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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



There's a good article on the Psychology Today website about gaslighting: 11 Warning Signs.


1. They tell blatant lies.

2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.

3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition. 

4. They wear you down over time.

5. Their actions do not match their words.

6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.

7. They know confusion weakens people. 

8. They project.

9. They try to align people against you.

10. They tell you or others that you are crazy.

11. They tell you everyone else is a liar.


I'm fairly certain that the psychiatrists I work with all believe in number 8: Projection.


So why would one of them say that gaslighting is a fallacy?

@just bee 


How about, "When confronted, they deny to the death that they're doing it to you?"  Although I suppose that could be covered by any of the above.


The OG was always ahead of his time.  We had this done to us years ago, before it became so popular. I wish he was still here to be able to see how that situation has played out.


Wait a minute.  No, I think I don't really wish he were here now, as awful as that feels to say.


And now that I've utterly depressed myself even more than usual, I'm going to have a coffee--with cream and sugar.  Which I promised myself I wasn't  going to do anymore.





Don't fret.  I have that same thought every single day about my father, my mother, my stepfather and my sister.


Don't fret about the cream, either.  I'm eating tons of cottage cheese lately.  It's my new gelato.


I have the choice: Sky high cholesterol and a heart attack or multiple broken bones.


I'll take the heart attack.

@just bee - I'd take sky high cholesterol and dropping dead of a heart attack right about now too. The only reason why I'm even bothering right now to try to keep my weight down and exercise a tiny bit is because I might need to be in somewhat better shape if I need to run away from something that's chasing me. You know, like zombies.


If it weren't for that, I'd be eating everything that I gave up last year in massive quantities so that I could at least die happy.


And then there's those pesky kids of mine to worry about. I really wish that they were a bit older and could take care of themselves. Of course I feel a sense of obligation to try to stick around and help raise them, which puts a damper on the whole heart attack issue. Ugh. 


Turns out that Christmas didn't do that much damage to the waistline after all. I had put on a couple of pounds but it's back off now. I'm stll holding a 50lb weight loss and trying to maintain. I'm doing fairly well getting back on track. 


I still have paperwork here to have blood work done and a mammogram from when I went to my physical last July. I keep thinking that I should at least get the blood work done, but why? I'm wondering if it even matters any more. Whatever will be, will be.


I think it's good for a year, so I think I'm going to wait a couple more months. If everything is "ok" I might get it done in the spring, just to see if I'm about ready to keel over or not. That routine blood work always seems pretty pointless me to me anyway, doesn't really tell a person much, I don't think. Unless you know you have a specific problem: high cholesterol, anemia, diabetes, etc. As far as I know, I don't. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



It's been a real chatfest this morning.  I'm so glad someone else is awake.



@just bee 


I was only on here so early because I was awakened early by not one, but two 🤮's.


Both the cat and the dog.


Hairballs--both the cat and the dog!


Carla goes out to where I dump my vacuum and eats the dog and cat hair.🤢  I keep telling her she's going to get hairballs.  I guess I was right.


Better start dumping the vacuum in the trash can from now on...🤭



BH and I are starting to think WGD has mange.  The dog is shedding like crazy.


But so am I.  My hair is falling out.  I have plenty, so I'm not alarmed.  Just disgusted.  It shows up really well on my black clothes.


Why do we humans hate seeing hair -- some hair?  I mean, we like the stuff on our heads, but we are repulsed when we see it somewhere we think it shouldn't be.

@just bee - My hair's been falling out like crazy the last year or two. I always had very thick hair and now it's definitely thinner, especially on top and it's receding along the temples. It's kind of alarming actually. So much so that I bought a Hairmax comb thingy here from QVC. First purchase from here in years. 


I haven't noticed any change yet, they say it can take several months to see results if it's going to work. I hope it helps, or at least the hair loss slows down. I think it's related to hormones/peri menopause because the receding hairline was starting before the weightloss, stress of 2020, etc. but I'm sure that all didn't help either. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 


I gotta get dressed and go feed the birds before they mutiny.


See ya later...?



Good time to take a break.  We've covered just about every last dark scenario -- other than famine and nuclear war.


And I've got to get dressed and get the dog out so he can check the "dog blogs" out there.

@just bee - I'm hearing rumors that famine is also coming, maybe that's something we should be discussing. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

And there's no way I can sneak a 99.9lb Rottweiler in a condo without somebody noticing.





Perhaps you can introduce her as your niece who identifies as canine.


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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 


I'd love a mobile park, complete with flamingos.  Out there, not here.  Tornadoes + trailers = disaster.


I'm starting to get my 1099s, reminding me how much my income has dwindled and continues to decline.  (As if I needed reminding.)


If this continues too much longer, I won't even be able to afford the Krispy Kremes let alone a trailer, flamingos or not.



I hear ya.  Just when I thought I was getting ahead we had the fire.  Replacing two cars and the contents of the house was tricky enough, but the upgrades and that recent landscaping project really put a dent in the ol' finances.


Hey, maybe the re-education camps will have skilled nursing wings.  Unless we oldsters are phased out first.

@just bee - The oldsters will definitely be phased out first. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@Brisky wrote:
Oh my goodness. You are all very pessimistic recently.
Well, so am I... We definitely have the same outlook on things.
Gaslighting is absolutely what we are seeing.
Don't like much lately and feel like things are not turning out well, anywhere.
Looks like the capital is a military base. Just and observation. Why?.... something up? Just thinking.

Drink something for me too. I could use one glass or perhaps straight Vodka. I need a new vice....

Weird is what I am seeing. No common sense anywhere.
Throw it out the window...
I am sick of crazy 😩 just ranting...
Brisk out for the night....
Grim reaper is appropriate.
Yes, I used to be optimistic once in awhile. But not lately..

@Brisky - I could have written those words myself. I'm ready to join you in your cave and just get away from everything crazy. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

I share so many of the thoughts and fears shared here.  I am ready to go to a cave too.........


Praying for all.....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 


I gotta get dressed and go feed the birds before they mutiny.


See ya later...?



Good time to take a break.  We've covered just about every last dark scenario -- other than famine and nuclear war.


And I've got to get dressed and get the dog out so he can check the "dog blogs" out there.

@just bee - I'm hearing rumors that famine is also coming, maybe that's something we should be discussing. 



If there is any evidence that the pandemic is "fading" and there's some chance of getting back to "normal," I can guarantee we'll start discussing famine.


It will be labeled "the new pandemic" (even though famine has been around for a looooooong time).


Keep your eyes open for the next crisis.  We're having at least one daily now.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@4kitties wrote:

I share so many of the thoughts and fears shared here.  I am ready to go to a cave too.........


Praying for all.....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏





Hope you'll join us! Heart

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee 


Thank you!  Just finding this thread and read it all this morning.  I have trouble sleeping lately and wake quite early in the mornings.  


“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward