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Posts: 39,578
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



Uh-oh.  Dog is staring at me.

@just bee 

Same here.



Dog is not happy.  We went for a hike and then headed to Total Wine to pick up a gift for the neighbors who sold their home and abandoned us to go live elsewhere.


The dog scored a treat immediately after he entered the store and a few minutes later another associate started to scurry off to grab one for him.


But BH ratted him out.  Said he already had one and didn't need another.  If looks could kill.  WGD glared at BH, then grabbed his leash with his teeth and started shaking his head, visibly agitated.


Something I'd never seen before.  He was provoked.


Didn't help matters when I cut his treat portion in half when we got home.  He had one at the store so I gave him less.  Oh, he noticed.

@just bee 




But it will pay off at the next vet visit.


Carla just went in this past week and managed to stay .9 lb below 100.


Which means I got off cheaper with all her meds.


Smaller cookies with less fat.


(Oh, and running the fields when the dog next door can manage to get free.😉)



He has a visit on Monday.  Time to express those glands again...


We'll have to ask them to get a weight on him.  We'd do it ourselves, but we aren't allowed inside anymore.


Although I did manage to get in to hand them my credit card last time we were there....


Shhh.  Don't want to get anyone in trouble.

@just bee 


My vet still allows us in with our animals simply because it's only him and two girls so they don't have the staff to do it themselves.


But they were closed Monday because of a Covid "incident", as they phrased it.  Turns out the office manager had the virus.


But I didn't find that out until after I had been shoulder to shoulder with the vet.  Great.



They shut down businesses here that have COVID outbreaks.  Funny, I've had positive coworkers at the hospital and they didn't shut us down.


Our patients tend to be slow to disclose that information, too.  We screen them at the door and they say "no" to every question and then... after they've been with you for half the shift they casually mention they tested positive somewhere.


It is to laugh.

@just bee 


We are supposed to self-quarantine here.  (Like everybody actually does that.)  I don't know what the rule is for businesses.  

They said the rest of them in the office tested negative.


Yeah.  At the moment you took the test.


To be fair, I don't know when the gal got it.  With the time off for holidays, maybe they were okay.  We'll find out, I guess.  Or I will.


I don't go out when I don't have to.  (Which is my normal mode anyway.)  But I'm not going to hide away and I can't impose on anyone to do my business for me.  I figure I'll need people at some point in the future for that and don't want to wear out my welcome beforehand.



I've been watching several of my coworkers wipe down their work stations when they come in and then wipe their shoes before they leave the hospital.


I always wonder if they wipe down items they intend to buy before they put them in the cart?


Never mind.



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,933
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



Uh-oh.  Dog is staring at me.

@just bee 

Same here.



Dog is not happy.  We went for a hike and then headed to Total Wine to pick up a gift for the neighbors who sold their home and abandoned us to go live elsewhere.


The dog scored a treat immediately after he entered the store and a few minutes later another associate started to scurry off to grab one for him.


But BH ratted him out.  Said he already had one and didn't need another.  If looks could kill.  WGD glared at BH, then grabbed his leash with his teeth and started shaking his head, visibly agitated.


Something I'd never seen before.  He was provoked.


Didn't help matters when I cut his treat portion in half when we got home.  He had one at the store so I gave him less.  Oh, he noticed.

@just bee 




But it will pay off at the next vet visit.


Carla just went in this past week and managed to stay .9 lb below 100.


Which means I got off cheaper with all her meds.


Smaller cookies with less fat.


(Oh, and running the fields when the dog next door can manage to get free.😉)



He has a visit on Monday.  Time to express those glands again...


We'll have to ask them to get a weight on him.  We'd do it ourselves, but we aren't allowed inside anymore.


Although I did manage to get in to hand them my credit card last time we were there....


Shhh.  Don't want to get anyone in trouble.

@just bee 


My vet still allows us in with our animals simply because it's only him and two girls so they don't have the staff to do it themselves.


But they were closed Monday because of a Covid "incident", as they phrased it.  Turns out the office manager had the virus.


But I didn't find that out until after I had been shoulder to shoulder with the vet.  Great.



They shut down businesses here that have COVID outbreaks.  Funny, I've had positive coworkers at the hospital and they didn't shut us down.


Our patients tend to be slow to disclose that information, too.  We screen them at the door and they say "no" to every question and then... after they've been with you for half the shift they casually mention they tested positive somewhere.


It is to laugh.

@just bee 


We are supposed to self-quarantine here.  (Like everybody actually does that.)  I don't know what the rule is for businesses.  

They said the rest of them in the office tested negative.


Yeah.  At the moment you took the test.


To be fair, I don't know when the gal got it.  With the time off for holidays, maybe they were okay.  We'll find out, I guess.  Or I will.


I don't go out when I don't have to.  (Which is my normal mode anyway.)  But I'm not going to hide away and I can't impose on anyone to do my business for me.  I figure I'll need people at some point in the future for that and don't want to wear out my welcome beforehand.



I've been watching several of my coworkers wipe down their work stations when they come in and then wipe their shoes before they leave the hospital.


