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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

@kindred cats wrote:

Bee-ing new here in the Hive, getting to hear so many personal stories is quite moving.  Best wishes to all. Heart

@kindred cats 


TMI? 😊


Feel free to chime in with your own stories anytime! 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

@just bee wrote:

BEE MY LOVE RING | Maison Cadrans


A simple band.  This collection debuted in 2012.  Where was I?

@just bee 


I have no idea.


Where were you? 🧐

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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

My mother's biological father died when she was three also.  All she remembered of him was being in bed, sick.  Dreadful detailed memories for a child that young to carry through life.


She had a rough life that she never talked about until her own last days.  It finally explained a lot of why she was the way she was.  And why she raised us the way she did.❤️


Cherish the time with your parents @Lucky Charm.  

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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

That’s a pretty ring just no rose gold for me. 😁

I think the most difficult was when my mom did remarry he was an alcoholic and abusive, including me. I think never having that foundation at home affects me even now.

Definitely TMI. 😬

🥱 up too early again. Making some sort of soup today. I’ll decide when I get there as usual. 😆
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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

My complaint for the day: inflation.  I keep hearing that it's going down, but I sure don't see it in what I purchase regularly.  (I don't know how these financial people live that they're not experiencing it.)


Laundry detergent that was just $12 the last time I bought it a few months ago is now $20!  Same brand, same amount.😡  At least eggs aren't $5 a dozen anymore, unless you want the free range kind.


I've been craving a Pumpkin Spice Latte coffee since I saw the Starbucks creamers available a couple of weeks ago.  I don't want to get back into using coffee creamer again since I've been able to get some weight off, and I really can't drink coffee anymore anyway because it bothers my stomach.


So, when I saw the "Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll" ice cream, I caved.  It's Van Leeuwen brand, which is limited here.  When I read the ingredients I hesitated because I figured it would be way too sweet for me.  But, after hemming and hawing, I bought it.  It's delicious!  And really not too sweet at all.  It tastes like pumpkin pie with whipping cream.  Very creamy.  


Thankfully I didn't see any other of their flavors I would like or I could really get into trouble!😋

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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

@bikerbabe wrote:
That’s a pretty ring just no rose gold for me. 😁

I think the most difficult was when my mom did remarry he was an alcoholic and abusive, including me. I think never having that foundation at home affects me even now.

Definitely TMI. 😬

🥱 up too early again. Making some sort of soup today. I’ll decide when I get there as usual. 😆




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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

hello all

GEE my mom never ever talked about her dad what little she said she hated him with a passion. WHY have no idea,she just plain refused to talk about him. little bit i gained about him over the years he was a stern SOB.


not much today.

LOUSY day for drying clothes outside. nor''east wind that may have had a influence on drying today

got chores done,did get walk in. our oldest granddaughter came down to ask grandpa (dh) some questions about the car (the one we gave to her). she stayed a bit and left.

not much else.later guys.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

BEE MY LOVE RING | Maison Cadrans


A simple band.  This collection debuted in 2012.  Where was I?

@just bee 


I have no idea.


Where were you? 🧐



I don't know.  Apparently I wasn't online looking at Chaumet jewelry.


And a good thing, too.  The bee jewelry is plentiful -- they even have a bee ring, pendant, pin and earrings.


Bee My Love ring - Yellow Gold - Chaumet

And they each cost several thousand pounds.  The ring shown here is "price on demand."

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition



Yep.  My father never talked about his parents, or even his early life, much at all. He used to talk with his siblings about their childhood, but that's all.  I only knew my paternal grandmother, all others were dead before I was born or when I was very young.  She was a real "gem".  I've always been envious of people that had nice, fun, and loving grandparents.


Neither of my parents talked much about their early life.  I learned as an adult some of it was pretty awful and shocking for the staid parents I knew.


That generation just didn't talk about stuff.   It wasn't done in those days. War experiences, childhoods, their own wants and desires.  It all was kept to themselves.  I wish we could have learned about them more while they were still here.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- October 2023 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

BEE MY LOVE RING | Maison Cadrans


A simple band.  This collection debuted in 2012.  Where was I?

@just bee 


I have no idea.


Where were you? 🧐



I don't know.  Apparently I wasn't online looking at Chaumet jewelry.


And a good thing, too.  The bee jewelry is plentiful -- they even have a bee ring, pendant, pin and earrings.


Bee My Love ring - Yellow Gold - Chaumet

And they each cost several thousand pounds.  The ring shown here is "price on demand."

@just bee 


I guess the people that can afford that are the "demanding" type.🙄


I'll bet the tattoo was much cheaper.  And will last longer too.