Update story from one year ago

Yeah, we kept our mouths shut eventually and it was really hard to do. We (the entire family) have reached out to her telling her we love her, we wish her the best,etc...can you believe not ONE person in her family, not even her parents, have reached out to my son...I have asked him several times and he says "nope" and I just let it be...silence says it all I think.  They were weirdSmiley Sad 

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Re: Update story from one year ago



Oh boy Jacnit - I didn't see that coming when I first starting to read the thread.  I remember the thread last year and I am sincerely sorry that this is the outcome, one year later.



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Re: Update story from one year ago

This was indeed a very sad situation for all involved.  However, I am a firm believer in things happening the way they do for a reason, and obviously these two just were not meant to be together at this stage of their lives.  I know hearts are broken, because promises were broken, but their lives will go on.  I have been married for 41 years to the polar opposite of me, so I well know opposites do attract, and marriage can work when both people are committed, and have the same vision.   

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Re: Update story from one year ago

absolutely agreeSmiley Happy

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Re: Update story from one year ago

unfortunately I was not shocked because it just always felt "off" for lack of a better word..I could not honestly put my finger on what it was but it felt wrong to me...still very sad though but they will be survive and move on hopefully to their happily ever after.

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Re: Update story from one year ago

I seem to remember this story and am sorry that things didn't work out.  I know right now of several similar situations where one spouse wants out.  Some claim to be "free spirits" and say that marriage stifles them.  Some stay out till wee hours of the morning  and think their husbands should "understand"....meanwhile the kids are home crying because mommy is not home and it's 3 am. She can't be bothered during her fun time so her cell phone is turned off, of course.  The kids and her husband think something bad has happened to her.  How sad for these children. 


I am not happy to hear this happened to your son, but, from what I understand, there were no children involved..... and for that, you can be thankful.  Maybe this was a "blessing in disquise" in a way.  I pray his wounds will continue to heal and he will find peace and happiness the more time passes.   

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Re: Update story from one year ago

Jackie ... I remember this story and the secret marriage ceremony (without you or DH) followed by a lavish "reception/party" planned and funded solely by her parents without input from you or your son.  I'm sorry this was the outcome after a year but perhaps it was doomed from the start.  I wonder how much interference her mother added to the situation.  Based on her mother's earlier (i.e., reception) decisions I feel she may have a domineering personality which may well have reflected on your DIL's actions and subsequent decisions.


I hope your son takes his time in seeking a new serious relationship.  By that I mean many months (if not longer) in getting involved with someone, and allowing himself time to heal from what he assumed would be a long-term marriage.  He deserves to be happy and fulfilled and that will come; however, it would be good for him to tread the waters lightly in finding that someone.  My best thoughts go out to your son.  ~~ AB

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Re: Update story from one year ago

I remember your post too; it's a sad and unfortunate story.  Your son will get over the hurt and disappointment and find the woman he was always supposed to build  a life with.  This girl, wasn't "the one" for him.  It sounds like the young woman simply wasn't ready for marriage and to be fair to her; perhaps she felt neglected and alone if her new husband spent all of his free time renovating a house.  A house that she might not even consider to be hers, since he bought it before they were married.  Some things are just not meant to be.