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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 




What is it about squirrels?


BH has a special talent.  He can talk squirrel.  He can make squirrel sounds and refers to squirrels as squistles.  Because they make a squistle sound.


WGD knows the sound and he knows the word "squistle."  


And we tease him about his squirrelfriends.

@just bee 


Obviously, BH is a man of many talents.😉

Squirrels do talk.  I've noticed they made a chittering rebuke when the cat was outside sitting under one of their trees.  

If they make a noise when they see the dog, I haven't yet heard it.  They seem to be too busy getting the heck out of Dodge to carry on a conversation.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

hello all

am exhausted

had my doctor check with new doctor today. it was really an appoint to make sure my family doctor is treating me correctly for what i have. new doc said stay the course but recommending family doctor increase my medication i take for my problem or put me on a cousin medicine to what i am taking now. i see family doctor 22 jan, see what happens then. ok guys later.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 




What is it about squirrels?


BH has a special talent.  He can talk squirrel.  He can make squirrel sounds and refers to squirrels as squistles.  Because they make a squistle sound.


WGD knows the sound and he knows the word "squistle."  


And we tease him about his squirrelfriends.

@just bee 


Obviously, BH is a man of many talents.😉

Squirrels do talk.  I've noticed they made a chittering rebuke when the cat was outside sitting under one of their trees.  

If they make a noise when they see the dog, I haven't yet heard it.  They seem to be too busy getting the heck out of Dodge to carry on a conversation.



And then there are the bee squirrels.








Or squirrel bees.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@viva923 wrote:

hello all

am exhausted

had my doctor check with new doctor today. it was really an appoint to make sure my family doctor is treating me correctly for what i have. new doc said stay the course but recommending family doctor increase my medication i take for my problem or put me on a cousin medicine to what i am taking now. i see family doctor 22 jan, see what happens then. ok guys later.



Other than the exhaustion part, how are you feeling?


Sounds like you're taking an active role.  What do you think of the new doctor?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition



Off to work now...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

just bee

the new doctor is a hottie hottie, he is young, maybe outside about early early 40ish., thin and knowledgable


I am having problems with circulation of my blood to my hands. This new doc is thinking possible raynaud disease but i am not presenting the true symptoms of normal raynaud disease. He said i am really odd all the way around because i don't smoke,don't drink coffee,tea,don't drink, don't do much of anything, it comes in waves , when it will happen next is ??? To me. He said i am not a normal symptomatic person for sure. He then said i could be having minute bits of tiny tiny pieces of plaque is breaking off from somewhere and traveling to my hands. He said one way to check is doing a real fancy test of all the arteries in body with dye contrast of some kind  but he wants to hold off till symptoms are more often showing up more than every other year which i what is happening.. so i see my family doctor on 22 Jan, will increase my meds i am on now will see what he wants to do.


ok tomorrow just bee

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Posts: 22,452
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

hello all

not much here,

boy did it cloud up, very chilly today a nor'wind is blowing quite generously. it is burrrrrr outside.

did many chores this morn, did walk

dh is pretty gone till late sunday night. he is working this weekend,\


not much else now, later guys

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@viva923 wrote:

just bee

the new doctor is a hottie hottie, he is young, maybe outside about early early 40ish., thin and knowledgable


I am having problems with circulation of my blood to my hands. This new doc is thinking possible raynaud disease but i am not presenting the true symptoms of normal raynaud disease. He said i am really odd all the way around because i don't smoke,don't drink coffee,tea,don't drink, don't do much of anything, it comes in waves , when it will happen next is ??? To me. He said i am not a normal symptomatic person for sure. He then said i could be having minute bits of tiny tiny pieces of plaque is breaking off from somewhere and traveling to my hands. He said one way to check is doing a real fancy test of all the arteries in body with dye contrast of some kind  but he wants to hold off till symptoms are more often showing up more than every other year which i what is happening.. so i see my family doctor on 22 Jan, will increase my meds i am on now will see what he wants to do.


ok tomorrow just bee



Not sure if this is an appropriate story but here goes.


I'd mentioned that, several years ago, I'd gone in for a routine test and when I got home from work on a Friday evening there was a message on the answering machine that I'd been scheduled for surgery.  No one to contact, no one to talk to.  It was Friday night.


Anyway, they detected a lump and wanted it removed -- just to be on the safe side.  Went in and two fabulous looking young doctors (kept thinking to myself: Why aren't these two in Hollywood?) who were also smart and funny as h_ll, were simultaneously feeling my... um... bust and trading witticisms.


The downside of this story?


I was prepared for surgery: No makeup, no jewelry, no contact lenses.  In other words, I did not look my best.  BH accompanied me and was outside the room while an RN inserted a wire in my... bust.


I made a few jokes about picking up cable stations and then she interrupted me to chirp gleefully:


Is that your son out in the waiting room?


I would have throttled her on the spot, but there was a wire in my chest and I couldn't move.


You would think that after this experience I would have never ended up an RN, but life is strange.


Just a little story to remind you to keep your sense of humor when you enter the healthcare system.  And keep asking questions. Heart

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition


~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition
