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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@viva923 wrote:

hello all

Justbee you can have as much as you would like ,the rain fall is really been heavy. Trace of snow, all rain. ground is soggy you sink down when you walk on it.


ok later guys



Perfect, because we don't have any precipitation in the forecast this month.  Just cold and dry.

@just bee 


Along with @viva923's rain, I'll volunteer to send you some of our humidity and clouds.  


Overnight express.


Keep them as long as you'd like.





Got plenty of clouds but none of them block the sun.  If I could send some sunshine your way, I would.  No shortage here.


Think you'll ever come back this way?

@just bee -I'd sure love some sunshine. That's one of the reasons why the winters here are so depressing. It's only partly the cold, but a lot of it is the fact is that the sun rarely comes out. Very depressing after weeks and weeks. 



That's what the woman from Michigan said.  She appreciated the sunshine here and didn't miss the gloom.


I always liked fog and rain so I didn't think I'd like all these blue skies and sunny days.  But I do notice a difference in my mood.


I chose a university in a place with a lot of fog and days of never-ending rain.  After a five-year program, I was getting a little tired of the constant damp, the mildew, and the respiratory infections.


Loved the fog but didn't enjoy driving in it.


So I can see how this climate is an improvement for a lot of people.

@just bee 


We could always tell the back-easters from the locals when it hit 100 degrees and stayed there.  They were either complaining about the incessant heat or repeatedly replying "At least you don't have to shovel it!"

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Posts: 22,911
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

This is part of a promotional email I got, but I think it makes some valid points.  Some that we've discussed.


I copied it, so it came out a little wonky...


It’s official: 2020 is over and we’re in a new year. Did anyone’s life magically get better when that calendar year switched?

Probably not, but there can be something refreshing about feeling like your eyes are on the future and the improvements that come with it. Did you know almost 98% of your body’s cellular structure is renewed every year? What did you do to assist your body through your digestive tract to ensure that all the new cells produced are of the best quality? 

At the same time, you may be feeling disappointed with where you are in some ways. Many of us overindulged through the social isolation that came with most of 2020, or with the last 2 months of holidays. Some of us feel a little lost in terms of knowing what we should really focus on to get back on track

If you feel inundated with ads for weight loss products, cleanses, fad diets, fasting, expensive gym equipment, and promises that seem too good to be true… take a step back. The answer to feeling better is NOT in the next fad diet. The answer to getting your energy back is NOT at the end of a weekly juice cleanse. The answer to a fresh start for 2021 is NOT by depriving yourself of all the foods you love.

Instead, take small steps that can add up to big progress:


Pick sustainable choices like drinking more water, having enough protein and fiber at every meal, or doubling the servings of veggies you eat every day.

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Posts: 22,439
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

hey all

not much here today

computer is working much better.


sheet day so severalloads of clothes to do, all done and put away.


is gloomy=cloudy today. had more rain this morn.


ok guys later.

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Posts: 39,548
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

This is part of a promotional email I got, but I think it makes some valid points.  Some that we've discussed.


I copied it, so it came out a little wonky...


It’s official: 2020 is over and we’re in a new year. Did anyone’s life magically get better when that calendar year switched?

Probably not, but there can be something refreshing about feeling like your eyes are on the future and the improvements that come with it. Did you know almost 98% of your body’s cellular structure is renewed every year? What did you do to assist your body through your digestive tract to ensure that all the new cells produced are of the best quality? 

At the same time, you may be feeling disappointed with where you are in some ways. Many of us overindulged through the social isolation that came with most of 2020, or with the last 2 months of holidays. Some of us feel a little lost in terms of knowing what we should really focus on to get back on track

If you feel inundated with ads for weight loss products, cleanses, fad diets, fasting, expensive gym equipment, and promises that seem too good to be true… take a step back. The answer to feeling better is NOT in the next fad diet. The answer to getting your energy back is NOT at the end of a weekly juice cleanse. The answer to a fresh start for 2021 is NOT by depriving yourself of all the foods you love.

Instead, take small steps that can add up to big progress:


Pick sustainable choices like drinking more water, having enough protein and fiber at every meal, or doubling the servings of veggies you eat every day.



1. Drink more water

2. Make sure you have enough protein and fiber in your meals

3. Double the serving of vegetables you eat (the daily double)

4. Walk!

5. Move more, stretch more


Those are 5 doable things.  And none involve sacrifice or denying yourself something you like.


Your email message makes sense.  Turning each of these into a habit is more helpful than radical changes to your diet and lifestyle.


It helps to reduce the "bad" stuff if you are eating, drinking or doing something "bad" too often.  Just do that less.


Again, keeping certain things out of the house is helpful.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 39,548
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition



In fact, that information can be reduced to two simple rules:


1. Eat better

2. Move more


Each of us can decide for ourselves what eating better and moving more looks like.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition




~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 39,548
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition






~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 39,548
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition



Off to work!

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,439
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

hey all

not much here today,


did chores, dh is off of work today he works 3 day weekend.


did both walks, kind of gloomy-showery, nothing major just sparse.


not much else. a very chilly wind is blowing.


ok guys later

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Re: The Bee Hive -- Winter 2020 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@KaySD wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@KaySD wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@rnmom wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

Keep it all in perspective...



@geezerette - sad part it, I don't think that's so unrealistic anymore. 



Well, Nostradamus did mention zombies.... Woman Wink

@just bee - I've been waiting............



Let's face it.  The zombies are already here.


Ever since people became addicted to their devices, we lost them.  Phone in hand, they move through life but they're not really living it.


Well, yes, there is some zombie-ishness...Oh, but we can't jump to assumptions! 😁 What looks like being disconnected may not be. I know a lot of folks who use tech to be more deeply connected to more people, groups, ideas, resources and happiness now than ever before. It just looks different. And vice versa, folks who are not big users of tech and seem more present, but who are living on the surface only. Both are okay, of course. To state the obvious, we really are each of us different! 



Some are just more different than others. Woman Wink

@just bee 

So, you're saying we are different in the ways we are different? More different in our differentishness? But of course! And a good thing, too. I'm probably several standard deviations off the mean myself. Oh, you noticed? 



Are you making any 2021 resolutions?


I used to choose a word for the new year.  Then try to adjust my behavior to model that word.


It's more important to focus on the process instead of the outcome.  It takes roughly 30 days to create a new habit.


I don't have any one thing in mind -- just need to do some tweaking.


I'm actually thinking of a phrase to keep in my head: Let it go.


When I start perseverating?  Let it go...

@just bee 

I love your insight that it's about the process rather than the outcomes. Can't control the outcomes, but can do whatever I choose with the moment I'm in. We all know this--we just forget it a lot.


Can't say I'm an annual resolutions-maker. But I do have words and phrases I keep in mind from time to time. 


I'd say your "let it go" is a great one. You seem to have a tendency to cover the same ground over and over. For example, I think I've been hearing a lot from you about disliking where you live. Anything that interrupts that thought right when it first pops up will work. The trick is to catch it before it takes hold. 


I sometimes like "Things are always working out for me." That'll interrupt almost anything negative I might be squirrel-caging about!