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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

Congratulations on 40 years!


Not all men are alike. My late DH would give me a card to mark the date we met! I mean, who does that? It was

so sweet, the first time he did that, I bawled.


He was extremely thoughtful about things like that and I was as well. 


I also wonder what the OP is doing for HIM on their anniversay. It takes two, you know.

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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

@KingstonsMom   You chose the perfect way of wording how men are different than women.  


So many times we expect our husbands to remember all of the little special moments that we do, but that just isn't the thinking of most men.  We are sentimental, they are practical.  


And yes, you are correct, most men do have good intentions.

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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus!  We are different and communication is the key.  To those complaining be  thankful your husband is still on this earth and with you., many widows would gladly change places with you.  We get expectations in our heads and expect them to read our minds.  It can get mighty lonely without them.  

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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

Happy Anniversary! You can make the day special if you really want to.


We celebrated 50 years in June.  I guess I'm lucky because my husband always remembers special dates (and creates new special days) with gifts and flowers. 

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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

Congratulations on your milestone anniversary. You got to make this day special. Get up and tell him hubby it's 40 years for us let's do something together. 

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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

Very happy for your 40th wedding anniversary.  


Congratulations!   It is not easy to keep the embers burning year after year, but you two have.


Many, many more!

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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

I wish I still had my husband to celebrate one more year with.  Congratulations on your 40th.  Think of something different that maybe both of you would like to do, even if it's just going to the park and sitting on a bench together.  Or, pull out your wedding album and look at the pictures together and get a laugh or two about the clothes/hair, etc., that was popular when you got married.  I hope your special day becomes that---a SPECIAL day.  


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“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

@mspatmac wrote:

Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus!  We are different and communication is the key.  To those complaining be  thankful your husband is still on this earth and with you., many widows would gladly change places with you.  We get expectations in our heads and expect them to read our minds.  It can get mighty lonely without them.  


Thank you for what you posted.  My father died when he was only 52 and my mom spent the rest of her life alone.  She would have given anything to have grown old along with him.  



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Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

[ Edited ]



I know my father in law never did much special for DH's mother.  To me, actions on "special" days are taught.

What I want now is different from when we were young,

then with the bustle of children, dinner out was a relief.


In past years, I have always had family dinners or something for most events so our grandsons will learn.

We end up on vacation a week or so after Father's Day.  DH says "let's just celebrate" at the beach.  There will never be a celebration while on vacation with DS, DIL, and GS's, being so fast paced.  I STILL do that dinner.

How will the boys learn if they don't get examples?

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Registered: ‎08-05-2018

Re: Today Is My 40th Wedding Anniversary

@BunSnoop wrote:

Went to the beauty shop this morning.  Thought maybe while I was gone hubby would go out and surprise me with flowers - did not happen.  Come's 40 YEARS!!!


Around 11:00 he said "you want to go out to eat?".  All I said is it's hot and I'm not really thinking about food. He will ask that every weekend as we usually do go out to eat on Saturdays and Sundays.


Oh well, I guess after being married all these years I knew nothing "special" would happen today.  Guess I'll go back to cleaning the house!

PS.  He just now said "thinking about food yet"?  All I said is "No".   He said O.K.



Well first HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ,hope he hasn't  been like that all these years and if so you should know how he is. So  just  treat yourself to the flowers you would had hope for,and when he see flowers and when he ask why they are in the home be truthful and let him know ,was hoping that you would had surprised me with flowers,while I was getting my hair done. He'll get the message for sure.

The going out to eat seems like a recurring thing  you do always, you are hoping and wishing for him to make the day a bit special with something other than a meal.

Think many husbands over the years take wives for granted I am also  married almost 40 years .

I have a husband that never does much in giving but as the years went by I was hurt also, but now as I got older and think  smarter , I  treat myself always to something I would had wanted nothing outrageous in price ,and when it arrives I always let him know by saying Thank You this is my birthday or anniversary or Valentine's or Christmas gift. He laughs and  I hear him always say glad you like your  gift.