I always wonder if they wipe down items they intend to buy before they put them in the cart?


Never mind.



@just bee 


I keep thinking the next horror will be all the discarded antibacterial wipes and masks.


And all that hoarded TP has to end up somewhere...😳





Honored Contributor
Posts: 39,578
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

[ Edited ]

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



I've been watching several of my coworkers wipe down their work stations when they come in and then wipe their shoes before they leave the hospital.


I always wonder if they wipe down items they intend to buy before they put them in the cart?


Never mind.



@just bee 


I keep thinking the next horror will be all the discarded antibacterial wipes and masks.


And all that hoarded TP has to end up somewhere...😳







There are so many issues that can't be discussed.  Most of the people I work with won't go into the grocery stores.  Or any stores.  If they can pick up their groceries, they do.


I don't want someone else choosing my produce.


But they also do a lot of take-out and delivery -- or drive-through.  That's a lot of extra packaging.  A lot of styrofoam containers.  A lot of plastic.


Speaking of which, everybody's ordering online.  Zillions of items packed, shipped and transported by... planes, trains and automobiles.  Fueled by...?


Where are all the environmentalists?  The former "buy local" crowd?


Speaking of which, while businesses that have been here for generations close their doors permanently, an Oregon-based drive-through coffee and sugary drinks place has opened yet another location here.  Think we have four of them now.


Am I overthinking this or what?  Maybe I should just go back to watching the bird cams.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,933
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



I've been watching several of my coworkers wipe down their work stations when they come in and then wipe their shoes before they leave the hospital.


I always wonder if they wipe down items they intend to buy before they put them in the cart?


Never mind.



@just bee 


I keep thinking the next horror will be all the discarded antibacterial wipes and masks.


And all that hoarded TP has to end up somewhere...😳







There are so many issues that can't be discussed.  Most of the people I work with won't go into the grocery stores.  Or any stores.  If they can pick up their groceries, they do.


I don't want someone else choosing my produce.


But they also do a lot of take-out and delivery -- or drive-through.  That's a lot of extra packaging.  A lot of styrofoam containers.  A lot of plastic.


Speaking of which, everybody's ordering online.  Zillions of items packed, shipped and transported by... planes, trains and automobiles.  Fueled by...?


Where are all the environmentalists?  The former "buy local" crowd?


Speaking of which, while businesses that have been here for generations close their doors permanently, an Oregon-based drive-through coffee and sugary drinks place has opened yet another location here.  Think we have four of them now.


Am I overthinking this or what?  Maybe I should just go back to watching the bird cams.

@just bee 


No, you're not overthinking it.  I've thought a lot about it.


But once you get started, it becomes a hamster wheel conversation.  And one we can't have here. Sooo...


I have no opinion...


I have more important things to think about...







Honored Contributor
Posts: 39,578
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



I've been watching several of my coworkers wipe down their work stations when they come in and then wipe their shoes before they leave the hospital.


I always wonder if they wipe down items they intend to buy before they put them in the cart?


Never mind.



@just bee 


I keep thinking the next horror will be all the discarded antibacterial wipes and masks.


And all that hoarded TP has to end up somewhere...😳







There are so many issues that can't be discussed.  Most of the people I work with won't go into the grocery stores.  Or any stores.  If they can pick up their groceries, they do.


I don't want someone else choosing my produce.


But they also do a lot of take-out and delivery -- or drive-through.  That's a lot of extra packaging.  A lot of styrofoam containers.  A lot of plastic.


Speaking of which, everybody's ordering online.  Zillions of items packed, shipped and transported by... planes, trains and automobiles.  Fueled by...?


Where are all the environmentalists?  The former "buy local" crowd?


Speaking of which, while businesses that have been here for generations close their doors permanently, an Oregon-based drive-through coffee and sugary drinks place has opened yet another location here.  Think we have four of them now.


Am I overthinking this or what?  Maybe I should just go back to watching the bird cams.

@just bee 


No, you're not overthinking it.  I've thought a lot about it.


But once you get started, it becomes a hamster wheel conversation.  And one we can't have here. Sooo...


I have no opinion...


I have more important things to think about...











Meet my new kitties: Bread and Circuses.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 39,578
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

Standing Cat – Find and Share Funny Animated Gifs | Raising kittens, Cats,  Kittens


Standing Cats GIFs | Tenor


Standing GIF - Find on GIFER


Big Kitty Stands Up - Señor GIF - Pronounced GIF or JIF?


Top 30 Scottish Fold Kitten Cute GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat


Baby Deer Standing Up GIFs | Tenor


3MillionDogs (@3milliondogs) | Find & Make GIFs on Gfycat



Okay, what's with the standing cats?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,933
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:











Meet my new kitties: Bread and Circuses.

@just bee 



Honored Contributor
Posts: 39,578
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:











Meet my new kitties: Bread and Circuses.

@just bee 





~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,933
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee 



Honored Contributor
Posts: 39,578
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

Well, whaddya know?  I just looked out the window and something's creeping over the mountains.


Could be that snow...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~